Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 708 Lower the Volume

The moment before dawn is the darkest.

When the darkness dissipates, what is ushered in is the white belly of the east.

At this moment, the sky above Yangwu campus is already full of beasts.

At the same time, the sky in the Biyuan community was filled with darkness, and there were bursts of croaking sounds.

Speaking of which, the location of the Biyuan Community is a cluster of old and disused communities. The land area is not small, and in addition to being desolate and deserted, it has already become a paradise for mutant beasts.

This time, a large number of beasts hovered in the air for such a long time, and they were already exhausted of energy and blood, and their physical strength was exhausted. It was really normal to regard the prosperous Biyuan community as a foothold.

At this moment, Ye Chong was frowned in the basement.

I didn't expect to hide here, but I still couldn't get rid of the beast's harassment.

It would be a bit troublesome if they found out their whereabouts.

Soon, he came to the door of the basement and looked out.

For a while, the sound of croaking and screaming continued and kept ringing.

It can be heard that these guys are scrambling for the fruits on the tree.

Some are jealous on the ground, fighting to the death.

Ye Chong's nose was almost crooked.

He is hungry now.

Unexpectedly, before I had time to have a full meal, I was preempted by these bastards who wanted to kill me.



In fact, Ye Chong was not so hungry at first, but when he thought of those damned beasts feasting on them while he was starving alone here, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

In the end, he didn't even have the mood to cultivate at all, and he only thought about these bastards getting out of here as soon as possible.

Anyway, it's all like this, it doesn't matter if you can eat or not, the business is not to affect your return home.

In the next moment, Ye Chong frowned and gently closed the basement door, then slapped his right hand with his left hand, twisted his left ear with his right hand, forced himself to close his eyes, and tried his best to calm down.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Chong, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes silently. There was a smile in his eyes, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"The great recovery period is over.

Finally, I have a bottom line in my heart.

My body, blood and spirit have all returned to their full state.

However, my stomach suffered.

Ma Dan.

I am so hungry now.

If you don't find something to eat, you will starve to death.



Even if I don't care if I'm hungry or not, I have to go out to make it easier.


Ouch, no, I'm a little upset. "

Ye Chong walked quickly to the door of the basement, but just as he reached the door, he stopped before the door opened.

There are voices outside.

And it's weird.

He couldn't hear what it was, but he knew he couldn't wait.

no way.

Why wait for such a thing as a stomachache?

You can wait at the top, but you can't wait at the bottom.

If you don't go out now, you have to solve it on the spot, and then you can't stay in this nice basement.

Ye Chong couldn't help frowning, and finally opened the basement door slightly.

It got louder.


There is also a bad smell.

However, the sky outside is very dark, it looks like it is going to rain, there is also wind, whizzing, and there are more vegetation, so I can't see the scene outside clearly.

After standing quietly for ten seconds, Ye Chong couldn't bear it anymore.

Soon he opened the door and walked out lightly.

However, he didn't go to the place where the sound came from, but ran in the opposite direction and dodged to the other side.

It's hard to control the internal urgency now, it's not the time to explore the secrets, if there is a battle, then I have to pull my pants.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong moved quickly without making any sound, and quickly found a corner, and squatted down directly.

Originally, he wanted to go to the bathroom upstairs. Although there was no water, it was still a toilet, wasn't it?

However, it was too late, so he could only make do with it.


Ye Chong was frowning to control the volume when he suddenly noticed something moving in the grass in front left.

Although the sky was covered by dark clouds and the sky was very dark, he couldn't hold back his eyesight, and soon saw two things that looked like swans fighting.

One stepped on the back of the other, with its neck wrapped around its neck, clearly showing a reluctance.

However, soon he frowned.

"I go.

That's not fighting.

It's two beasts playing hooligans.

Ma Dan.

Stinking rogue.

dead animals.

It stinks of you.


It's a pity that it's downwind, so it's really cheap for you pair of dead animals. "

Ye Chong scolded, but business matters, and he didn't want to make too much noise.

However, seeing two big fat birds doing meddlesome things ten meters away, his heart itch, his hands itch, and his stomach itch even more.

Swan meat.

The taste of something that a toad would want to eat must be the same.


Ye Chong accidentally turned up the volume in his reverie, and the movements of the two beasts in front of him stopped abruptly.

"not good!"

At this critical moment, Ye Chong subconsciously flicked his left wrist forward, and the small golden fishing net rushed out, then volleyed under the cover, and then pulled back.



Caught off guard, the two beasts only had time to scream twice before being dragged up by the small golden fishing net and flew towards Ye Chong.

At this moment, the latter is really a bit embarrassing.

It was purely subconscious behavior just now, but I didn't expect the reaction to be so fast when I turned around with my thoughts.

The point is that he hasn't finished his business as soon as he can, and now there are two more big birds watching, so it's not weird.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no way out.


Ye Chong moved his left and right hands together, each grabbed the neck of a beast, and snapped them all.

Speaking of which, although these two swan-like beasts were both S3 level, they were caught off guard by the small golden fishing nets, and they were still in the condition of weak physical strength. Of course, they were easily killed by him .

What happened just now is a long story, but it took a short time to actually use it, but it still made some noise.

Ye Chong didn't dare to stay too long. After hastily finishing the finishing work, he quietly returned to the basement, and then gently closed the door.

He knew very well in his heart that the beast was no ordinary mutant beast.

I'm afraid that even the slightest movement will attract their attention.

Not to mention anything else, the low calls of those two beasts didn't sound loud, but they could actually travel far.

In addition, the breath he produced just now when he was convenient, I think it smells bad, but it can make a caring beast smell it, it is definitely the smell of cooking that can only be emitted by the fattest life——

Soft, glutinous and silky, fragrant and stinky.

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