When Ye Chong said this, he glanced at Walter White who was puffing and smoking, then coughed, took a sip of coffee.

In fact, what he said is true, there is nothing exaggerating.

The SS2-level black monster bird he encountered not long ago definitely has the strength to compete with the high-level martial arts fighters of the human race.

This is also the reason why Chu Xunhuan, a senior martial arts general of the National Martial Arts Department, is afraid of it.

As for the SS1-level pink-winged bird, it is a special existence among the beasts. Although it is SS1-level, its strength is stronger than that of the SS2-level black monster bird.

and also.

He once encountered a mutant bear in Longsudi, which is Xizhen, and he seemed to belong to the land beast family, but strictly speaking, it was not, but closer to the human race, and it was much stronger than ordinary land beasts. , and much stronger than ordinary humans of the same level.

Seeing that Walter White was completely submerged in the thick smog, without speaking, Ye Chong couldn't help but continue to laugh:

"Ha ha.

Dear Mr. White, don't forget, I'm just a small junior martial artist with an initial cultivation level.

You made me overestimate my capabilities and speak out loudly in front of SS2 beasts that even human martial arts generals dare not underestimate?

please forgive.

I don't want to die yet.

I really can't do it.

Ha ha.

What's more, what about SS3-level mutant beasts, or even SSS1-level mutant beasts?

As far as I know, after the mutant beast reaches SS2 level, it will gradually evolve beast skills.

Although less than one hundred SS2-level mutant beasts can obtain beast skills, SS3-level mutant beasts can almost reach one-tenth, and it is estimated that at SSS1 level, basically all have animal skills.

What animal skills are, although I have only heard of them, I also know that they are similar to human warfare skills, and they are very powerful.

So, my dear Mr. Walter White, don't take my hat off.

Moreover, I don't have the ability to continue to collect mutant beast materials for you, especially high-level mutant beast materials.

Ha ha.

In fact, as a world-renowned toxicologist with a research and development mission, you should get most of the materials from the military or the government.

but me……

There is really nothing that can be done. "

Ye Chong shrugged, with a look of helplessness on his face.

What he said was from the bottom of his heart, he really didn't want to provide Walter White with mutant beast materials anymore.

no way.

The other party's requirements are getting higher and higher, and the difficulty is getting more and more difficult. Correspondingly, the rewards are becoming less and less important.

Level [-] animal repellent powder?

The latest three-level animal repellent powder?

Do these things really have that much meaning to him who now controls the means of critical strikes?

Of course, there are other reasons.

The material of mutant beasts is a good thing.

Relevant research departments can use them to study the characteristics of mutant beasts, so as to find effective ways to kill them for the human race, and at the same time, provide a reference for the human race's physical development and martial arts cultivation.

Of course, there are many other uses.

Such as biochemical applications and so on.

In short, the materials of mutant beasts are very valuable.

The higher the level the more valuable it is.

Such a valuable thing, but it was obtained through risking one's life and death, leaving it to the old scumbag?

Ye Chong actually had tens of thousands of reluctances in his heart.

However, the most critical issue is not here yet.

Don't forget, he was accompanied by a little villain.

That guy is also picky, he doesn't eat the poor ones.

The higher the level of mutant beast material, the more I like it.

Ye Chong didn't do anything else, just to satisfy the little villain's selfish desires, and he had to reject the old yellow-haired Walter White.

"I just gave you the latest model of Level [-] Beast Repelling Powder..." Walter White muttered amidst the smoke.

"Mr. White, it doesn't make sense for you to say that." Ye Chong frowned, "When you took the mutated moose, mutated wildebeest and other high-priced materials from here, what did you say?

Ha ha.

Does it mean that a new beast-repelling powder has been developed to give priority to meeting my needs? "

"I've given it to you before..." There was another murmur in the smog.

"This is the latest model." Ye Chong raised his voice a bit, "Besides, my demand is very high. The last time you gave me, is it enough to fill my teeth?"

"The demand is high, and it cannot be unreasonable." Walter White's grunt also became louder.

"Just tell me, are these latest three-level animal repellent powders produced from the mutant animal materials I gave you?" Ye Chong did not back down.

"Ye, if you say that..." Walter White drove away the smoke in front of him with an unhappy expression, "then we can't cooperate anymore."

"Okay." Ye Chong stretched out his hand toward the door with a blank expression, "Please, dear Mr. Walter White, it's a pleasure to meet you. Farewell."

"..." Walter White's head was full of black lines, and his two eyes, which could not be seen clearly in the smoke, were green or blue, filled with a melancholy and gloomy light, "Okay, Ye, I'm sorry, you hurt me Heart, please give me back my Level [-] Beast Repelling Powder."

"Hehe, you think meat buns hit...cough cough cough cough," Ye Chong coughed violently and put the bag of third-level animal repelling powder behind him when he was halfway speaking, "I mean, respected Walter White Sir, we are all people from the civilized world, we must keep our word, and we are not children, we have to return what we give away?

Xiangdu has landed, how to recover it?


Mr. White, to be a rogue, do it yourself, I won't.

The education I have received since I was a child is to be a person who keeps his word.

These third-level animal repelling fans are already mine, I can't just give them back to others, it's disrespectful to others. "

"It's okay, Ye, I'm easy to talk." Walter White looked expectant, "Give it back to me, I don't need respect from others."

"No, I'm a person who sticks to principles." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, "You mean disrespect if you say you don't respect it?

What I have been taught since childhood is to respect everyone.

Especially for foreigners, we must respect, respect and more respect.

Old Huangmao, do you understand? ! "

"Damn it!" Walter White's head was full of black lines, and his fists were clenched. It looked like a prelude to boxing, "Don't force..."

"Forcing a good woman into prostitution?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his legs were loose, his hands raised his chest, and his body shook slightly, like a bow ready to shoot, "Mr. White, please remember that we are all from the civilized world. People, don't scold people.

Ma Dan.

You really want to fight with me, don't you?

I played your Xianglai in a special way. "

"Ye, you're going too far. I'm a well-known person, so you have to consider the impact." Walter White's lips were trembling, and they were all black. "You... this is purely a rogue behavior."

"Ma De, old Huang Mao, if you want to fight, go to war." Ye Chong curled his lips, "I'm not afraid of influence, I'm a bird man, and I'm afraid of birds."

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