At this moment, Ye Chong also had a headache.

Not so long ago, he was full of desire and desire to fight, but now, he calmed down.

You can't stay calm.

The strength of the smoker Gongsen, the little girl with dirty braids, and the wild warrior Wu Bashan made him have to keep calm.

"so amazing.

One by one is more powerful than the other.

It turned out that I couldn't wait to meet Wuba Mountain as soon as possible, but now it seems that I should forget it.

This guy is not easy.

The knife in his hand is powerful.

The claws are also powerful.

The key is cold poison.

They are all thieves.

It's better to let such a terrible thing...

Smoker Gongsen?


This is not good.

He is relatively weak, so leave it to me.

It's better to let the little girl with dreadlocks fight against Wuba Mountain to see if the little tiger is the best or the big brown bear is the best.

It's best if they're all equally powerful, and they're all dead.

Even Gongsen, the smoker, would be happy to die.


So will I be able to win the championship? "

Ye Chong was a little depressed when he saw that the other people were more powerful, but after thinking wildly, he finally sighed and relaxed.

In any case, the semi-finals are about to start, and one opponent must always be chosen from among the three, and there is no way to avoid it.

You can't hide under the eyes of everyone.

It's really unreasonable to have three byes in a row and hide when it's time for the official game.

If you really do that, your reputation for a lifetime will be over.

So it's Mount Wuba, the desolate warrior?

Or a little girl with dreadlocks?

Or... the smoker Gongsen?

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head.

Neither is a good choice.

"If you have to choose...

Then let God choose for me.

It's all over anyway, and I can no longer take responsibility for the choice.

come back quickly……

I can't take it anymore..."

Ye Chong was humming in his heart when Wang Shina's voice sounded quickly, and the draw for the semi-finals started immediately.

There are only four people, two games, and this lottery is easy to draw.

Before everyone had time to think about it, the situation of the match came out.

In the first game of the semi-finals, Wu Bashan played against Smokey Gongsen.

In the second match of the semi-finals, Ye Chong faced the little girl with dreadlocks.


There was an uproar at the scene, and various voices came and went one after another.

"What the hell.

It turns out that the luckiest person is the little girl with dreadlocks.


Isn't she a wild warrior from Black Continent?

Could it be that someone is secretly helping her?

The key is that her strength is so terrifying, it seems that she doesn't need help from others at all, right? "

"Icing on the cake, do you understand?"

"It's not icing on the cake.

It's just icing on the cake, okay?

The little girl with dreadlocks could still give us a wonderful game, but now it is good, the strength is clear.

I've seen enough of the rape drama, it's boring.

The key point is that if Ye Chong retreats without a fight in the competition, then this martial arts conference will be a joke, and the organizer will be slapped in the face. "

"The match between the little girl with dreadlocks and Ye Chong is nothing to watch.

However, the match between Wubashan and Yangui Gongsen is still very interesting.

One likes to melee bombing and killing the enemy, and the other likes to surround and kill the opponent.

Ha ha.

It's exciting enough to think about.

The two are equally divided, and they staged a strong dialogue. I don't know whose strength will be stronger?

In fact, it doesn't matter.

If Wu Bashan reaches the final and joins forces with the little girl with dreadlocks, it will be a real battle between wild warriors and it will be absolutely wonderful.

If the smoker Gongsen and the little girl with dreadlocks meet in the final, it will be a battle between academics and non-academics, which will determine the orthodoxy.

In any case, the final was full of excitement and absolutely wonderful. "

Hearing the result of the match, the expressions of the academics on the rostrum changed.

Unexpectedly, left panpan, right panpan, the final result is that academics and non-academics fight against each other.

It should be said that the result of this lottery is the last result they want to see.

Because of this result, it probably means that the final result is not very ideal.

Even, this result declared the decline of the academic school to a certain extent.

But in any case, the result is the result, which means that it cannot be changed.

"How could this guy enter the semi-finals?" someone complained on the rostrum.

"Yeah, if this opportunity is given to Xia Houbao, Fat Girl or Dionysus, it will be more representative of the great battle between academics and non-academics." Another person sighed, "It's a pity that a quota was wasted .”

"It's okay if he dies in battle. The most fearful thing is that this guy retreats without a fight, and we will lose all face." An old voice interjected, "If this is the case, it will definitely affect the decision-making of the higher authorities. .”

"Hey, did you find out?" A middle-aged woman's voice sounded, "Nobody came from Jiuwu at all, which already shows the problem, even they are afraid of embarrassing themselves."


Yan Jinglei is a generalist.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be absent.

He didn't come this time, saying that he had something important to deal with.

Ha ha.

Looking at it now, I am afraid that there is no major event at home, but I am worried that something embarrassing will happen here.


After this incident is over, I have to reason with this guy. Jiuwu is also one of the three major colleges, but what are they cultivating?

Is it really cultivating bird people? "

"Ha ha.

It can't be said that it is Lao Yan's problem.

This martial arts conference is a competition for individual registration, and the school is not required to organize it in a unified way. Therefore, that guy's behavior should have nothing to do with Jiuwu. "

"It does matter, it doesn't matter, this matter has nothing to do with Jiuwu. After all, he is a member of Jiuwu, and he has discredited the academy. Jiuwu cannot escape his responsibility, and Yan Jinglei cannot shirk his responsibility."


Ha ha.

In fact, everyone should not worry.

This guy Ye Chong has never suffered a big loss in every game he has participated in since the first round of the group stage.

Maybe this time, even though it was difficult for him to use his combat skills, it didn't mean he couldn't use his body skills to deal with Michonne, and it might cost him a lot of blood.

and also.

The battle between the smoker and Wuba Mountain may not be impossible.

In fact, before he fought Fat Girl, many of us thought that Fat Girl was more likely to win.

But the result?

Ha ha.

What opened our eyes was that the smoker actually mastered the dragon swallowing technique, which not only trapped the fat girl, but also caused her a lot of damage.

Judging from this move, it is obviously much sharper than Wine Arrow Rain and Wine Sword.

In my opinion, although Wuba Mountain is strong and ruthless, it may not have much chance of winning in front of the smoker. "

"Yeah, our current hopes are all pinned on the smoker Gongsen. I hope he can continue to bring us surprises."


At the same time, Chu Xunhuan, Catherine and Blanco were also discussing in low voices.

Judging from their expressions, they looked very excited and seemed very satisfied with the result of the lottery.

In fact, speaking of it, this was originally a lottery drawn by them, and they had to be satisfied whether they were satisfied or not.

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