At this time, the rostrum was also a bit chaotic.

Almost everyone's expressions changed.

There were a total of [-] spectators at the scene. Once the beasts in the sky attacked, there would be heavy casualties.

These high-level martial artists are absolutely to blame for witnessing this kind of thing happen.

Therefore, they were very nervous, and some even showed their weapons and were ready to fight.

However, if you are nervous, you are nervous, and if you are anxious, you are anxious. Now they have nothing to do.

Animals are all floating in the sky. People can come down, but they can't go up. The initiative is in the hands of the other party.

Even if the beasts landed at a low altitude, they could use their martial arts agility skills to jump up and attack, but they couldn't.

There is no doubt that the air is definitely the home of beasts, because they are birds.

Fighting in this place, the beast with the home field has an advantage.

There is one more key point.

The reason why the beasts suddenly appeared and gathered above the First Stadium is unknown.

If it is only for air strikes, it can start now.

However, they don't do that, which seems a bit anomalous.

Chu Xunhuan took a step forward, and said in a low voice, "Listen, everyone, lie down on the ground, don't move around, and hold the chair legs with your hands as much as possible."

His voice was not loud, but it spread to every corner, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Soon, the audience at the scene fell down one after another, looking like a mess.

But the strange thing is that the beasts in the sky don't seem to have any plans to attack immediately.

It's just that their altitude has dropped a lot, and they continue to circle around slowly in the air.

After Chu Xunhuan finished speaking, although the people on the rostrum did not get down, they were ready to fight.

Even the waiter who served tea and water did not get down.

They also knew in their hearts that at this moment, it was obviously the wisest and safest choice to stay on the rostrum surrounded by masters.

"Mr. Chu, what do they mean?" Catherine frowned slightly, and looked at Chu Xunhuan, "If it was just for the sake of life, we should have launched an attack just now, instead of making a sound to attract our attention, otherwise we will lose the surprise attack Effect."

"Yeah, these stupid beasts." The big black brunette grinned, "I really don't know what's going on inside their bird heads?"

"They're not stupid." Chu Xunhuan slowly shook his head, "Hehe, these birds are very smart and very thieves.

If I'm not wrong, it's likely that they're not targeting everyone, but individual targets.

The reason why these guys spoke up in advance is also to tell us in this way that they do not want to provoke large-scale battles, let alone trigger wars.

So, they are smart.

Because they know that there are a lot of warriors gathered here, especially warriors at the martial arts level.

In addition, under the current world situation, they also concluded that small frictions between human races and beast races, especially beasts, are fine, but they dare not rashly launch large-scale wars.


It has to be admitted.

In fact, the judgment of these beasts is very accurate. "

"Mr. Chu, what do you mean..." Catherine frowned slightly, with a look of confusion on her face, "The goal of the beast is not life, but a single goal?"

"Which target is it?" Blanco, the big black man, grinned, "I just caught some birds and roasted them a while ago. They...won't they come to seek revenge from me?"

"Hee hee, it's possible," Catherine chuckled, "I heard that birds are very vengeful, and these mutated and evolved beasts are especially vindictive.

So, Blanco, why don't you get down?

Otherwise, after being discovered by them, they will be taken away.

Ha ha.

We don't want to see you fall from the sky in a pile of bones. "

"Haha, I'm not afraid." Blanco, the big black man, grinned loudly, "If they really dare to come down, then I'll have another feast of roasted birds.

By the way, Catherine, maybe you haven't had a roast bird.

But, I must tell you that the roasted bird tastes really good.

You know, before the new era, I loved roast duck, roast chicken and roast turkey.

By the way, gosh, almost forgot.

My favorite food is roasted pigeon, the taste is simply delicious. "

"Branko, I already knew you were stealing roasted pigeons, no, to be precise, you should be eating turtledoves." Catherine smiled half-smile, "Well, I regret it now.

Maybe you should have reported you for violating the Animal Protection Act sooner.

I think that beasts are very hostile to humans, probably because of the existence of people like you.

Moreover, I suspect now that the person the beasts in the sky are looking for is you.

So, you'd better get down, or hide under the table, and don't make trouble for us. "

"Hehe, Catherine is right." Chu Xunhuan smiled and nodded, "A very important reason why mutant beasts, including beasts, hate humans is that we treat them as food, not as an equal. The living beings are treated.

However, I think that the purpose of these beasts coming here today is definitely not because of Blanco.

Ha ha.

He is too tall.

The beast's eyes are so sharp, it is impossible not to spot him.

The reason why they haven't launched an attack until now is simple.

Either they have not discovered the target of this trip so far.

Or maybe they came this time not to seek revenge but to repay favor? "

"What?" Catherine was taken aback, "They repay the favor?"

"That's right," Chu Xunhuan nodded, "It's possible."

"Well, I know I can't hide it," the big black grinned, "There is one thing, I have to admit.

Just before coming here, I just caught some birds and roasted them.

However, this time I caught too much, and I couldn't eat it at all.


You also know that I am a kind and soft-hearted person.

So, I let a bird fly.

I remember it doing three laps around where I was eating the roast bird before it flew away.


I still felt weird at the time.

Now that I think about it, it must have come back to repay me, right?


I have to get out.

In case it waits in a hurry and can't think about it? "

"Hehe, how can I repay you?" Catherine chuckled lightly, "He is holding a grudge. He must have remembered your appearance, and he will seek revenge from you in the future."

"No, an attack has been launched." Chu Xunhuan yelled, "This is not a repayment, but a beheading."

"What?!" Catherine whispered, "Behead? Whose head be beheaded?"

"Damn it!" Blanco, the big black man, snorted angrily, shrinking his neck involuntarily, looking at the sky full of vigilance.

At the same time, the huge No. [-] Stadium seemed to explode, and the sound of exclamation and screams rang out.

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