Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 579 The reason to kill you

Lin Xiaomei was heroic, standing on the stage, although she didn't have a sword in her hand, she looked heroic and murderous.

All the contestants on the edge of ring 100 showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

That's right.

Others don't know that Lin Xiaomei understands the offensive mental skill of Lost Mind Slash, but they just regard her as a junior martial arts fighter who has just broken through and become a warrior.

She was able to defeat a high-level martial arts fighter and an intermediate martial arts fighter in a row with this level of cultivation.

Whether it is due to strength or luck, these are not important anymore.

The important thing is that she has won two games in a row, scored 6 points, and is currently ranked first in the group.

It's not a miracle.

But it was unpopular.

A player who should be in the fourth and fifth ranks, but is ranked the leader in the group, this is the true nature of a dark horse, and it is also a super upset maker.

The key point is that Lin Xiaomei is not injured at all, which is even more surprising.

The referee quickly came to the stage and announced: "In the first game of the second round of the 199th group, 2020 won and 2156 lost.

The following is the second match of the second round of the 199th group. Due to the absence of 2597, 2935 won and 2597 lost. "

Ye Chong looked at the person in Group 199 who hadn't appeared in the scene—the girl with dreadlocks, who looked about 1 meters tall, with wheat-colored skin, bright eyes, and a cold and fierce look.

There is no doubt that this girl with a darker complexion gives people an unpredictable feeling.

The referee quickly announced the next battle situation.

The first game of the second round of the 200th group: 2019vs2615.

The second game of the second round of the 200th group: 2042vs0111.

Ye Chong glanced at the tall and thin guy not far away, and couldn't help but frowned, thinking, he should be more careful when he meets such a guy as soon as he goes on stage.

The referee quickly announced that because 2615 was absent, in the first match of the second round of the 200th group, No. 2019 Lin Xiaonuan automatically won.

For a moment, sisters Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan looked at each other and smiled. They were both excited for their victory and also happy for the other side to take all three points. Especially Lin Xiaonuan stuck out her tongue at Ye Chong. Up happy.

After hearing the referee announce the start of the second round of the second round of the 200th group, Ye Chong smiled slightly, took a Modao-style weapon from the weapon rack, and jumped onto the stage.

At the same time, the tall and thin man numbered 2042 also flew up, waved the long stick in his hand casually, and made a buzzing sound of air explosion.

"I said that there are three immortals," Ye Chong said calmly, looking at the other party, "You can choose now."

"Go to hell, pig." The thin and tall 2042 smiled disdainfully, "One of the important purposes of my participation in the Yangwu Conference is to use the long stick in my hand to beat you, a dog in the water."

"..." Ye Chong was a little confused by the other party's scolding, and then he blinked, "Wait, you said I was a pig just now, and now you say I am a dog, well, I want to know, what am I?"


There was a burst of laughter around the ring 100.

"You are not as good as a pig or a dog." The tall and thin 2042 smiled coldly, and then swung the long stick to the outside, making a terrifying sound of air explosion, "So, you can die."

"Thank you." Ye Chong raised his mouth and nodded.

"Thank you?" The slender 2042's eyes were full of sarcasm, "Are you stupid? Or are you really inferior to a pig and dog, dare to provoke the world's martial arts fighters?"

"Thank you," Ye Chong swung the Mo Dao swiftly and slashed at the opponent, "Thank you for giving me a reason to kill you."


The long stick in the thin and tall man's hand was blocked upwards, and it happened to collide with Mo Dao, and there was an earth-shattering explosion sound.

Ka Ka Ka!

The tall and thin 2042 took half a step back, with a look of surprise on his face.

But before he had any further reaction, the Mo Dao in Ye Chong's hand slashed down again, the sound of breaking the wind was as if a cannon had been fired.

Ka Ka Ka!

The tall and thin 2042 took a few steps back again, his face suddenly changed.

Ye Chong, on the other hand, had Yue Zhiyuan Ting on both feet, and Zhiguan kept slashing forward with the Mo Dao in his hand.

The thin and tall man staggered his feet and changed his hands, obviously wanting to get rid of the opponent's control and use body and stick techniques to control the enemy.

Unfortunately, although the Mo Dao in Ye Chong's hand has a single move and slashes straight at the opponent, it is extremely fast and powerful, making it impossible for the tall and thin man to dodge and escape, and can only follow the rhythm of the opponent. Hard resistance.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, the sound of clashing swords and sticks was thunderous and continuous, and almost the entire audience of the No. [-] Stadium looked here.


A total of 10 people roared, and ring 100 completely became the center of attention.

"Haha, I like this style of play. There are no fancy moves. Everyone fights for energy, blood and physique. This is what a man looks like."


Ye Chong is only a junior martial arts fighter with an initial level of cultivation, while 2042 is an advanced martial arts fighter, both in terms of the thickness and strength of his blood, which are much greater than the opponent.

But why do I always feel that Ye Chong's attack power is getting stronger and stronger, while 2042 is getting more and more difficult to parry? "

"The power of qi and blood is not only related to the thickness and strength of qi and blood, but also related to the skills of running the power of qi and blood.

Judging from Ye Chong's performance, he obviously mastered a very good method of surging Qi and blood.

On the other hand, the thin and tall man, although his qi and blood power is also very strong, he feels rather clumsy.

This shows that the thin and tall man is obviously not as good as Ye Chong in the method of surging Qi and blood, and it is right to be at a disadvantage for a while.

However, Ye Chong's qi and blood are low, and sooner or later he will run out of energy.

At that time, if the tall and thin one fights back, the opponent will surely die. "

"I'm going! How long has it been? I always feel that Ye Chong's energy and blood should have been exhausted long ago, right? How could he persist for so long?"

"Does he have any special skills in terms of using qi and blood besides a good method of operation, such as four or two strokes?"

"Ha ha.

You haven't practiced martial arts, have you?

Four or two strokes of a thousand catties is a technique of unloading and borrowing force to strike. It has an extraordinary status in martial arts, but in terms of martial arts, it has little meaning.

What's more, Ye Chong has been slashing the opponent with great force, only paying attention to speed and strength, and it has nothing to do with four or two thousand catties.

However, then again.

As a junior martial arts fighter, it is indeed a bit strange that he can crush a senior martial arts fighter with the power of pure energy and blood.

I found that the power of Qi and blood he uses every time seems to be small, but the moment he hits the target, it seems to burst out with several times the power all at once.

Ha ha.

Maybe Ye Chong really has mastered an unpredictable Qi and blood secret skill. "

"Think about it too.

If Ye Chong hadn't really had two talents, he wouldn't have been able to challenge all martial arts fighters in the world.

Don't forget, even if most people want to do this kind of thing, it is impossible to achieve it.

For him to be provocative in the official media, he must have been officially recognized.

Now that he has been officially recognized, it shows that he really has the strength.

Not to mention anything else, the Yangwu Academy, the host of the Yangwu Conference, promoted this incident, so it should not slap itself in the face.

and also.

If Ye Chong really didn't have the background to be proud of the heroes, then he knew that he had committed the anger of the public, and he came to the martial arts conference to participate in the battle, wouldn't he be courting death?

Ha ha.

This is of course impossible. "

"Fuck! How scary! Ye Chong's strength seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and it feels like 2042 is overwhelmed."


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