Ye Chong was sweating profusely and opened his eyes.

What I saw before my eyes was still dark and dark.

However, everything he experienced just now is vivid in his mind, as if the voices of his family members are still in his ears, making people feel dejected and extremely lost.


A strange cry sounded.

A creepy feeling suddenly rose in Ye Chong's heart.

The sadness of missing family members disappeared in an instant, replaced by the fear of facing death.




The dark hall suddenly became completely quiet.

Ye Chong held his breath, every fine hair stood on end.

Even his eyes were wide open, staring straight ahead.

However, he knew he couldn't see anything at all.

It's just that he didn't dare to release his mental power to investigate the surrounding environment.

no way.

There is no doubt that the strange cry just now must have been made by that SS2-level black strange bird.

If the mental power is captured by that guy, with its strength, it will definitely follow the clues and find out where he is at the first time.

That's it.

In this dark and closed space, once locked by such a monster, where do you want to go?

You must know that although the SS2 beasts are at the same level as the intermediate martial arts generals of the human race, their true strength is comparable to the advanced martial arts generals of the human race.

And what about Ye Chong?

It's just a small junior martial arts fighter.

There are almost two big realms between him and the senior martial arts general.


How to fight?


Can you escape?

The biggest problem is that Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department doesn't seem to be here.

In this way, Ye Chong, who lost his protective umbrella all of a sudden, was like losing an arm and a leg, and his arrogance could not be arrogant even if he wanted to.

Therefore, for him now, the best way to deal with it is to hide, and he can't breathe, and he can't even fart.

However, what made Ye Chong a little excited was that after waking up from the dream, his mental state had recovered a lot, and even his energy and blood had increased a lot, but he didn't know how much time had passed. long time.

In any case, with these, it finally made him a little bit more courageous.

"That dream just now was so weird.

It has been a long, long time since I dreamed of my parents and little sister.

Why do I suddenly have such a dream today?

Are my parents and my little sister reminding me to be safe?

Or did I miss my family so much that I had such a dream?

Call ~

If it weren't for this dream today, I really don't know if I could wake up in time.

Well, when I erased the imprint of Long Feifei on the small golden fishing net, I almost exhausted all my mental power.

After I fell into a deep sleep, if no one took the initiative to wake me up, even if there was a noise outside, I would not wake up until I fully recovered.

If that's the case today, I guess I'm doomed.

Ma Dan.

I don't know if it's over now or not.

However, if I fall asleep from exhaustion, I will snore.

I hope that SS2-level black strange bird came in after I woke up.


In any case, after going back in the future, we still need to pay more attention to the cultivation of spiritual skills.

I remember that there was a kind of spiritual assistance skill mentioned in the deep web - distraction technique.


If I can really succeed in cultivating it, I can use it with one mind.

At that time, even if I fall into a deep sleep again, I can allocate a mental force to use as an alarm clock to remind me to wake up on time.

Of course, if I cultivate the distraction technique to the second level, that is, the stage of half-hearted, half-hearted, I can have two more mental powers to assist me.

When I fell into a deep sleep, one mental power could be used as an alarm clock to wake me up on time, and the other mental power was responsible for alerting the surrounding environment, and if danger was discovered, it would wake me up immediately.

It would be even more perfect if one could cultivate to the third level of the "Distraction Technique" - the Huaxin Daluo stage.

At that time, I will be able to have more branch spirit powers with personality to help me cope with and deal with the problems encountered in the current environment when my main spirit is dormant or busy with other things.


It's exciting enough to think about.

I really hope that I can become a big carrot as soon as possible.

Ha ha.

At that time, if you are as philandering as I am, what else is there to worry about and be afraid of? "

In fact, Ye Chong is thinking wildly now, not because his head is sick, but because he is using this method to relieve his tension.

It won't work if you don't ease it.

At this time, if his heart was pounding a few times, or he couldn't help swallowing, or even farted, he would undoubtedly expose his whereabouts and be instantly killed by the SS2-level black monster bird.


There was still no sound in the dark hall.

It seemed that this place was originally a place of death, and there were no living things at all.

Also at this time.


A soft sound came out.

Just seven or eight meters ahead.

Ye Chong was so frightened that he almost cried out.

However, the voice was swallowed by him desperately.

This made him choke so much that he wanted to cough, but he dared not cough.

Throat instantly became dry and itchy, extremely uncomfortable.

The feeling was so painful that it was impossible to suppress.

"Damn!" Ye Chong shouted loudly.

no way.

Unbearable, no need to endure.

But before that, he moved his left hand, and the small golden fishing net in his hand was thrown forward, like lightning and thunder, with an incredible speed.

Then came the next moment.



There was a strange cry, and the sound of beating.

Ye Chong froze for a moment, then shook the small golden fishing net, and was startled.

But this surprise is more complicated.

There are surprises.

There are surprises.

The main thing is scare.


I just caught it with a single catch?

How is that possible? !

An SS2 beast.

Why do you think this is a bit like doing..."

Just as Ye Chong was thinking wildly, with a bang, the small golden fishing net suddenly shook violently.

With such wild power, the small golden fishing net almost flew out of his hands.

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, but he knew what to do and what not to do, let alone the slightest ambiguity or hesitation in his hands.


There was a flash of red light on his body, and the power of vitality and blood poured into the small golden fishing net in an instant.

At the same time, the range of activities of the SS2-level black monster bird was suppressed a lot.

At the same time, Ye Chong swung his left hand, swung the small golden fishing net and smashed it hard towards the ground.




Amidst the explosion, the cement floor was scattered and cracked, and smoke and dust were flying.

Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned, knowing that this was not the solution.

The body of the SS2-level black monster bird is too strong. If you use it to bombard the concrete floor, it will not be injured, but its own blood will be wasted in vain.

With this strength, it is estimated that if he does it a few more times, his vitality will be completely exhausted, and he will become a plaything under the opponent's claws.

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