
Located in the southwest direction.

There is a big river in the territory, winding and winding, nourishing hundreds of millions of creatures.

The human race has multiplied here for an unknown number of years, forming castes and ethnic groups one after another.

At the same time, mutant beasts in the mountains, rivers, forests and wastelands also inhabit this hot land.

After the environment changed, the original balance of peaceful coexistence between the human race and the orc race was suddenly broken, and the competition for the living territory between the two became intensified.

It should be said that the harsh environment and the development of caste and ethnic groups have created the martial arts and warlike character of people in the subcontinent.

It can even be said to some extent that in this magical region, there are no other rules except force.

Therefore, everyone living on the subcontinent has a dream of martial arts in their hearts.

Because only by making one's force stronger, can one win respect, glory, wealth, and power...

Realize the desire in your heart.

The more desires you have, the stronger your force will be.

Otherwise, everything will be just wishful thinking.

In fact, it is precisely because of this reason that in this magical land, martial arts sects, martial arts families, and martial arts academies abound, and it can even be described as overwhelming.

It's normal to think about it.

The Sub-Continent already had a large number of people, and all the people were martial arts, so there was no need to worry about the source of students. Martial arts sects, martial arts families, and martial arts colleges came into being, naturally.

However, this situation also created an unavoidable phenomenon-fighting between different factions occurred from time to time.

No one cares.

The entire subcontinent is governed by a loose alliance of castes and ethnic groups, not even a country in the traditional sense.

Who cares in this case?

To put it bluntly, the subcontinent is a human jungle.

In this jungle, natural selection and survival of the fittest.

No matter who it is, it is not easy to survive.

Even the strong ones have the possibility of being secretly killed all the time.

Therefore, everyone on the subcontinent is vigilant all the time.

It is precisely because of the edification and tempering in such a cruel environment that everyone on the subcontinent has a certain ability to survive.

Including hiding in mother's arms screaming and crying is also the means and ability to survive, although one day will die a tragic death.

In fact, it is a bit like an animal in the forest.

Whether you are an ant, a mouse, a snake, a bug, a bird, or a tiger... as long as you want to survive, you must have your own skills.

And not just individuals.

Martial arts sects, martial arts families, and martial arts colleges have formed their own different martial arts systems, and this is also an important reason why they can survive the big waves.

Speaking of which, a high-level person from the Global Martial Arts Federation once expressed his views on the subcontinent——

It is a human jungle.

It is also a martial arts jungle.

Everyone who lives there or comes out is full of magic.

Every martial arts sect, martial arts family or new type of academy born there is filled with mysterious and powerful charm.

Sometimes, we find that they seem to be doing some strange things.

We don't know what their purpose is to do that, and even annoy them and warn them, including staying away from them.

However, every time we get to the end, we suddenly realize that they are really so amazing.

After the high-ranking officer of Quanwu finished speaking these words, he got responses from almost everyone.

Because anyone who has been to the subcontinent knows that anything can happen there and anything can be discovered.

Including various martial arts skills, combat skills, body skills, defense skills, weapons of warriors and so on.

Only unexpected, not unseen.

In fact, the reason why many people from all over the world traveled thousands of miles to this dangerous place on the subcontinent was mainly to study and acquire magical skills.

Just when the semi-finals of the Yangwu Conference was about to start, in a certain building in the subcontinent, more than a dozen people gathered here, eating rice soaked in yellow gravy with their hands, and talking loudly what.

Everyone uses the common language, but whenever it comes to the intense, the local dialect will pop out like popping beans.

However, for modern people who are nourished by aura and have developed spiritual power, language communication is no longer a problem. Even if they can't speak, they can still understand the meaning of the other party.

In fact, in terms of face-to-face communication, the communication between mutant beasts has reached the level where they can understand each other's meaning through their eyes, or even close to them.

From this point alone, the efficiency of mutant beasts is much higher than that of humans.

However, then again.

No one in the human race wants to be read by others, which is not conducive to the generation and implementation of conspiracies and tricks.

Therefore, everyone is still more willing to sit together and perform to their heart's content.

"I didn't expect that guy to reach the semi-finals. There is no doubt that Quan Wu has listed him as a key training target. If he is sent to assassinate him, he will be in big trouble."

"What happened to that guy, even if Quanwu doesn't care, Jiuwu will definitely trouble us. Yan Jinglei is not easy to deal with, and his strength is relatively strong. The key is the people behind him. We had better not To provoke."


Hook and the others must not die in vain.

In order to cultivate them, we pay too high a price.

He returned from the intermediate martial arts warrior level to the martial arts warrior level to practice again, and he would break through from the martial arts warrior level to the martial arts warrior level again, becoming our powerful combat force, but he fell because of that guy.

This hatred must be avenged.

Otherwise, others will have an opinion.

In the future, our promotion plan will also encounter great resistance. "


That guy has to be killed.

Don't forget, among the remelters killed this time, Hook was not the only one.

The other five were all returned from junior martial arts generals to martial arts fighters.

Once they are successfully recovered, they will soon break through again and become junior martial arts generals in the future, and their progress in the martial arts general stage will also be smooth.

But now, it's all ruined by that nasty guy.

Our loss is too great and we have to take revenge and let that damned guy take all of our anger. "

"Maybe we indulged Hu Ke and the others too much at the time, thinking that everything was safe in a place like Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, but who would have thought..."

"All right.

Damn bastard.

What use are we talking about now? !

It's all the fault of Zhugov, that dark guy.

I think we shouldn't trust inferior people to do good things.

By the way, there is also Ye Chong, that damned birdman. "

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