Soon, the SS2-level black monster bird screamed and pounced on Ye Chong again.

The latter smiled slightly and said:


now it's right.

What a bird.

If you want to be healthy, you need to be more active. "

After speaking, Ye Chong turned around in the air, followed the bird like a small tail, fluttered, and closed his eyes.

If the SS2-level black monster bird could see the scene in front of it at this moment, I don't know if it would be so angry that it would vomit blood and die.

However, it is also almost crazy now.

From time to time, he slammed into that damned birdman at high speed.

Sometimes suddenly forcefully to pull the opponent over.

It's just that every time it flies, it returns in vain, and it will only let the little tail floating behind stretch out to its fullest.

And every time it pulls and pulls, the result is that it is kicked by the big feet that come so suddenly that it can't find the north.

And, one thing is particularly obvious.

The attack power and speed of the SS2-level black monster bird are obviously much weaker than at the beginning.

Think about it too.

After such a long time of tossing and bursting of energy and blood, but did not get a little time to rest, it is no wonder that it is not tired.

However, Ye Chong is really not tired.

One is that he doesn't consume much energy and blood.

The second is to close your eyes and rest for a while, whether it is spirit, or blood, you can recover.

The key is to be in a good mood.

Follow along to get the small golden fishing net.

Successfully erased Long Feifei's mark.

Really controlled the small golden fishing net.

A small golden fishing net traps a black strange bird.

Successfully irritate the opponent and consume energy and blood.

Su Shi Yezhi's absent-minded slash succeeded.

Through flying kicks, beatings and humiliation, further irritate the opponent and accelerate the consumption of his blood.

"It's just a pity.

Although I successfully erased Long Feifei's imprint on the small golden fishing net, I was unable to engrave my own imprint because of too much mental energy.

Judging from the information that comes with the small golden fishing net, if the user's imprint is engraved on it, it will allow the pattern of the law to connect with the owner's mind, thus increasing its power by 10% to 100%.

Speaking of which, the main reason why I was able to successfully trap this SS2 beast today was the small golden fishing net.

Judging from the current state of the strange bird, if the power of the small golden fishing net can be increased a little more, it doesn't need to be 100%, as long as it reaches more than 20%, I can completely restrain this beast.

When the time comes, I will clean it up however I want.


After this period of rest, my mental strength has almost recovered. Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I can deal with this matter.

However, before that, what I have to do, of course, is to teach this guy a lesson, so as not to make trouble for me in time. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he raised his right foot and kicked at the strange black bird that was about to pull the small golden fishing net.

The latter was obviously on guard, he let out a strange squawk, and the sharp bird's beak rushed forward, piercing the sole of the opponent's foot.


A chuckle came out.

Ye Chong slid his right foot to the outside, and his left foot accelerated three times in a row, rolling from bottom to top, as if lightning flashed and thundered, with an incredible speed.


A muffled sound came out, and the SS2-level black monster bird with a small golden fishing net immediately flew into the air like a cannonball.

At the same time, Ye Chong's body became fluttering all of a sudden, and he didn't put any effort into it. As a result, the area around the small golden fishing net that was rushed up also disappeared.

"My upside-down golden hook is not bad. It's fast and powerful, but I didn't hold it down and shot high."

Ye Chong laughed secretly and closed his eyes.

At the same time, his mental power also began to slowly rush into the small golden fishing net.

In fact, speaking of it, the so-called engraving of a personal imprint is actually a process of allowing spiritual power to enter the small golden fishing net, connect with the internal pattern of law, and integrate and form a tacit understanding.

The advantage of doing this is to allow the user and the pattern of the law to connect with each other, so that the golden small fishing net can exert more powerful power.

At this moment, inside the small golden fishing net, three golden tadpoles are swimming back and forth at high speed. Every time they swim, they can cause waves of ripples, which spread in all directions along the criss-crossing net lines, causing everyone trapped in Something in it feels bound and stressed.

At this time, a golden airflow slowly diffused inside the small golden fishing net, like a fog that suddenly appeared in the sky.


One of the tadpoles looked over vigilantly, and even swam around in the golden air current.

The other two golden tadpoles were not so polite. Instead, they opened their mouths and roared at the golden airflow that filled the sky, as if they were swearing that their territorial sovereignty was inviolable.

As a result, the golden airflow swirled for a while, and then it blew towards the little golden tadpole like a spring breeze.

However, the first golden tadpole seemed indifferent, while the other two roaring and roaring golden tadpoles continued to growl and were extremely vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, the golden airflow pervading all around changed its form again, unexpectedly turning into countless golden tadpoles that were many times smaller, swimming towards the three big golden tadpoles in the small golden fishing net.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared.

The three big golden tadpoles wagged their tails and huddled together with countless miniature golden tadpoles as if seeing their relatives.

After this situation continued for a period of time, some of the miniature golden tadpoles quietly collapsed and scattered, turning into golden air currents again.

What's interesting is that the three big golden tadpoles seemed to be completely immersed in the atmosphere of reunion with their relatives, and quickly accepted their aura, and they didn't even care about the golden air around them.

But at the next moment, the small golden fishing net suddenly swayed crazily, as if the guy trapped in it didn't like their mutual attraction and fusion, so he was expressing strong dissatisfaction, and even wanted to take the opportunity to rush out like.

However, after the three big golden tadpoles accepted the breath of the miniature golden tadpoles, they immediately recognized them and accepted them without the slightest rejection, and even developed an intimate relationship.


The blood is thicker than water.


All the miniature golden tadpoles crumbled and scattered, turning into a golden airflow all over the sky, flowing densely, making a huge soup.

At the same time, the three big golden tadpoles suddenly became full of life, they no longer ran around, but moved in a specific route.

At the same time, circles of ripples that were obviously much stronger than before emerged, and then rumbled and passed to the golden small fishing net.

At the same time, the SS2-level beast trapped in the net continued to make strange noises, and the force and magnitude of its impact were obviously much weaker than before.

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