Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan stood side by side, staring intently at the battle on the field.

Their faces are filled with excitement, pride and pride, and their eyes seem to be burning with small flames of hope.

on the rostrum.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and soon submerged himself in the light blue smoke.

He is laughing.

Smile from the heart.

He originally thought that Ye Chong was just a Don Quixote rushing towards the windmill and a knight who led him on the journey of martial arts, but he didn't expect that the other party turned out to be a real combat master.

Zhang Mingyang also watched the first round group match.

Regarding Ye Chong's game, he watched the replay a few more times.

He finally came to the conclusion that Ye Chong is not bad, he is good at using skills, knows how to use strength, and is very good at surprise blitzkrieg, but he is afraid that he will be weak in the follow-up.

Now, however, his views have suddenly changed.

no way.

Can't do without change.

Ye Chong is now fighting a high-level martial arts fighter who is good at strength, and it is completely a way of fighting with strength.

In the eyes of others, Ye Chong is using his own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

However, the result was surprising. Ye Chong, who was supposed to be weak, completely crushed the opponent.

Call ~

Zhang Mingyang raised his mouth and blew, and the smoke dissipated. With a smile in his eyes, he stared at ring 100.


With a smile on his lips, Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department gently pulled off the tab of the black coffee, raised his head and took a sip, and said calmly, "Mr. Blanco, do you still think you are sure of victory?"

"Of course." The big black guy on Chu Xunhuan's right grinned, "Does Mr. Chu think that I can't beat a little junior martial arts fighter?"

"Branko, you'd better be careful," Catherine on Chu Xunhuan's left smiled, "I think that guy with the stick thought the same thing at first."

"It's different." Blanco shrugged, then picked up the Coke in front of him and took a sip, "Although that man is a high-level martial arts fighter, there is a big difference between him and a martial arts general, according to what Xuanwu said here , this is 'different', isn't it, Mr. Chu?"

"Yes," Chu Xunhuan nodded with a smile, and then said slowly, "From the perspective of actual combat, Mr. Blanco is sure to win, but if you just fight with strength like now, Blanco, you really Is there any chance of victory?"

"Hey, it seems that Mr. Chu must have discovered something?" Blanco put down the Coke, then leaned to the left, and said in a low voice, "That kid must have swallowed the blood-enriching pill beforehand, otherwise, where could he be?" Such a powerful Qi and blood?"

When he said this, Blanco paused, looked around, and then lowered his voice, "What he did...isn't against the rules?"

"Hehe, what kind of violation is this? Do you think that pills like blood-enriching pills were banned in previous sports competitions?" Chu Xunhuan shook his head with a smile, and continued, "Actual combat is actual combat.

In order to win, even if a person consumes more resources, it is his own business.

As far as I know, the Yangwu Conference doesn't seem to have too many restrictions in this regard.


If he really took the elixir, not to mention how much it cost, just in terms of restoring the continuity of qi and blood, the value of this elixir is probably not trivial.

If so...

Ha ha.

It should be impossible.

This really interesting. "

"Mr. Chu's meaning..." Catherine frowned slightly, hesitated to speak, "He didn't take the pill, but... deliberately suppressed his cultivation?"

"No." Chu Xunhuan slowly shook his head, "It should be impossible to suppress cultivation.

After all, the thickness of qi and blood is difficult to change, which is the most important identification information for realm cultivation.

However, the strength of his qi and blood is indeed a bit extraordinary. Apart from the good benefit of the surge of qi and blood, I am afraid that the only explanation is that he has been supplemented with external qi and blood.

Then it's back to the topic just now.

He took the elixir.

Moreover, this elixir is extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would not provide such a smooth and natural power of qi and blood.


Now comes the problem.

Where did he get the elixir?

This is what I'm most curious about.

As far as I know, this kind of elixir is of high value, and it seems that it has not been released to the outside world, but only in the hands of some pharmaceutical masters, martial arts masters and institutions.


"So, Mr. Chu thinks that if I work hard, as long as the opponent keeps taking medicine, then I can't be this guy's opponent?" Blanco looked obviously a little unconvinced.

"Hehe, if that guy's blood can really keep flowing, then, in terms of strength alone, I'm afraid I'm no match for him." Chu Xunhuan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sure enough, he is an interesting man." Catherine smiled charmingly, brushed her hair lightly, and stared at ring 100 intently.



Ye Chong slashed down with the knife in both hands, and the tall and thin 2042 raised the stick to block it upwards. Unexpectedly, the long stick broke from the middle in an instant with the sound of explosion.


Suddenly there was an uproar in the huge No. [-] Stadium.

"Oh my god.

What Ye Chong held in his hand was the weapon provided by the government.

It is estimated that at most it is the weapon of a low-level warrior.

In terms of grade, it should not be as good as that long stick, right?

But why cut off the long stick with one knife? "

"It's actually normal.

I haven't seen many martial arts masters fighting with weapons.

But I have witnessed many martial arts masters fighting with weapons.

The weapons in the hands of some martial arts masters are obviously inferior to those of their opponents, but they can easily cut off the opponent's weapons.

Then I understood.

Many martial arts masters are internal masters, even with a leaf or a branch, they can easily kill the enemy.

After the ordinary weapons in their hands are infused with inner strength, it is equivalent to strengthening the weapons, and at the same time improving the sharpness, it is of course possible to cut off higher-grade ordinary weapons.

As for the weapons used by martial artists, the situation should be similar to this.

However, ordinary weapons in the hands of martial arts practitioners will be extraordinary within the effective time after they are infused with inner strength.

The martial artist's weapon in the hands of martial arts practitioners, after activating the pattern of law, the defense and attack power will be significantly improved. "

"Makes sense.

It seems that Ye Chong is good at using weapons.

Ha ha.

There should be at most one pattern of law for the weapon of low-level warriors, right?

To be used by Ye Chong with such great power and efficiency, I have to say that he is really a fart. "

"Shouldn't the weapon in the guy's hand have the pattern of law? But why didn't he activate the pattern of law and let the opponent cut him like this?"


Vitality and spirit are needed to activate the Rune of Law.

Take a look at that tall and thin man, with a pale face and sloppy footsteps, obviously looking exhausted and exhausted.

In this state, he still activates the pattern of the law?

impossible. "


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