Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 633 Lu Xiaofeng Fights Mo Jinghong

Ye Chong couldn't help frowning, and quietly glanced at the little girl with dreadlocks, a meaningful look appeared in his eyes.

"Michonne, as a barbarian from Black Continent, is at most seventeen or eighteen years old.

She is also an advanced martial arts fighter, and her martial arts body skills and combat skills are superior to others.

and so……

Ha ha.

Why do I now feel more and more that she should have a lot to do with Martial Arts Mountain?

Otherwise, how to explain all this?

and also.

Heizhou is far away from here, so she must not have come here after learning about the Martial Arts Conference.

Not enough time.

In other words, she should have come here long before the announcement of the Martial Arts Conference.

Well, the problem is coming.

She is a lonely little girl, why did she come here?

From the familiar black continent to this strange environment, is it for tempering, or because you are tired of the lonely and helpless life in the wild?

Or just come here to find someone or something?

and also.

What filled her eyes with desperate longing? "

While Ye Chong was thinking wildly, the second match of the fifth knockout round also kicked off.

The two sides in the battle are Lu Xiaofeng and Mo Jinghong.

Lu Xiaofeng is the God of Dionysus, a high-level martial arts fighter from the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, and he is an undoubted leader.

Mo Jinghong is an intermediate martial arts fighter from Dongshan Martial Arts Academy, and he can be regarded as the banner and symbol of Tobu.

On the surface, one is a high-level martial arts fighter and the other is an intermediate martial arts fighter, and there is a difference in realm.

One is from the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, one of the three major martial arts academies, and the other is from the general martial arts academy - Dongshan Martial Arts Academy. There are differences in the grades of the schools.

One is a well-known veteran evildoer before the martial arts conference, and the other is a new star genius who has emerged at the martial arts conference. It can be regarded as a strong dialogue between the old and the new.

The most interesting thing is that the weapon used by Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng is a special golden magnum, and the weapon used by Mo Jinghong is also quite interesting, a short-handled hammer with a pointed front.

I just don't know what kind of excitement will be brought by such a weird weapon confrontation?

It was precisely because there were so many things to watch, that as soon as the referee announced the start of the match, the huge No. [-] Stadium became a sea of ​​noise, and the enthusiasm was obviously much stronger than that of the first match.

Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng and Mo Jinghong didn't disappoint either, they didn't talk nonsense and went straight to work.

Mo Jinghong launched the first attack, and the short-handled hammer in his hand blasted towards the opponent with the explosive sound of the air.


Dionysus swung his right hand upwards, and the golden magnum collided with the short-handled hammer immediately, making an earth-shattering roar.

Ka Ka Ka!

Under the impact of the majestic force, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng involuntarily took three steps back, while Mo Jinghong remained where he was, with a look of surprise on his face.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly became a mess, and various voices came and went one after another.

"What the hell.

Is Mo Jinghong's power even greater than that of Dionysus?

He is just an intermediate martial arts fighter, how is this possible? "

"What's impossible?

Realm cultivation determines the thickness and strength of qi and blood, and does not represent the level of a person's basic strength.


Some people are born with supernatural powers.

For example, this Mo Jinghong is.

Although he is not very strong, but the basic strength of the musculoskeletal burst is great.

Coupled with the power of surging qi and blood, it is normal to beat back Dionysus with a single hammer.

you think.

A character as powerful as Xia Houbao can be defeated by Ye Chong, a junior martial arts fighter, so what is impossible in this martial arts conference where a group of heroes gather? "

"The thing about Xia Houbao is that he underestimated the enemy.

The main reason is that he didn't take Ye Chong seriously.

However, this battle is really different.

Dionysus is by no means an alcoholic.

The drunkard gets more and more confused.

Dionysus drank more sober.

just wait.

When Dionysus starts to drink, his fighting strength will definitely soar rapidly.

Ha ha.

It may not be a good thing for Mo Jinghong to be the first to grab someone's attention.


Did you see it?

Dionysus began to act. "


on the rostrum.

Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department and Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation were discussing something in whispers.

Judging from the expressions of the three of them, each of them looked elated and extremely excited.

I don't know if it's because of Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng, Mo Jinghong, or both.

Especially Chu Xunhuan.

At this moment, he, who doesn't usually smoke, also lit a cigarette, squinting at the competition on the ring, with a smile on his lips, and from time to time, he would nod and interrupt to say something.

Zhang Mingyang folded his arms, and watched the match with a calm expression. He didn't know what he was thinking in his calm eyes.

At this moment, Ye Chong was also watching the battle on the ring with great interest.

I saw that Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng's figure was erratic, dodging another hammer from the opponent, then he raised his neck and drank a big mouthful of wine, and let out a ha~ sound.

Ye Chong couldn't help being amused, and thought:

What good is drinking?

It's so hot, why are you still pretending?

Are you tired?

He didn't even dare to confront others head-on, it was an act of displeasure.

But at the next moment, his expression changed.

After drinking the wine, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng paused, no longer dodging, and directly swung the golden magnum in his hand, without hitting anyone, and directly blasted at the opponent's short-handled hammer.


Amidst the loud noise, Dionysus Lu Xifeng and Mo Jinghong each took three steps back.


The scene was completely plunged into even greater madness.

"Yes, this is the invincible God of Dionysus."


One sip of wine increased his strength by at least three points.




Another day I'll go home and get a magnum too.


It's okay to have a couple of bites, and take a walk with your strength. "


Dionysus is Dionysus.

Awesome or awesome.

Although Mo Jinghong was very powerful in combat, he was still a little weaker in front of veterans.

But speaking of it, Dongshan Martial Arts Academy can produce such a powerful character, which is really impressive. "

"Hey, even though Dionysus drank to help him, he only had a tie with Mo Jinghong. What's there to show off?!"


Then look down.

Ha ha.

Dionysus is the god of wine.

Even if Mo Jinghong had some brute force, it was impossible for him to be his opponent. "


In the following time, the sounds of weapon impacts could be heard endlessly.

But what is interesting is that Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng attacked the opponent's weapon with the golden magnum in his hand.

Mo Jinghong used the pointed short-handled hammer in his hand to continuously attack the vital parts of Dionysus' body.

For a while, you come and go, it's extremely thrilling.

The huge No. [-] Stadium was completely lit up, and the sound of cheers and shouts resounded beyond the sky.

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