Ye Chong smiled slightly, opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of uncontrollable surprise.

Immediately after the next moment, he floated to the ground, and then shook the small golden fishing net with his hand. It looked like he was fishing in a dream.

"I didn't expect that.

It turns out that imprinting your own mark is much easier than erasing someone else's mark.

You just need to let the pattern of law of the small golden fishing net accept my breath.

This matter will definitely be difficult for people who have never practiced spiritual skills.

However, for me, it is really a piece of cake and there is no difficulty.


Anyway, now the little golden fishnet has my stamp on it.

I can also sense now that the power brought by the pattern of the law has increased a lot.

So, what am I waiting for?

It's time to pack the net and go home. "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong kept closing the small golden fishing net.

Speaking of it, the small golden fishing net, as a weapon of junior top-rank warriors, is quite different from ordinary fishing nets.

No matter how big the ordinary fishing net is, it will be as big as it is thrown out.

Not so with the little golden fishnet.

Under normal circumstances, it is worn on the wrist like a scarf.

But once it is infused with the power of Qi and blood, it will suddenly grow longer and bigger.

Therefore, collecting the small golden fishing net is not an easy task.

While collecting, it is also accompanied by the operation and adjustment of Qi and blood.

The retracted net rope and net line will shorten, become thinner and smaller as the power of Qi and blood dissipates.

When receiving half of it, Ye Chong stopped.

Something always feels wrong.

Why is there no movement at all?

Could it be that after he engraved his mark and increased the shrinkage of the small golden fishing net, the black bird was directly strangled to death?

Of course Ye Chong didn't believe this.

However, judging from the investigation of mental power, the SS2 level beast did not have a trace of life.

not moving at all.


Not breathing.

There is no qi and blood fluctuation.

It's completely lifeless.

"Is it sudden death?

Or just pretend to be dead?

Or really pissed off?


Whether you die or not, let me try first.

If you die, I will see you off.

If you are not dead, even if I send you to heaven. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he swung the small golden fishing net and slammed it against the wall.

The walls are made of concrete and bluestone, and Ye Chong's outburst of energy and blood is not small. Although the black monster bird is an SS2 beast, if it is alive, it will not be able to bear such a beating.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Except for the loud sound of the black strange bird hitting the wall with a small golden fishing net, there was no other sound.

"Looks like he's really dead."

Ye Chong stopped swinging.

However, he did not dare to continue to collect the net, but looked towards the door.

There was such a big commotion in the dark hall, and there was no abnormal noise coming from other places, which meant that there should be only him and the black strange bird here.

Now that the strange bird was under his control, no matter whether it was dead or alive, it meant that it was no longer a threat.

Even if some S3 level beasts really rushed in here, he is confident to kill them all.

So, he really has nothing to fear now.

Ye Chong originally wanted to turn on the light to see what was going on, but when he pressed the switch, he realized that the main power supply should have been cut off.

He didn't have time to find where the main power switch was, but planned to leave here.

The purpose of hiding here is to avoid SS2-level beasts, and it is meaningless to continue in this situation.

However, just as Ye Chong walked a few steps towards the door, he frowned and stopped moving.


It's not good for others to see me carrying the small golden fishing net out like this.

When I picked up this small net by hand, no one saw it.

I also threw out Long Feifei's left forearm, which was eaten by a big beast.

Once people see that I have this thing in my hand, it will be useless even if I reason.

and also.

Don't forget that there is also an SS2 beast in the net.

If people see me killing this thing...

Save face.

Forced can be regarded as pretending.


People are afraid of famous pigs.

In addition to my high-profile performance at the Yangwu Conference, will it bring me a safety hazard?

This is not clear.


What I am most afraid of is not being found out that I packed up the black strange bird, but being found out by those beasts in the sky.

Needless to say, their eyes are sharp.

I'm afraid I'll be discovered as soon as I show up.

If they see a black strange bird in my hand, then I will add hatred to hatred, and I guess I will be hunted down by beasts for the rest of my life.

So, I can't be so reckless, but I should put away the little golden fishing net and get rid of this damn black bird before going out.

But the problem is...


Is it really dead? "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help squinting his eyes, and then swung the small golden fishing net again and threw it straight towards the wall.

Still no sound other than the crash.

Immediately after the next moment, he raised his right foot and kicked down on the strange bird fiercely.

As a result, the cement floor shattered with a bang, but there was still no other sound.

Call ~

Ye Chong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and he was about to split the net to let go of the strange bird and withdraw his energy and blood.

At this moment, he trembled instinctively, and immediately stopped his movements.

Then he squatted down, stretched out his left hand to touch the bottom of the small golden fishing net, and immediately felt the stiff body of the black strange bird.

Ye Chong was overjoyed immediately, and separated the fishing net casually, and then the power of Qi and blood was absorbed, and the small golden fishing net immediately turned into a thin and thin shape, and was wrapped around his wrist.

But at this moment, the black monster bird in his left hand suddenly let out a strange squawk, and then the bird's feathers stood on end with a bang, and it was about to launch a violent attack.

At this critical moment, Ye Chong's left hand showed a red glow, and then he grabbed it desperately.

At the same time, the black monster bird's claws were like hooks, and its sharp beak poked wildly, completely controlling his left hand all at once.

Ye Chong snorted, his expression changed involuntarily, and his right hand immediately fumbled around his body, wanting to find a weapon to bombard the strange bird.

But suddenly he remembered that there was no weapon on him at all.

The only small golden fishing net that can be regarded as a weapon can no longer be used. His left hand has been caught by the black bird and he cannot escape. .


Ye Chong pulled out his right hand suddenly, and there was an egg-sized object in his palm. Regardless of whether it could be used or not, he slammed it down hard at the opponent.

Almost at the same time, the strange bird suddenly flew up and came straight to the door in front of Ye Chong. Coincidentally, it collided with the round egg in the palm of his right hand.


A light sound came out.

As if something shot into the body.

Ho ho ho!

In the darkness, the black strange bird made a strange call that didn't sound like a bird, it seemed to be laughing, it seemed to be crying, it was more like a scream.

At this moment, Ye Chong also froze, completely petrified on the spot.

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