Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 551 Take some time

"Then what should I do to get my things back?" Ye Chong looked coldly at the man in the yellow mask.

"Accept the next challenge as the ring master. As long as you win, you will be considered successful in defending the ring, and you will get your lucky egg and bonus." The man wearing a yellow mask smiled.

"What if I fail?" Ye Chong frowned, "Does it mean that I won't get anything, and the first game will be considered a win for nothing?"

"No." The man in the yellow mask waved his hand, "Even if you fail in the ring, it's better than retreating without a fight. At least you are the lucky one to invest. By the way, the 90 prize money from the last match is also You can take it away."

"What kind of bullshit rule is this?! There is no reason at all!" Ye Chong was irritable, his eyes blazing, "If the next challenger on stage is a master, then if I fail, wouldn't it be a huge loss?"

"302, please pay attention to your tone and wording. If there are any more disrespectful words or swear words, we will punish you, 10 each time!" The man wearing a yellow mask looked cold and emphasized his tone, "There is still a huge loss ?


Even if you really lose because of the battle, but the bonuses and the lucky ones who invested are all there, so why not talk about losses?

Ha ha.


This rule is not set by me, but the setting of the Masked Martial Arts Association system.

Don't blame me if you want to, I'm just an executor. "

"Ma De, go to Nima's bullshit rules, there is no reason at all." Ye Chong roared in a low voice, "Where you are riding a horse, get 50 yuan, grass mud horse!"


It was as if a pot had exploded around the ring No. [-]. Shouts, cursing, and laughter rang out.

"Damn it! 302 is bloody, scolded for 10, this is... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, five curses, a total of 50, awesome!"

"Hahaha, but the broken rules set by the Masked Martial Arts Association are really not good. If this goes on like this, who the hell wants to be the first contestant?"

"It's useless to say anything else. There are quite a lot of eggs in the lucky egg pool. As long as you can beat this guy, you can make a lot of money. Hurry up and sign up."

"Hey, you think it's easy to defeat him, a master who can hit two high-level martial arts fighters one after another, do you really believe that he is easy to defeat?"


At this very moment, the eyes of the man in the yellow mask were wider than a copper bell, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

However, he quickly reacted, and began to operate the multifunction machine in his hand, muttering in his mouth:

"I'll make you scold! 50! Deduct 50 from you!"

"Listen up, what the hell, another 40." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he blinked, "Damn it, there's still two nimas left, no, damn it, that's enough, it's easy to hang on."


There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

Ye Chong talked vigorously, feeling extremely anxious.

He is not really idle and has nothing to do to irritate the staff of the Masked Martial Arts Association, but wants to spend as much time as possible.

no way.

The more time you delay, the closer you will be to the second round of the Masquerade Games.

Those who have won the official championship of the Masked Martial Arts Association are more reluctant to have side effects.

It would be troublesome to consume one's own blood for nothing, especially in case of injury.

Therefore, as time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer masters who really want to be in the tenth ring.

After all, for these people, the real purpose of participating in the Masquerade Martial Arts Tournament is to find potential opponents in the Martial Arts Tournament.

And the challenge match of the Masked Martial Arts Club is just a small episode, and they don't pay attention to the little money on it.

You must know that it is of great significance to compete with potential opponents in the martial arts competition in the masked martial arts competition.

It is likely to be related to whether the two sides can find a good way to defeat the enemy after they meet in the knockout round of the Yangwu Conference.

In fact, every contestant who participated in the martial arts competition knows that after the martial arts conference is over, the martial arts ranking list will be announced, and the ranking on the martial arts ranking list is of course closely related to the ranking of this year's martial arts conference.

When it comes to Yangwu rankings, no one does not understand the great significance it represents.

Not to mention anything else, for the people on the list, especially those at the top, the star effect generated by this alone can form a profit circle, and it is basically a matter of minutes to earn extra money.

Maybe just come to a meeting or attend an event, and you can earn tens of millions.

Therefore, for real masters, all goals are towards the leaderboard.

As long as there is a good ranking in the martial arts leaderboard, then everything you want will be available.

As for the previous episodes, they are really dispensable and not important.

There was another reason for Ye Chong to delay.

In the process of fighting with two high-level martial arts fighters, he consumed a lot of mental power, a lot of energy and blood, and most importantly, he was injured.

Now that he knows that he has to participate in the challenge, it is true that he can recover as much as possible and quickly, so time is really important to him.

Can drag a little bit, is a little bit.

If you can spend more time, you can recover more.


Are they all wearing masks?

Go f*cking image.

Even if he doesn't wear a mask, is there any image that cannot be tarnished for a person who openly challenged the world's martial arts fighters?

Ka Ka Ka!

Little flames of anger flickered in the eyes of the man in the yellow mask, and he quickly began to operate the multifunction machine fiercely.

It looked like he wanted to kill Ye Chong with his fingers.

After the operation, the man in the yellow mask looked at Ye Chong coldly again, as if to say:

Do you continue to scold?



Scold hard.

Anyway, the more you scold, the more bonus I get.

Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a slight smile:

"Hopefully the next one to come on stage is a master.

Don't be forced to hit like the 250 and 120 just now.


People on stage had better go to the bathroom early, I don't like the smell of feces.

and also.

It's best to leave the suicide note, I want to kill someone. "


There was an uproar at the scene.

The few people who were still about to move immediately became quieter.

However, soon a tall man jumped onto the stage and said, "I'll fight you."

"Have you left a suicide note?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "If you don't leave a suicide note in this game, you will leave regrets."

"Hehe, you're thinking too much." The tall man curled his lips and smiled, "It's as easy to kill you as to crush a small ant, and you don't need to tell the funeral."

"This is not good..." Ye Chong laughed.

"Shut up!" The tall man accepted the lesson and was unwilling to talk too much, "Use your kung fu on your hands and feet, not your mouth."

" you use it on your hands or your feet?" Ye Chong continued to speak with a smile on his face.

"Shut up!" The tall man confronted him coldly, and then his figure flickered, and he was about to attack.

Judging from the faint qi and blood emanating from this person, he turned out to be a high-level martial arts fighter, and his cultivation level seemed to be much higher than the previous two.

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