
Ye Chong raised his left hand, the small golden fishing net wrapped around his wrist was still there.

"It's not a dream, it's reality."

Call ~

He immediately crossed his hands, pillowed it behind his head, and looked up, feeling extremely complicated.

"My success in the Martial Arts Conference this time is inseparable from the bottom-of-the-box means of the battle merit point column.

With it as my background, my combat skills and spiritual skills are guaranteed in terms of resources.

However, in addition to the hole card in the battle merit point column, body skills and mental skills also play a big role.

For example, the flying skills of martial arts and agility skills, I was at most an entry-level level before participating in the meeting, and I was helpless even when encountering problems such as red lights on the body surface.

However, after watching the demonstrations of the homeless brother Jin Shiyi and the braided little girl Michonne, I suddenly realized that the flying skills are much more cool than I imagined. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, his body floated up automatically without wind, and then suspended.

Soon, he was spinning along the horizontal surface, like a ceiling fan spinning, fast and slow.

Immediately after the next moment, he suddenly stood up in the air and continued to spin around.

From a distance, it looks like a ballet dancer standing in the center of the stage performing arrogantly.

After going on like this for a short time, he strode across the air like a black bear on a walk.

"Ha ha.

It's really fun.


I have indeed learned a lot from the little girl with dreadlocks and the homeless brother Jin Shiyi.


I can clearly feel it now.

Every pore on the body is an engine, a booster, and even notes of high and low pitches.

The exquisite cooperation and cooperation between them will allow me to greatly improve my flying skills in the instinct.

However, it takes practice.

Continuous practice brings about practice makes perfect, which will sublimate the flying skills from quantitative change to qualitative change.

and also.

Every hair on my body is a balance pole for my flying skills.

The linkage between them allows me to maintain a good balance when flying in the air.

The system composed of fine hairs and pores seems extremely complicated, but as long as I practice more and form a sense of body, it will be transformed into instinct, realizing the real thought from the heart, and the body with the thought.

Ha ha.

With such agility skills as a boost, whether it is attacking, defending, or escaping, it is like a tiger with wings added to me.

In addition, what made me shine in the Martial Arts Conference this time is Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash.

It is precisely because of its existence that I was able to defeat Xia Houbao, Wubashan and others against the trend, and I won the first opportunity in the battle with the SS2-level black monster bird.

For this matter, I can't forget Lin Xiaomei's kindness.

It's just a pity.

The blade of the starry sky is not around, so my knife skills have not been really sharpened and tempered.


When you travel again in the future, you must bring your own weapons, otherwise, the impact on strength will be quite serious.


After the honing and running-in of this martial arts conference, my conventional combat methods are ready to come out.


Actual combat agility skills and flying skills are equivalent to having an aircraft.

Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash attacks the enemy's spirit.

The blade of the starry sky attacks the enemy's flesh.

The small golden fishing net is used to trap the enemy.

The combat merit points column provides spirit, vitality and physique.

Qi and blood are gone, replenish Qi and blood.

The spirit is gone, replenish the spirit.

The body is injured, replenish the body.

At that time, when I meet a strong enemy, I will first trap the opponent with a small golden fishing net, and then when the opponent is panicked and confused, I will perform a Ye Zhi's absent-minded slash, followed by a slash with the blade of the starry sky.



this is not good.

What if a small golden fishing net is broken?

It's better to do a Ye Zhi's absent-minded slash first, and then slash him wildly with the blade of the starry sky, or drill him with a knife.

When it's almost done, use the small golden fishing net and agility skills to deal with it.

When the time comes, when Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash recovers, I'll hit him again, I don't believe he can't be killed.

However, this is not good.

If the opponent is very strong, if I attack him suddenly like this, it may not have much effect, but it will be easy to be killed by the opponent.

As for people whose overall combat power is slightly stronger than mine, I'm not afraid.

I believe that based on my combat experience, tactics and attack sequence, defeating the opponent is not a big problem.

However, the problem still lies in what should I do if I encounter an enemy who is much stronger than me?

For example, what should I do if the last time I encountered a level SS2 beast was not an SS3 level beast?

You know, when I was in the hall of the Masked Martial Arts Association, I was lucky enough to control the black monster bird with a small golden fishing net, but I didn't have the ability to really kill the opponent. Consume the opponent's blood.


What if you encounter a calm SS2 beast?

If others also take similar measures to counter it, or use static brakes, it will definitely be me who will be finished by then.


Even though the black strange bird wasted a lot of energy and blood by me in the rage, but at the last moment, it still almost killed me.

If it wasn't for the little villain who made a mistake...

Forget it.

Forget it.

Still think about it now, what should I do? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong fell to the ground, flicked his left wrist, and the small golden fishing net stretched and contracted, which looked extremely mysterious.

Immediately after the next moment, he slashed forward a few more times with his hand, making the sound of breaking the wind.

At the same time, golden light flickered in his eyes, as if there was lightning and thunder that was about to rush out and explode with a bang.


at the same time?

If I use my strongest means to attack the enemy at the same time, what will the effect be?

Ye Zhi lost his mind and cut.

knife drill.

Small golden fishing nets.

Coupled with my perfect combat agility and flying skills, this is definitely a crit and a nirvana.

Moreover, this is not difficult to achieve, and does not disturb each other.

Because Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash is a mental power attack, Dao Drill is an attack with the power of Qi and blood of the Starry Sky Blade in his right hand, and the small golden fishing net is thrown with his left hand, and they are launched at the same time, no problem.

The most important thing is that I have practiced spiritual exercises, and of course I have a good grasp of simultaneous attacks.

and also.

In the process of attacking, I can also launch a phlegm attack with my feet, which may be unexpected..."

Ye Chong grinned as he thought about it.

However, he also knew in his heart that what he wanted to do was what he wanted to do, and what the effect would be at that time still needed to be tested in actual combat.

In addition, when to launch an attack is also related to the environment and the specific situation of the opponent, and it must not be rigid.

In the following time, Ye Chong stopped and walked for a while, drifted around for a while, and waved his arms and kicked his legs for a while, looking extremely busy.

Time passed by like this little by little.

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