Ye Chong had a dream.

It's like going back in time.

He went fishing with his parents and little sister.

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

I can't tell whether it's by the sea, by the river, or by the lake or the river. Anyway, it's just a large area of ​​water, so vast and endless.

Ye Jiaming was in charge of casting the net, Ye Chong followed closely behind with a bucket of fish, while Zhang Dongmei and Ye Xiaomei were playing wild in the grass on one side.

It is said that it is a jungler, but in fact it can't catch any good things.

Small animals such as voles that were often caught in the past have disappeared for some reason.

However, there are still some grasshoppers jumping around in the grass.

Speaking of which, the taste of these things is also good, and they can be eaten grilled or fried.

What is game?

This is game.

Ye Chong's memories of his childhood are full of wild childlike fun.

However, the fact that their family eats wild game is not because they are used to traditional food, but because there is not enough traditional food to eat, so they have developed the habit of eating this kind of wild game.

no way.

When starving, many things are naturally delicious.

It should be said that Ye Jiaming's fishing skills are still very good.

The heavy fishing net is a magical prop in his hand.

Not only can it be swung far, but it can also be thrown round. As long as there are fish, it will never run away.

Ye Chong's favorite thing since he was a child is to follow Ye Jiaming to pick up fish.

It was a great feeling.

People who haven't experienced it can't understand it.

Every time I pick up a fish, especially a big fish that is alive and kicking, it is a heavy sense of harvest, which makes people laugh out loud.

crucian carp.



silver carp.

Turn your mouth up.


black fish.

Ang stickleback.

grass carp.




The fish Ye Chong is most afraid of picking are sticklebacks and soft-shelled turtles.

Ang stickleback is also called Huangyatou in some places. There are three hard spines on the lower part of the head. Once it is accidentally pierced, it will be painful and itchy, especially uncomfortable.

Every time Ye Chong was pricked, he would pee on his hand immediately, and the itching and pain disappeared quickly.

I don't know the reason, why this happened, anyway, that's what his father Ye Jiaming taught him, and it really works.

However, being bitten by a soft-shelled turtle is a no-brainer.

When Ye Chong was young, he was once bitten by a soft-shelled turtle weighing two or three catties.

In fact, he didn't intend to catch that turtle at the time, but that bastard came running and bit the big toe of his right foot. It was so fast that he couldn't dodge it, and it still clung to it.

Ye Jiaming reacted quickly, and directly cut off the turtle's head with the knife.

But even so, Wang Batou still bit his big toe and refused to let go.

no way.

Ye Jiaming could only pry the big soft-shelled turtle's mouth open little by little.

What's interesting is that when Ye Chong was bitten, Ye Xiaomei was by her side and kept comforting him, but Ye Chong kept laughing and didn't take it seriously at all, and even laughed at Ye Xiaomei for crying.

Those scenes of the past emerged in Ye Chong's heart, filling him with sweet memories.

However, now that he is following Ye Jiaming closely, he is dissatisfied in his heart.

no fish.

There is a lot of water in the huge bucket, but there is not a single fish, to be precise, not even half a small shrimp.

You know, Ye Chong likes to pick up fish with a bucket, not only because of the pleasure of harvesting, but also a great pleasure.


He is so hungry.

And, it seems to be hungry all the time.

Every time when transparent small dried shrimps come online, he can't help but put them in his mouth. They are delicious and sweet, much tastier than the dried dried shrimps sold in the market.

But today, what happened?

"Dad, can you take a break?" Ye Chong straightened his chest, looking confident, "I'll do it."

"Are you coming?" Ye Jiaming wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Okay, take it easy, the net is heavy."

Ye Chong has also swung the net before, although it is not far and round, but it can be thrown out anyway.

Ye Jiaming explained a few words, and then went to the side to smoke. Swinging the net is a physical effort, and at his age, he has to take a break from time to time.

Ye Chong picked up the net excitedly, then took a few steps forward, staring into the distance, and cast his right hand diagonally upwards at a 45-degree angle.


The fishing net flew up into the air, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and landed on the water ten meters away, before sinking down suddenly.

Ye Jiaming looked astonished, then shook his head with a smile, and muttered something in his mouth.

To be honest, the net that Ye Chong swung just now was much better than him.

The distance is long, the net is round, and the water enters lightly. This is the way to catch fish.

blah blah blah!

Ye Jiaming took a drag on his cigarette and looked over with interest.

Ye Chong shook the fishing net in his hand lightly, couldn't help but smile, and then quietly took it back.

Before I got ashore, the waves started to splash on the water, and the big white fish were jumping around in the net, which was extremely interesting.

Ye Jiaming grinned, and walked forward, thinking, it seems that from today onwards, he will become a bucket-picking fisherman.

Zhang Dongmei and Ye Xiaomei also ran over cheering.

"Brother, it's you who cast the net. It's great, even better than Dad." Ye Xiaomei clapped her hands wildly, overjoyed.

"There are so many fish," Zhang Dongmei said with joy on her face, "Hurry up, hurry up, ah, one ran away, pick it up, pick it up quickly."

"Xiao Chong's eyes are right, he hit the fish nest, it's full of silver carp." Ye Jiaming smiled while picking up the fish, "We'll keep the fish body for ourselves, and sell the fish head to the restaurant, it's not bad."

"No, Mom, I also want to eat fish head with chopped peppers." Ye Xiaomei held down a silver carp weighing three to four catties with both hands, "I also want to eat the noodles inside."

"Okay, okay," Zhang Dongmei smiled and grabbed the fish held by Ye Xiaomei, "Little sister really knows how to eat, this fat-headed silver carp, the fish head is the fattest and most delicious, hehe, let's keep this One, make a delicious fish head with chopped peppers and eat at night."

Ye Chong shook the net, parted the net with his hands, and then glanced at the water surface in the distance, then the corner of his mouth curled up, and he took a few steps forward, and cast the net again.

From a distance, it is obviously better than the first net cast farther.

Not long after, the water started to splash again on the surface of the water, and I saw many fish jumping up and down again.

While closing the net, Ye Chong turned his head and smiled proudly.

At the same time, Ye Jiaming, Zhang Dongmei, and Ye Xiaomei were all happy, especially Ye Xiaomei, who kept jumping and jumping, her pair of small canine teeth shining cutely in the sun.

At this time, there was a strange thunder in the sky.




"Mom and Dad, it's about to rain, shall we take our little sister back early?" Ye Chong looked up at the sky covered with dark clouds, and couldn't help shouting.

He didn't hear any reply, he looked back suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

Ye Jiaming, Zhang Dongmei and Ye Xiaomei's figures were slowly disappearing.

They were all laughing, as if they were talking, but there was no sound.

"Where are you going?" Ye Chong's expression changed drastically, and he yelled, "Wait for me, Dad, Mom, little sister, let's go home together."


Another extremely weird voice sounded, and Ye Chong's heart seemed to be emptied, and he fell into endless darkness all of a sudden.

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