Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 568 The pressure is overwhelming

Ye Chong chatted with Du Nan for a long time, and when the waiter came in to clear the table, the two also ended their conversation.

It should be said that when Dunan left, his face was very calm, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Ye Chong, who stayed in the room, stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the campus under the night in a daze, as if time had stood still.

During the chat with Dunan just now, while he was giving advice to the other party, he also got a serious reminder from the other party.

Dunan said that during the intermission of the first round group stage in the past two days, he was not idle and had witnessed several people's matches.

Among them was Xiahou Bao.

This man is too powerful.

Dunan said that in front of him, he would involuntarily feel a sense of weakness and powerlessness, and even had an urge to escape as soon as possible.

The place where Xiahou storm brought the greatest shock is power.

In the group match that Dunan watched, Xia Houbao stood still in front of a high-level martial arts fighter who rushed madly, and knocked the opponent off the ring with just one palm.

Judging from the situation at the scene, the bones of that senior martial artist should have been broken a lot.

That's right.

It is broken, not broken.

Otherwise, there would not have been such a dense popping sound.

Ordinary people can't hear it, but warriors can hear it clearly.

However, this is not the most terrifying.

The most frightening thing was that when this guy jumped off the ring, the ground nearby was also trembling.

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that there were nothing more than two reasons for this astonishing phenomenon.

The first one is that Xia Houbao's body mass is very large, and he didn't deliberately control it when he landed, so the tremor when the heavy object landed was naturally huge.

The second is that the moment this guy landed on the ground, he deliberately used the power of qi and blood to declare that he could not be challenged at all.

Whether it was the first reason or the second reason, Ye Chong felt a little nervous.

If it is the first reason, it means that Xiahou Bao's body is really made of steel and iron.

If you want to fight against such a character, even a strong attack is useless, it is impossible to penetrate at all.

If it was the second reason, it would probably be even worse, which meant that Xiahou Bao's qi and blood were very strong.

In other words, this guy's skills in using Qi and blood are very powerful, otherwise, it would be impossible to cause the ground nearby to tremble.

Dunant also mentioned one person.

I don't know the name of this person.

He looked chubby, like a rubber ball.

But I didn't expect his speed to be extremely fast, so fast that it was incredible.

When fighting in the arena, this guy really bounced like a ball, with a strange angle, making it hard to guard against.

When Ye Chong heard what Du Nan said, he knew it in his heart.

The agility displayed by the chubby man is definitely a martial arts agility skill.

This shows what?

There is no doubt that this guy's actual combat agility skills have reached perfection, whether it is speed or agility, they have all met the requirements for practicing martial arts agility skills.

In other words, this chubby guy's agility is definitely comparable to Ye Chong's, if not worse.

There are a few other people, each with their own means and distinct characteristics.

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that a large part of the reason for Du Nan's coming here today was to remind himself to pay attention to safety, just as he earnestly reminded the other party to be more careful.

The two of them are fighting each other, but in their hearts they are looking forward to each other's strides forward, reaching higher levels, and becoming each other's strong support in the journey of martial arts.

Call ~

Ye Chong rarely lit a cigarette.

After taking a light breath, light blue smoke quickly filled the surroundings, and his mood at this moment was also like the smoke in front of him, drifting and helpless.

"I thought that relying on my strongest background - combat merit points, I would definitely be able to shine in this martial arts conference.

Even if they are not capable of competing for the championship, they still have a great chance of entering the top ten.

But now it seems that it is still a bit blindly optimistic.

Ha ha.

I always thought that I had worked hard enough and was strong enough, but I didn't expect that there were many martial arts fighters who worked harder and stronger than me.

Counting casually now, there must be at least a dozen people who are no worse than yourself, right?

Don't forget, there are still many people who don't show their mountains and dews at all?

It seems that I really want to put my expectations around thirty?

If I really get this ranking, it is reasonable for me to challenge the world's martial arts fighters with my junior martial arts fighter's initial cultivation base, but it can't really wash away my notoriety.

After all, I'm still a joke.

Become someone's gossip after dinner.

But what else can I do now?

Combat points are my strongest background.

Flying skills are my strongest agility.

Carapace Art is my strongest defense.

Jingyuan thorn is my strongest auxiliary method.

what else?

What I have, maybe others do too.

Especially those from Emperor Martial Academy, Huawu Academy, Martial Arts Sect, major families, as well as military warriors and wild warriors, the possibility of them having superb skills is very high.

then i...


And weapons.

From the second round of the group stage, weapons can be used.

It's just a pity.

My star blade is not here.

If I had it by my side, my strength would suddenly soar just by relying on the pattern of law inside.

However, it is useless to say anything now.

It is staying in the dormitory obediently.


Judging from the notice, the organizing committee of the Martial Arts Conference also provides weapons, but they are all weapons for junior warriors, and the number and types are small.

However, there is no other way.

Isn't it stupid to use weapons while others use them? "

Ye Chong couldn't help but frown while thinking wildly, with a complicated look on his face.

In fact, he wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to qualify for the second round of the team, but that he didn't have the Starry Sky Blade in his hand, and he always felt like he was missing an arm.

But soon, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

Afterwards, he conveniently picked up the shoe stick by the door, and started hacking and chopping in the house.

Speaking of it, it's okay.

The use of Qi and blood surge method is not affected.

It's just that Ye Chong is used to using a knife, but now he has a shoe stick in his hand, which obviously lacks the charm of a knife when chopping.

Not long after, he switched from slashing to stabbing. What he didn't expect was that it was much more powerful than before.

"Actually, no matter whether you use a knife, a gun, or a stick, the method of using the power of surging energy and blood is the same.

It's just that the attack effect will be the most powerful only after finding the right angle and direction, and this requires constant proficiency.

What exactly will the weapons on offer look like in tomorrow's second round group stage?

Whether I can get the knife in my hand is not certain.

Therefore, I'd better practice the skills and proficiency of using other weapons to surge energy and blood now, so as not to be in a hurry. "

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