Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 567 Unique Deterrent Power

After all, Ye Chong was still a step slower.

Dunant ate too fast.

The key point is that his mouth is like a bloody mouth.

And it's not right to say he eats.

It is clearly poured and stuffed into the mouth.

It's almost like a whale swallowing something.

I don't know if Dunan's problem is related to practicing the "whale swallowing technique".

Anyway, when this guy started to eat, the people with him could only swallow their saliva.

Thanks to ordering another ten skewers of red willow mutton skewers, and a charcoal-grilled yellow beach sheep.

Otherwise, Ye Chong would really starve on his own territory this time.

"Lao Ye, you are good at everything, but you are stingy." Du Nan rubbed his stomach, obviously a little unhappy, "It is not easy to have a full meal with you."

"You're not stingy." Ye Chong was so angry that his nose was almost crooked, "Yesterday I invited me to eat beef noodles, and I didn't order enough to fit between my teeth. Just like that, you ate more than half of it."

"Haha, the hero doesn't mention the courage of the past," Du Nan patted his stomach, "You said the front desk of the expert apartment is the same, I beat up the assistant manager of the lobby, not them, why don't you let me order food? "

"You beat that lobby manager pretty hard, right? I don't think I've come to work yet?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "However, if the front desk doesn't order food for you, it's because he doesn't want to help. There are people in the room. For contact information, you can call the catering reservation office directly."

"I did," Dunan hiccupped, "it doesn't work either."

"That's right," Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "It should be because you eat too much, and people don't dare to say that at all."

"So, this martial arts conference can't be held well," Dunan clicked his lips and shook his head, "Even people don't get enough food."

"They didn't tell you not to let you eat, did they? The catering supply capacity of the expert apartment is limited. After all, it is not the designated dining place for the contestants. You can go to the school cafeteria to eat openly?" Ye Chong smiled, "The second canteen The braised pork tastes good, it's your favorite, you should really go there to eat."

"I don't go to the cafeteria to eat, the ingredients there are not good." Dunan puffed up his chest, "I am a person of status now, and if I go to eat in that kind of place, the price will drop a bit."

"Dunan, your thinking is very dangerous." Ye Chong shook his head.

"I understand what you mean," Dunan said with a rare sigh. "Actually, I'm just tall and eat a lot. I don't want to be watched, or else..."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't come to my place, would you?" Ye Chong smiled, "The food on the dining table at the Masquerade Martial Arts Club is not bad, although you need to buy a ticket, but with your appetite, you can definitely eat it back. Moreover, if you are not careful, you can also earn a lucky egg bonus, how nice is it?"

"I went," Dunan shook his head, "the door will not be opened. There is no notification on the campus website."

"Oh," Ye Chong nodded, "It seems that everyone is preparing for the second round of the group stage, and no one wants to waste time going to the masked martial arts competition."

"Lao Ye, you gave me good advice in the first round of the group stage, which is to be ruthless, which I think is right." Dunan gently rubbed his stomach, "Tomorrow is the second round of the group stage.

I don't know who the new opponent is?

But I think, the strength must be stronger than the players in the first round group stage.

what should I do?

Lao Ye, you have a good brain, give me an idea, what should I do next? "

"My brain is good?" Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "Hehe, if I was really good at brains, I wouldn't be fed and drunk by you all day, and you would call me petty."

"Hahaha, actually, Ye, we should divide the work." Dunan suddenly smiled mysteriously and opened his mouth wide. For some reason, it reminded people of the idiom "shameless and obscene".

"Division of labor?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Look, the 00 team is full of beauties and little beauties." Du Nan patted his stomach, "You took their hearts away, but you didn't accept them, or Just let me collect it for you?"

"Get out!" Ye Chong yelled, "If you dare to mess around, Xiaohong will definitely not let you go."

"Haha, I'm just saying, how dare you mess around, people's hearts have been taken away by you, can I still take people?" Du Nan said with a smile, "Lao Ye, you have a good brain, you can ask for anything, you are a role model for us .”

"Go away!" Ye Chong looked at the other party with contempt on his face, "No one is with you, even if you want to, Xiaohong doesn't agree."

"What?" Du Nan was stunned, and then his eyes widened, "Lao Ye, you have a good brain, right?!

See how complicated your thinking is?

I can't understand it at all.

hurry up.

Tell me quickly.

What should I do in the second round group stage? "

"Hard." Ye Chong said calmly.

"It's still the same word?!" Dunan was a little surprised. "In the first round group stage, it's okay to play hard, but the opponents in the second round group stage are not weak..."

"That's why we need to be more ruthless." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and said slowly, "And, to be ruthless to a higher level, even if the strength is not good, you must be more ruthless than the other party."

"Lao Ye, you're not making a public announcement..." Dunan muttered.

"There is no public affairs between us, only private affairs. If you die, it will do me no good." Ye Chong continued to say in a deep voice, "When it comes to the second round group stage, most people think the same as you and have raised their vigilance.

this is correct.

After all, after the baptism of the first round group stage, everyone has seen the cruelty and bloodiness of the battle.

No matter who wants to survive, they need to be extremely vigilant and judge the situation.

Otherwise, once danger arises, the bell of death will ring.

But for you, it's not right.

Dunan, you are tall and strong, and you are also very ugly, and you are extremely vicious, not to mention you have the title of a vicious little brother, so the situation is different. "

"Lao Ye, what are you talking about?!" Du Nan immediately became upset when he heard the other party say that, "Why do I look so ugly?!"

When he said this, Du Nan patted his face lightly with his hands, and then said: "Come on, take a look, take a look at the parts, am I ugly?"

"Ugly." Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "It's earth-shatteringly ugly, as if a demon has come to the world, which is a good thing."

"Old..." Du Nan was about to speak when Ye Chong waved his hand.

"The battle in the ring is life and death. If you want to win, you must learn to use your strength." Ye Chong frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "After the bloody battle in the first round of the group stage, your current image has formed a unique image. The deterrent power of—

Violent, vicious, cruel, and powerful, plus tall and strong, ugly to the sky, these will bring invisible pressure to the opponent.

Dunant, if you can make good use of this, it will be an extremely powerful boost for every game of your second round group stage.

However, you have to remember.

When encountering an opponent whose strength is weaker than yours, be sure to strike steadily and ruthlessly, and end the battle as soon as possible, like a sharp knife cutting through a mess.

When you meet someone whose strength is comparable to yours, you must be brave and not afraid of death, suppress the opponent with an unscrupulous aura, look for the right time, and defeat him in one fell swoop.

When you meet a master who is stronger than you, you must be fierce and difficult to deal with, so that the opponent will feel jealous, and you don't need to attack by force, just keep the tie. "


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