Ye Chong stood on the stage for a long time before the referee flew onto the stage in a daze and announced his victory.

"Stupid!" Ye Chong muttered, and then he touched the ground with one foot and fell lightly off the ring.

In fact, he doesn't like to scold people.

But sometimes it's okay not to scold.

I feel a little panicked.

The [-] viewers thought that he was the golden rooster on stage, and he was accepting cheers and showing off.

Of course not.

According to the rules of the Yangwu Conference, after the game, if the winning side takes its own position before the referee announces the result of the game, then the referee has the right to make a decision to rematch.

No one knows whether the referee in ring 21 really hit Xiao Jiujiu or not.

However, the various unprofessional behaviors he displayed on the spot are worthy of the word "stupid".

The referee looked at Ye Chong in bewilderment, then jumped off the ring and said, "The fifth round of lottery will be held soon.

You can choose to stand by here and wait for the lottery to start the fifth round of elimination.

Of course, you can also go to the medical vehicle for treatment as soon as possible.

I imagine that the on-site medical personnel will come to help you treat the wound soon.

However, Ye Chong, I will give you a most sincere suggestion.

Your current right calf is in a state of comminuted fracture. If you don't deal with it in time, the problem will be very serious and may affect the rest of your life.

So, your body is still important, you..."

"Hehe," Ye Chong smiled and glanced at the ring referee No. 21, "As a referee, you have indeed done your best.

However, what is the condition of my leg now, I know best in my heart.

There is not much difference between cure and death, just let it be. "

Just at this moment, boom boom boom, a burst of heavy footsteps sounded.

Ye Chong turned his head to look, and saw Xia Houbao, whose face was covered in blood, moving quickly and aggressively.

""Warrior Law"! Xiahou, you must not violate the "Warrior Law"!" The referee of the No. 21 ring shouted and hurriedly stopped between the two.

The older competition supervisor also rushed over, looking nervous.

That's right.

To fight against a warrior, especially a powerful warrior who can make a person strong with a little movement, the first thing to do is not to do anything else, but to be vigilant to avoid being suddenly ruined.


Xiahou violently raised his mouth and spat at Ye Chong, a mouthful of bloody phlegm whirled towards him.

Ye Chong turned around, dodged it, followed by a throbbing of his throat, and then cursed: "Damn! The reserve is insufficient, there is no concentration."

At this moment, although there are still games in the field that have not been completed due to overtime and other reasons, the focus of the audience's attention has already been placed near the No. 21 ring.

The sudden burst of laughter formed a wave of air that went straight to the sky and spread in all directions.

"Hahaha, why does it feel like a child is having a spat?"

"Xiahou finally figured it out.

A mouthful of thick phlegm settles a battle.

For warriors, what is needed is the heart, blood and pride in the bones, not the external image and face.

Compared with the result, that thing is worthless at all. "

"The main reason is that since his debut, Xia Houbao has rejected the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, Huaxia Martial Arts Academy and Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, and then massacred the mutant beasts in the northern border in a high-profile way, gaining great honors one after another.

Despite her fame, she couldn't let go of her figure.

As a result, Ye Chong took advantage of the opponent's weakness and provoked the opponent in a hooligan way, but Xia Hou refused to fight back in the same way, resulting in losing his initiative and making it difficult to reverse the decline.

Although I figured it out now, it was too late.

Ha ha.

But if he does this, he can also relieve his anger.

If you don't get angry and ruin your body, it's not worth it.

Anyway, if the green hills are left, I am not afraid of running out of firewood.

After this martial arts conference is over, isn't there a next martial arts conference? Don't worry, don't worry. "


There is no rush.

The Martial Arts Conference is a martial arts exchange conference at the level of martial arts fighters.

Waiting until the next session, probably this time next year at the earliest, right?

One must know that Xiahou Bao is currently at the level of a high-level martial arts fighter, and he is probably still close to his peak state.

It is estimated that in less than a year and a half, he will be able to successfully break through and become a junior martial arts general.

In other words, he will definitely lose his qualification to participate in the martial arts conference.

I have to say that this is really a huge regret for him. "

"Ha ha.

You are not right to say that.

Because this is the first time that the Martial Arts Promotion Conference is being held, in order to ensure the fierceness and attractiveness of the competition, only people who are up to senior martial arts fighters are allowed to participate.

However, if this martial arts promotion conference is held successfully, maybe in the next session, it will be upgraded to a truly indiscriminate martial arts exchange conference.

At that time, Xiahou Bao will participate in the competition as a junior martial arts general, and he will surely sweep the field and become the most dazzling martial arts star and strongest martial artist. "

"Ha ha.

I think the Yangwu Conference can be held according to your wishes.

You said that it is limited to the level of martial arts fighters?

You say it becomes non-discriminatory, so does it become a non-discriminatory exchange meeting?


Events like the Martial Arts Conference can only be held with the approval of the National Martial Arts Department or even the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Without their support, the Yangwu Conference is just a dinner party, and no one wants to come. "

"Ha ha.

You only know one, but not the other.

Who told you that the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation are against holding an indiscriminate martial arts exchange conference? !

I have another question for you.

You know masked martial arts, right?


During the Martial Arts Conference, not to mention the busy competition, the contestants themselves were overwhelmed, but suddenly a masked martial arts competition was held under the expert's apartment.

The important thing is that the form of the Masked Martial Arts Competition is almost the same as that of the Yangwu Conference, even if it is called an underground martial arts conference, it is not an exaggeration.

What do you mean?

Who is the organizer behind the masked martial arts competition?

Why are they doing this?

The key is said to have attracted many people to participate.

Ha ha.

I don't believe that such an event will be held casually under the nose of the Organizing Committee of the Yangwu Conference?

Don't forget, if you get injured in the masked martial arts competition, it will affect the effect of the martial arts competition.

In fact, it does prove it.

The problem is that the organizers of the Martial Arts Conference knew this, but they did not interfere with the Masquerade Martial Arts Conference.


Ha ha.

Of course there is no deep meaning.

It doesn't stop there.

More importantly, the participants of the Masked Martial Arts Association have no requirements at all in terms of martial arts cultivation.

In other words, it is the Indiscriminate Martial Arts Exchange Conference.

Most importantly, gossip said that on the night when the Masked Martial Arts Conference was held, many members of the organizing committee of the martial arts conference, as well as many guests, etc., disappeared.


How is it so coincidental?

where did they go "


And such a thing?

Are your sources reliable? "

"Ha ha.


I saw it all from the Yangwu Forum on the campus network.

However, I know that some things, if there is a nose and an eye, and cannot be denied, then there is a huge possibility.

Otherwise, there is no one to refute the rumors? "

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