Ye Chong looked at Yang Ying who was meditating with her eyes closed, and couldn't help frowning, not daring to disturb her anymore.

Yang Ying was kicked in the lower back, and the injury was not serious. The next round of competition will be played in more than half an hour. If she doesn't recover as soon as possible, she is afraid that she will lose.


Ye Chong looked at the other six people beside the 176 ring. They should be the other group participants who shared the 235 ring with the 176 group.

These people all looked stern, silent, making preparations silently.

A total of 3000 people qualified to register for the entire Yangwu Conference were divided into 500 groups to participate in the first round group competition.

However, there are only 200 rings.

100 in the first stadium, 50 each in the second and third stadiums.

Therefore, the arena must be shared, and using it at the wrong time can also give each group time to rest after each round of competition.

Among them, the first stadium is a ring shared by three groups, and the second stadium and the third stadium are shared by two groups.

Ye Chong looked at the other arenas again. The competition was basically not over, unlike the 235 group, where the strengths and weaknesses were clearly defined, and the verdict was basically determined in one round.

175 arena.

A tall man over 1 meters was standing face to face with a thin man less than 9 meters.

From a distance, it looks like a grown man looking at a young child.

But what is interesting is that the tall man quickly clenched his fists with both hands, his body tensed, and slowly retreated, while the thin man slowly moved forward with his hands behind his back. The hills move with great momentum.

If you look closely, you will find that the veins on the tall man's face are protruding, and the sweat is pouring down like rain, while the skinny man's face is watery and calm.

Immediately after the next moment, there was no movement of the thin and small man, and he rushed forward as if a shell had been fired. The tall man trembled and turned around to run.


It was too late.


A strange sound came out.


The tall man screamed, covered his chest and abdomen with his hands, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he stepped back step by step.

At the same time, every time he opened his mouth to take a big breath, blood spattered out.

At the same time, the thin man stood still and lightly shook his blood-soaked right fist.


The tall man tilted his body and fell from the ring, and there was no further movement.

177 arena.

Both are young women, chasing after each other on the high platform.

The woman wearing the training uniform of the Imperial Martial Academy looks like a dancing butterfly, and when she is about to be overtaken by the woman wearing the training uniform of the Beiwu Academy, she can always dodge with an incredible posture to save the day.

However, the woman wearing the Beiwu Academy's exercise uniform seemed unhurried, and she was also very agile when moving around, not inferior to the woman wearing the Emperor Martial Academy's exercise uniform.

While chasing and escaping, the golden arena was full of fragrance, not only did not have the cruel feeling of bloody massacre, but it was a little more beautiful.

From time to time, there were voices of praise and applause from the watching crowd around the ring.




When the time came, the woman in the training clothes of the Emperor Martial Academy and the girl in the training clothes of the Beiwu Academy stopped moving, looked at each other, and stepped off the stage.

In fact, when Ye Chong looked up information on the Internet last night, he also saw the general rules of the group stage and knockout stage.

For the knockout match, it is very simple, the winner is determined by one battle, the winner advances, and the loser is eliminated. There is no such thing as a tie.

For the group stage, the point system is adopted, and the time limit for each game is 5 minutes.

I don't know if this time was adjusted later, but now it seems that it should have remained the same, or 5 minutes.

If the battle is resolved within 5 minutes, of course there will be a winner.

If the battle is not over within 5 minutes, it is considered a draw.

One win, three points.

A tie, 1 point.

One defeat, 0 points.

When calculating points for a group, of course, the higher the points, the higher the ranking.

If the points are the same, of course it depends on the relationship between the winners and losers.

If several people have the same points and the winning and losing relationship forms a chain, then the special test results will be considered. Of course, the higher the special test score, the higher the ranking.

Therefore, from this perspective, special test results are still very important, not only affecting the grouping of the second round group stage, but also may have a decisive impact on the final ranking of the first round group stage.

But then again, in the first round of the group stage, after all, the strengths and weaknesses are relatively clear, and the possibility of actually forming a winning streak with the same points is still very low.

178 arena.


A young man with yellowish skin suddenly swung a punch and hit the face of the black man opposite him hard. The latter's mouth and eyes were crooked, his nose bleeds, and he was on the verge of falling.

The yellow-skinned man was overjoyed, and leaped forward, punching left and right in succession, all hitting the opponent's head and face, but he didn't want the black man to fly back and hit the yellow-skinned man hard. Man's belly.


The yellow-skinned man flew upside down, sprayed blood, and fell to the ground.

Before he got up, the black man wiped the blood from his mouth and nose with his left hand, rushed forward, and then stomped down hard with his big foot.

Just at this critical moment, the yellow-skinned man bounced off the ground like a poisonous snake, and then his fists were hooked at the black man's throat.


A strange sound came out.

The black man suddenly fell backwards, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At the same time, the yellow-skinned man grinned, and blood flowed quietly.

Ye Chong couldn't help but secretly stunned. This fighting method is not so much a martial arts person fighting, but more like free fighting or boxing in the old world.

174 arena.

A young woman is circling around a tall, fat man.

The latter looks cumbersome, but its strength is not small, and almost every punch can bring about violent airflow fluctuations.


The young woman in the gray non-marked exercise uniform is really good, like a little bee eager to gather honey, flying up and down around the fat man.

Although the latter speeded up the attack speed, it was always a hair's breadth away, unable to hit the opponent.

In the end, instead, the fat man was a little out of breath from exhaustion, and he could only slow down the rhythm of the attack.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The woman in the gray exercise suit suddenly kicked her feet in a row, attacking the fat man's lower body. The latter smiled disdainfully, stretched out his hands, and grabbed the woman's feet in gray.

At this moment, the gray-clothed woman smiled softly, her body suddenly rose by more than two meters, and she poked forward with her right foot, instantly hitting the fat man's face.


Boom boom boom!

The big fat man flew out of the ring on his back. His big fat face was already bright red, and it was obviously fatter by three points than before.

173 arena.


180 arena.


181 arena.


182 arena.


193 arena.


197 arena.



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