Ye Chong stepped on the ground with one foot, lifted up more than three meters in the air, and quietly fell to the edge of the ring on the other side of the tenth ring.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body trembling for a while, swaying three times and twice, so that he didn't fall down.

Speaking of which, at the moment when he was kicked just now, even though he used the armor skin technique, the opponent's berserk blow was too terrifying, and he was still injured when he had no way to dodge it.

"Too underestimated the enemy."

A sudden rage and irritability rushed into Ye Chong's heart.

"302, I warn you once!" The man wearing a yellow mask shouted in a low voice, "The masks we wear on our heads are not allowed to be deliberately attacked. You just pulled 120's mask, and you are suspected of foul play. Please pay attention! Continuous warnings Three times, it will be treated as a failure in the contest!"

"How the hell are you going to fight?!" Ye Chong frowned, "If you attack the opponent's face and cause the mask to suffer joint attacks, is it considered a violation?"

"It doesn't count." The man wearing the yellow mask said lightly, "As long as the first attack target is not the mask, it doesn't count. Also, pay attention to your tone and words!"

"Hey, it's up to you whether it counts or not?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Forget it, then I won't slap my face in the future."

After speaking, Ye Chong swayed his body and kicked the short and fat man's stomach with a flying kick.

At the same time, a fierce light flashed in the squinted eyes of the short and fat man, his body turned slightly, and he also kicked forward with his foot, and the sound of air explosion suddenly resounded.


Ye Chong suddenly let out a roar, and stepped back first.

There was bursts of laughter at the scene.


The short and fat man also stared blankly, and stopped attacking.

Almost at the same time, Ye Chong kicked the opponent's abdomen with his right foot, and the speed was even faster than before.

The short and fat man reacted very quickly, turned his body slightly again, raised his foot and kicked Ye Chong's right leg straight.

Just in this flash, the latter squinted his eyes, and said "stop" again in a low voice.

The short and fat man's eyes froze suddenly, but Ye Chong turned around and patted down with his right hand.

In fact, Ye Chong didn't have a sick head, he yelled to stop and stop, it was because the use of the Jingyuan thorn paid attention to winning in chaos.

If the opponent's attention is kept on a high level of vigilance, the effect of the Jingyuan thorn will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to receive the effect of the surprise soldier.


Ye Chong slapped down with his right hand, and slapped the short and fat man hard on the face.

The latter's already swollen face immediately made a strange sound.

It felt like an overripe watermelon was photographed to pieces.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong's left hand also pulled out with a swish.



Amidst the screams, the short and fat man spun three times on the spot, then staggered and fell off the stage.


The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"What the hell is going on? This guy 302 actually defeated another high-level martial arts fighter?!"

"It's strange. I found that although the 120 guy is very strong, he likes to be in a daze when it's critical. Otherwise, the 302 guy can't take advantage of the loophole."

"302, this guy repeated his old tricks and succeeded again, but this fat guy knew that the other party was playing this trick, so how could he still fall for it?"

"Made, the lucky guy is in vain, this guy 302 is making a lot of money again."


I think it's all because of the serial number.

One was 250, and it turned out to be like two hundred and fifty.

One is 120, and it really looks like it needs to call 120.


Let's see.

How important a number should be.

bro, your number is...

What the hell!


Pay attention to fire prevention, brother. "


The man wearing a yellow mask glanced at Ye Chong, and then announced: "302 wins in this challenge, 120 loses."

Ye Chong smiled and wanted to jump off the stage.

"Wait," the man in the yellow mask said in a deep voice, "Now you are the ringleader, you can't step down, you need to wait for a new challenge."

"What?" Ye Chong looked confused.

At this time, there was a lot of noise around the No. [-] ring.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm challenging 302."

"I, I sign up."

"Haha, let me challenge you."


Seeing the excitement of the audience, everyone couldn't wait, as if they had found a treasure.

Ye Chong was in a daze, looked at the man in the yellow mask and said, "Sorry, I only have one fight."

"No, this is against the rules." The man in the yellow mask smiled and shook his head, "The winner of the challenge is the champion, and he must accept the challenge, otherwise, it wouldn't be a challenge."

"Well, I don't accept the challenge," Ye Chong frowned, "I just admit defeat."

no way.

Ye Chong didn't dare to continue fighting now.

Not long ago, in order to combat 120's arrogance and achieve victory as soon as possible, he used the startling stab twice on this short and fat man.

Speaking of which, the mental skill of Jingyuan Thorn is easy to use, but it consumes a lot. Every time it is used, it will consume 20 points of mental power, and if it is consumed twice, it will be 40 points.

You must know that mental power is closely related to a person's mental state.

If the mental power is lower than 80%, there will be a poor mental state, and if it is lower than 60%, then the mental state will be very poor.

After using the Jingyuan Thorn twice in a row, his mental state has reached the edge of 60%. If he uses it rashly, the effect may not be good, and he may even fall to the ground due to mental exhaustion in an instant.

If this is the case, then who can stand it.

Another point.

The most important reason why Ye Chong came to the stage to fight against the short and fat man was that the guy suffered serious injuries on his face. With the cooperation of Jingyuan Thorn, he could take advantage of this opportunity to win.

Not anymore.

He was the one who was in a bad state of mind, while the audience was full of masters, all of them looked like tigers and wolves, with their greedy eyes wide open.

Besides, he just won another round, beating two high-level martial arts fighters one after another, and he also learned something during the competition. He is planning to summarize it. How can he continue to face challenges?

"Yes," the man in the yellow mask nodded, "If you don't accept the challenge and step down directly, then all the lucky eggs and bonuses from the previous round will be cancelled."

"What?!" Ye Chong's head got dizzy when he heard it, "Are you guys stealing money?! I won the last game, so why can't I take away my bonus and lucky egg?!"

"Sorry, 302, this is a challenge," the man in the yellow mask smiled, "Since it's a challenge, there are rules of the challenge, and I understand these rules better than you."

"..." Ye Chong now has an urge to kill someone, his heart has started beating wildly, "So many lucky eggs are not a small number, and there are bonuses, how could it be easy to give up?"

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