
The surrounding stands suddenly fell silent.

The rostrum also became silent.

Except for the ongoing fight, everything seemed to be quiet.

Even at this moment, those games that were still fighting were automatically suspended.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of eyes all turned to ring No. 21 in unison.

At this time, Ye Chong stood on one foot on the ring 21, like a big rooster.

If he could hold his head up and let out a loud cry, he would be extremely coquettish.

oh oh oh

Interestingly, somewhere in the stands, someone's cell phone suddenly rang.

From a distance, it sounds like a big rooster that just won is crowing proudly.

Then came the next moment.


In every corner of the audience, indescribable bursts of laughter erupted.

"Damn it! Isn't the mobile phone still useless? Who brought a mobile phone to dry chicken feathers?"

"Just because the mobile phone signal is not good, it doesn't mean that the mobile phone can't be used as a camera and an alarm clock."

"Speaking of which, the battle between Xiahou Bao and Ye Chong should be recorded in the history of the Yangwu Conference, right?

At least judging from the current competition, whether it is the use of strategy and tactics, or the display of agility and strength, this decisive battle can definitely be called a classic among classics.

However, the most important thing is the plot.




Invert again.

It is estimated that no one thought that Ye Chong would win at the beginning, but he gained the upper hand as soon as they fought.

Later, Xiahou succeeded in gathering all his strength and fought back, sending Ye Chong flying with one punch.

I'm afraid at this time, everyone will think that Ye Chong, the clown, is finished.

In the end, it was Ye Chong who showed incredible martial arts skills.

The key is more than that.

The attack launched by this guy from the air is by no means a stalker.

To be precise, it was another tactical victory.

At the price of a right leg, in exchange for a priceless victory.

worth it.

Ha ha.

After this battle, Ye Chong's reputation has improved.

Of course, this does not refer to his notorious bad reputation, but his reputation for being brave and resourceful. "

"However, Ye Chong broke his right leg, and I'm afraid he won't be able to persist in the next game."

"What's the injury on the leg?

Now is the new environment after the recovery.

Even if a leg is broken, as long as it is properly connected, the speed of recovery is quite fast. "


It looks like you haven't broken a leg.

Although it is a new environment now, the injury is recovering quickly.

But not as fast as you might think.

If one leg is broken, even if it is reconnected in time, it will not take three to five days, and it will not be able to walk as a supporting leg.

What's more, Ye Chong's right leg was not just broken, nor was it as simple as turning 90 degrees on the surface.

If I'm not mistaken, his entire right calf has been completely smashed into pieces.

It's useless even if there are famous masters, the broken bones can't be connected at all.

Hehe, to take a step back, even if it can continue well, the recovery of the bones will be very slow.

I guess, under the current new environment, if everything goes well, it will be pretty good to recover in a year or two.

In other words, Ye Chong will not be able to play in the next game.

Even if they play, they are courting death.

Others will use his right leg as a breakthrough, making him restrained everywhere, and eventually he will be powerless to fight, and even if he is not careful, he will die on the spot. "

"My goodness.

It turned out to be so serious.

If you say that, Ye Chong is equivalent to being eliminated.

Ha ha.


After a bloody battle, the favorites to win the championship were defeated and eliminated, and the super dark horse Ye Chong was defeated and left the field, unable to continue the game.

It is estimated that the other favorites to win the championship are all secretly laughing, right? "

"Actually not necessarily.

Don't just watch the match in the 21st ring.

Just look at other games.

None of the top 50 who entered the fourth knockout round was a fuel-efficient lamp.

Almost every game is a strong dialogue.

I just saw it.


Fat girl is also the favorite to win the championship, right?

It was not easy for her to win this time, and she seemed to be injured a little bit.

How about Dionysus?

Let me tell you, he almost capsized in the gutter, if not for the last blow, he probably won't be seen in the next round.

And smokers.

Although it seems easy to win on the surface, only he knows best whether it is easy or not.

Anyway, I found that after he won, his face was livid, probably because he had consumed too much energy and blood in this battle. "


Not found before.

Now that I see it, I know that after entering the top 50, the strength shown by everyone is much stronger than before.

Not to mention the favorites to win the championship.

Those guys who were silent before are all big dark horses.

So, the next games will only be more exciting one after another.

It's hard to see who the champion will be in the end.

Ha ha.

It is estimated that there will be another big change in the winning odds set by the gambling company. "

"I'm curious about a question now. Judging from Ye Chong's victory over Xia Houbao, what kind of odds will the gaming company offer him?"

"Ha ha.

That's a good question.

I think it should be high.

Because those guys are not stupid.

After Ye Chong's tragic victory, he completely cut off the chance to go on. "

"Hehe, I'm relieved now, it's really a pity for Ye Chong, hehehe."


Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Yang Ying, and Tao Xiangru stood together quietly, looking at Ye Chong, who was still on stage as a golden rooster, feeling both happy and sad.

Happily, Ye Chong actually defeated the number one favorite to win the championship, Xia Houbao. This is definitely big news that can cause a sensation in the whole country.

Undoubtedly, this will certainly wash away the notoriety branded on Ye Chong, and make him a supernova who truly attracts the attention of all parties.

The sad thing is that Ye Chong's victory this time was really a tragic one. His right leg obviously suffered a shattering blow, and it is uncertain whether he will be able to recover in the future.

The most important thing is that because of this blow, Ye Chong's future in this year's Martial Arts Conference has been cut off.

Speaking of which, if they had known this result earlier, neither Xiahou Bao nor Ye Chong would have wished to meet each other so soon.

However, it is useless to say these now.

Something has happened.

Time also goes on.

At this moment, they were in complicated moods, and their only thought was to hope that Ye Chong would get better soon. Even if there was no hope, they still hoped that their dreams would come true.

on the rostrum.

Whether it's Chu Xunhuan, Catherine, or Blanco, they all look a little pained.

There was a look of depression, disappointment, and regret in their eyes, as if a treasure that was about to be acquired was suddenly shattered.

But the strange thing is that Zhang Mingyang looked very calm, even though he kept smoking a stuffy cigarette, he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

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