"Come down, come down."

"The beasts are starting to attack."

"God, grab the chair legs, why are they so big?"

"Damn it, are you still in an attacking formation?"


Where are the military people?

In the area of ​​the human race, how can the beasts be allowed to mess around? "


You think too much.

The original military had sea, land and air combat forces, but since the new era, it is no longer possible.

Now only the army is okay, while the air force and navy are all paralyzed.

Even the army was poorly equipped and could not pose a threat to enemy air forces at all. "

"Then how can this work?

Without the protection of the military, wouldn't our human race be a dead end in the face of mutant beasts?

It's just nonsense! "

"A joke?

It's really not.

Do you think Martial Arts for All is just for fun?


This is the path that is forced to choose and must be chosen.

Without the protection and help of scientific and technological power, the human race can only improve their ability to survive by developing martial arts and the potential of the human body.

Ha ha.

To put it bluntly, we are actually walking the same path as the development of mutant beasts.

It depends on who goes faster.

So, brother, it’s impossible not to learn martial arts now, just like now, I don’t know when I will die. "

"Yeah, it is very likely that there will be no dregs left."


At this moment, thousands of birds flocked in the sky, forming a sharp sword that pierced down. Amidst the ear-piercing screams, the target pointed directly at the direction of the ring.

At the same time, the faces of the joint referee team and many contestants around the ring changed drastically, and they all lowered their bodies.

At the same time, the military personnel who came to participate in the Yangwu Conference quickly surrounded the ring in the direction of the ring.

Under the leadership of Li Xiaolong, the security bureau personnel who maintained the law and order quickly made a detour towards the ring.

no way.

When danger comes, no matter how strong they are, the military and the public security bureau must rush to the front. This is their duty.

But speaking of it, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the military's functions have not been weakened, but the role it can play has been greatly reduced.

no way.

Whether it is the navy, the air force, or the army, they all encountered heavy resistance and pressure.


This is not to say that advanced warships cannot be launched into the water.

You can go into the water.

However, as long as you go on a long voyage, it is basically the result of going nowhere.

Sea beasts are too powerful.

The number is large and the strength is strong, and the navy cannot compete at all.

How to contend?

In the new environment, most of the thermal weapons cannot be used, and rely on manpower to fight in the sea with sea beasts that have the advantage of home court?


That is purely giving meat and life.

air force.

Not at all.

In the new environment, the plane simply cannot go to the sky.

Although there have been targeted technological advances, the vast majority of aircraft still cannot rise to the sky.

Even the latest fighter planes that can ascend to the sky, because of their high cost and weak defense, they will die as soon as they ascend to the sky.

and also.

Neither do air combat weapons.

When the plane is in the sky, it is a toy for animals.

There is no weapon to beat the beast, but the beast casually beats it.

The people in the toy probably wouldn't collapse, but would be so frightened that they would pee and shit.

At that time, it will be more interesting if the big toys fall from the sky or something.


Relatively speaking, it is a little better, but in fact it is not much better.

After all, it is impossible to use hot weapons, and only relying on cold weapons such as standard warrior weapons to fight, the killing power is indeed much smaller.

At this moment, people from the military, as well as people from the Public Security Bureau led by Li Xiaolong, are facing such a problem.

If there are hot weapons such as anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns that can be used at this time, then there is nothing to be afraid of, just shoot and wait for the roasted bird meat to be eaten.

However, it is really not possible now.

There are not even weapons such as pistols, rifles, and submachine guns.

no way.

These original thermal weapons basically need to deflagrate in an oxygen environment to be launched, but the current environment is different from before.

Oxygen is thin.

Rich aura.

The original weapons based on the oxygen environment cannot be used at all, and the weapons developed according to the current new environment have not been successful, let alone deployed to the troops.

Therefore, seeing the beasts flying straight down in a sharp sword formation, everyone around the arena, including military personnel, security bureau personnel and contestants, was a little nervous and full of vigilance.

At this moment, the little girl with dreadlocks and Ye Chong hugged each other tightly, looking like a single person from a distance.

Even though the beasts were attacking and the place was in chaos, the two of them never seemed to want to separate in the slightest.

Think about it too.

There is no way at all.

Ye Chong is in the critical stage of getting rid of the cold and cold power, he can't separate it, and neither can the little girl with dreadlocks, for fear that something big will happen.

Both of them knew very well in their hearts that once they were forced to separate, the most likely result would be that the two of them would be severely injured, which would bring infinite hidden dangers to their future cultivation and development.

"Not good!" Chu Xunhuan yelled, "The target of the beast's beheading is Michonne."

After speaking, he jumped off the rostrum and rushed towards the ring.

At the same time, Catherine, Blanco and a dozen other people also rushed down.


The huge First Stadium was completely in chaos.


A piercing strange cry resounded, like the devil's smirk in the Nine Nether Hell.

At the same time, the beast troop that received the order rushed downward, like a sharp sword stabbing down from the air, at an incredible speed.

200 m.

160 m.

100 m.

30 m.


There were dozens of beasts of different sizes, covering the surrounding area of ​​the arena at once, and the screams of rage suddenly rang out.

At the same time, almost everyone around the ring started to flee wildly, including people from the military and the Public Security Bureau.

no way.

The flying beasts are basically S3 level mutant birds, they are much stronger and smarter than land and sea beasts of the same level.

The human races around the arena, including the contestants and referees, are all warrior-level fighters, and they can do it alone with S3-level beasts, but in group battles, they can't compete at all, and there is absolutely a dead end.

As for the original three martial arts fighters who guarded the competition, they also left here after the competition.

As a result, in that instant, the surrounding area of ​​the ring was completely in chaos, and Chu Xunhuan, Catherine, Blanco and the others, after all, were one step slower than the beasts, and were completely isolated from the outside.

At the same time, the little girl with dreadlocks and Ye Chong looked at each other, and they both saw a look of determination in each other's eyes.

Just when a beast that was much bigger than an elephant attacked with two claws, both of them couldn't help but twitched their mouths.

It looked like a kid playing peek-a-boo who was finally discovered by someone.

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