Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 533 Ruthless Little Brother

Second stadium.

Ring No. 138.

Around a dozen people were looking up, watching the game.

The arena is a bit high, about three meters, so everyone kept a certain distance from the arena.

In fact, the organizer set the arena to this height because of safety considerations, lest people standing too close to the arena might be accidentally injured by both sides of the competition.

Not to mention anything else, if someone is shot down from the ring, or loses and jumps off the ring, if there are people standing next to him, it will definitely cause inconvenience, or affect, or even cause harm.

In short, it is a security risk.

Of course, there is another reason, and it is a more important reason.

During the competition between the two sides in the ring, if someone secretly manipulates the arena, it will obviously change the flavor of the game.

The closer you are, the stronger the concealment, the higher the success rate, and the greater the danger.

Therefore, let the onlookers keep a certain distance, even if someone tries to do something, they will be seen through at a glance, and even the referees and supervisors on the scene have time to remedy it.

At this moment, on stage 138, Dunant stood opposite another strong man, waiting for the start of the match.

The latter is about 1 meters tall, wearing a black tights, the chest and abdomen and the muscles on the arms are all highlighted, looking extremely strong and full of strength.

Especially this person's face, square and upright, full of curly beards, a pair of big eyes like tiger's eyes, filled with fierce and brutal light.

Although Dunan was a bit bigger than the other party, he was fat and fat, looking a little clumsy and bloated, especially his clothes were baggy, which made him look a bit sloppy.

At this moment, in the huge second stadium, there are at least [-] spectators watching the game. There are also hundreds of people on the rostrum and VIP seats, and they are also admiring the game with great interest. Contest.

All of a sudden, screams, shouts, laughter, whistles, cheers and voices rumbled together.

Although dozens of games were going on at the scene at the same time, it could be heard from the voices of the audience that some of the games that had not officially started really attracted their greatest attention.

One of them was obviously ring 138, the match between Dunan and the big man in black tights.

"That ugly and fat guy is Ye Chong's younger brother. He seems to be called Du Nan or something. I hope the handsome guy on the other side kills that gay guy."

"Don't look at Du Nan as Ye Chong's younger brother, but he is very powerful.

Not to mention anything else, when he was in the indoor gymnasium just now, his special test scores were very high.

Whether it is speed, agility or strength, Ye Chong is completely crushed.

I think……

This Dunan, Ye Chong's younger brother, should have the strength to compete for the championship. "


This is the biggest joke I've heard today.

Dunant for the title?

I'll go for it.

You haven't seen what a master is, have you?

Let's not talk about how powerful Xia Houbao, Dionysus, Fat Girl, Smoker, etc. are, and let alone the actual combat masters from Qingyunzong and the military. Just this brother Long on the opposite side is not something that Fatty Du can deal with. ? "

"I don't think so, the special test results of little brother Ye Chong..."

"What's the point of that?!

The competition in the arena is strength, not statistics.

Ye Chong was originally a psychopath with weak head and crazy head, how could his little brother be stronger? !


If you have been online at noon, you will know. The latest information shows that Dunan is also a junior martial arts fighter who has just broken through to become a warrior.

Where's Brother Long?

He is a senior martial arts fighter who is serious and basic.

Such a large gap in realm cultivation is an insurmountable moat for warriors.

And, that's not all.

Brother Long was born in a family of martial arts. Before he practiced martial arts, he had reached the realm of a master in martial arts. He has superb skills and rich practical experience.

After he practiced martial arts, he was like a fish in water and made rapid progress. Moreover, he once practiced alone in the wilderness and brought back countless mutant beast materials.

Just look at the information on the Internet. Many people say that Brother Long is definitely the favorite to win the championship of this year's martial arts competition.


Ye Chong's little brother is nothing compared to him. "

"Ha ha.

My buddy knows Brother Long very well.

I'm hearing it for the first time anyway.

Could it be that he is a master from the Imperial Martial Arts Academy?

Or is it from Huaxia Martial Arts Academy?

Or Kyushu Martial Arts Academy?

Ha ha.

Since Brother Long is so powerful, why didn't the beautiful lady host at the opening ceremony introduce him? !

It seems that the organizer of this martial arts conference still looks down on a master like Long Ge? "

"Brother Long has always been a low-key person. Everyone in our Bazhou Martial Arts Academy has seen how powerful he is. Hehe, it's useless to talk too much. We'll see how he kills little brother Ye Chong later."

"It's Bazhou Martial Arts Academy? Hehe, not bad, not bad."

"Why haven't they started yet? What are you waiting for?"

"I don't know about this, it should be waiting for the time to start the match together?"

"It's already 13:30, how long do we have to wait?"

"Huh? It seems to be starting, hahaha, hurry up."





I saw that on the various arenas in the stadium, the two sides that had been facing each other for a long time all entered a fighting state.

Ring No. 138.

The big man in black tights stepped on the ground with one foot, rose into the air, and then kicked Dunan's chest with both feet in a row, causing the air to explode loudly.


The latter remained motionless as if in a daze.

Immediately after that, at the next moment, the feet of the big man in black tights kicked Dunan one after another.


Dunan quietly turned sideways, passed his feet like a ghost, rushed towards the opponent's body with his left hand, grabbed Brother Long's throat, and rushed behind him with his right hand, hitting the opponent's back with a punch.



There were screams and explosions at the same time.

It doesn't stop there.

Dunan lifted his left hand upwards, swung it, turned it, and then fell down.


The big man in the black tights was immediately knocked to the ground like paper. Immediately, feces and urine burst out, the stench was strong, and blood flowed everywhere.


In an instant, the huge second stadium was in chaos, as if a pot had exploded.

"Stop!" Seeing that Dunan was about to stomp his foot down again, the referee immediately yelled and flew onto the stage, "You've already won, there's no need to make another death move."

"But he hasn't conceded yet?" Dunan put his feet down with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Why admit defeat?!" The middle-aged referee's eyes were extremely strange, "Everyone is almost dead, how can he admit it?!"

"Impossible?" Du Nan patted his stomach, "He is so strong, why is he so ungrateful? Let me see, I think he is playing dead."


In the huge stadium, screams, laughter and whistles suddenly rang out.

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