Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 634 Want to add a crime

Ye Chong looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help showing a strange expression on his face.


It feels like neither of them should be doing their best.


This way of fighting...

Why does it always feel like I'm acting? "

But at the next moment, he frowned abruptly, and couldn't help sighing secretly.

At the same time, Lu Xiaofeng, the God of Dionysus, suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot and flew up.

At the same time, the golden magnum in his hand suddenly changed the direction of attack and slammed hard at the opponent's head.

Mo Jinghong's face froze, as if he was stunned for a moment, but the color in his eyes changed, he didn't know what he was thinking.


There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Immediately at the next moment, the short-handled hammer in Mo Jinghong's hand swung round and round.


A light sound came out.

The spikes on the front end of the short-handled hammer sprang out suddenly, like a poisonous snake that had been dormant for a long time and suddenly attacked.


Incredibly fast.


Almost no one noticed what happened.

high speed.


Good angle.


The tip of the hammer, as if a poisonous snake had come out of a hole, rushed forward to Mi Xu, pierced the body of Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng, and then retracted immediately, the speed was three points faster than the attack.

Dionysus couldn't help but snorted, and the golden magnum in his hand accelerated several times in a row, hitting Mo Jinghong who only had time to tilt his head slightly with a bang.



The latter screamed and flew out of the ring.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly became noisy.


how is everything?

A veteran monster is a veteran monster.

Your uncle will always be your uncle.

Although Mo Jinghong was not bad, but compared to other Dionysus, he was still a little tender. "

"Although Mo Jinghong was defeated, the strength he showed before is obvious to all. It is estimated that he will grow into one of the most powerful martial arts fighters in the country in a short time."


Dionysus used a lot of strength just now.

Although Mo Jinghong dodged for a while at the last moment, he was obviously seriously injured.

With the strength of Dionysus, if this wine bottle goes down, it is estimated that Mo Jinghong will almost die.

But it's a pity.

It's a pity, it's a pity that he died here at such a young age. "

"Who said Mo Jinghong is dead?

He's not moving now, probably just passed out.

But speaking of it, this thing is really a bit strange.

There is no doubt that when Dionysus launched his final attack, Mo Jinghong should have had time to dodge.

At least you can go back.


As long as we take a half step back, the result will never be like this.

But the problem is, he seemed to be stunned for a moment.

I don't know if it's because Dionysus used spiritual skills? "

"Who knows?

I also feel a little weird.

However, this kind of thing is only understood by the parties themselves. "


Look at Dionysus.

Is he...

Also have a problem?

Why do you keep standing still?


its not right.

Look at the floor of the arena, it seems that there is water.


That is blood.

My goodness.

Dionysus he...

injured? ! "


It seems real.

what happened?

How did he get hurt?

Who hurt him?

Why did not I see? "


on the rostrum.

Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department and Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation all looked nervous.

Their eyes looked at Mo Jinghong who was lying under the ring and was being rescued by medical staff, and at Lu Xiaofeng standing on the stage bleeding profusely.

"Mo Jinghong should have fainted. The concussion and skull fracture look serious, but they are actually controllable." Chu Xunhuan narrowed his eyes and took a puff of cigarette, "Lu Xiaofeng is a penetrating injury. , I don’t know if he hurt his heart? But looking at him now, it’s definitely serious.”

"That's right, he hasn't moved until now." Catherine frowned, "It's probably because he's afraid that if he moves, he won't be able to hold on."

"The referee announced the result, but Lu Xiaofeng still didn't move." Blanco seemed a little nervous, "Okay, the medical staff went up, but... what does Dionysus mean? Rejected?"


Zhang Mingyang folded his arms and watched the scene up and down the ring without moving. From his eyes and face, there was no change in expression.

At this moment, Ye Chong was also staring at the stage intently, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were changing, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Soon, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng slowly lifted the large golden wine bottle, slowly poured a sip of wine into his mouth, then grinned, and looked at the three medical staff in front of him.

But before they could speak, he swayed and fell down on the ring.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly fell into an uproar.

"What's going on? What happened to Dionysus?"

"Dionysus was seriously injured, otherwise, he would never have fallen to the ground in full view."

"I go.

Did you watch this game?

Didn't see what happened.

Obviously Mo Jinghong didn't hit the opponent, why was Dionysus injured? "

"It must have been plotted by Mo Jinghong?"

"This is interesting, so who wins and who loses this game?"

"Of course Dionysus won.

According to the rules, those who are knocked off the ring during the game time are counted as failures.

Just now the referee also announced the result of the game.

Therefore, no matter what happens to Dionysus, he is now the winner of this game. "


If Dionysus is dead and Mo Jinghong is alive, then who will advance in this match?

Is it necessary to let a dead person advance? "


"No way, this is the competition rules of the Martial Arts Conference, and the winner is the God of Dionysus."


In fact, if the winner is really dead, it's okay.

You forgot, there are 25 people in the fifth knockout round.

Among them, the 25th person was bye and did not participate in the game.

Once the death of the winner really happened, then the 25th person, who was the bye, would naturally fill in the position.

In other words, everything is under control and will not really affect the progress of the game. "

"Ha ha.

In any case, Mo Jinghong had already failed.

Even if Dionysus is dead, he is not eligible to enter the next round.

What's more, the injury he suffered now is not serious, and it's not certain whether he can survive. "


Unexpectedly, the second match of the fifth knockout round would be so tragic.

I don't know what will happen in the next game?


It seems that it is really a good thing to have a bye in the knockout stage. "

"That's why, the knockout stage is definitely extremely dangerous.

One can avoid one.

Not only can you take a good rest, but you can also observe the opponent's situation.

In any case, as long as it is a bye, it is a big advantage. "

"Yeah, it's a pity that it was Ye Chong who had a bye.

With such a serious injury, it doesn't make sense to have a bye.

If it was changed to Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng's bye, or Mo Jinghong's bye, there would be no such tragedy of losing both sides.

such a pity. "

"Yeah, I blame that guy Ye Chong for occupying the latrine and not shitting, it's just too bad."


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