Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 526 A big game of chess

Ye Chong looked around, frowned slightly and said, "Dunan, I think it's better to wait and see the situation.

You think, we are in a hurry and are afraid of delaying the game, so these people are not in a hurry?

Ha ha.

If I'm not mistaken, these people in the queue should have the game task in the afternoon, and they also have the problem of fear of delaying the game.

But have you ever thought about why they still want to finish the special test in the first place? "

"Why?" Du Nan was stunned, and then patted his stomach, "Isn't it just like what you said, the test is over early, but it's just a matter of mind."

"Not only that." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked at the long queue waiting for the test, "There are at least two other reasons.

First, the group stage is equivalent to a wheel battle. Even if everything is normal, there is no danger, and the pass is smooth, it will consume a lot of energy and blood.

Ha ha.

When a person is deficient in Qi and blood and in poor condition, if he takes a special test, his grades will definitely be greatly affected.

However, the results of the special test determine the grouping of the second round group stage, which is of great significance.

After all, every contestant hopes to enter a relatively weaker group.

In this way, for the strong, it can save time, effort and worry.

For the weak, it will increase the chance of qualifying.

Therefore, those who are interested are more willing to take a special test first when they are in a perfect state, so as to achieve good results and add weight to entering the ideal group.

The second reason is more cruel and realistic.

According to the relevant regulations of the "Warrior Law", after a warrior boards the ring, it is equivalent to signing a life and death certificate, and there is a possibility of anything happening on it.

Say nothing else.

If you are injured, especially seriously injured, in the life-and-death group stage, and then take a special test, the test results will definitely be horrible, and of course it will seriously affect the allocation of the second round group.

Therefore, it is better to carry out special tests earlier. "

"Lao Ye, I think what you said earlier is correct, but later..." Dunan paused and rubbed his stomach, "You said that since you have suffered a serious injury in the first round of the group stage, then it is considered What's the point of entering the next round, isn't it courting death? I think it's useless to be assigned to any group, it's better to quit early to save your life."

"Hehe," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Do you think that those who can stand out in the first round group stage will not be injured?

Basically impossible.

The first round group stage is an encounter.

The group is full of numbers, and no one knows anyone.

Once they meet, it will be a bloody battle, and there may not even be a chance to test them.

In order to win, but also to survive, everyone is very likely to be ruthless.

In this way, life and death are fighting each other, not giving in to each other, and you will be injured if you don't pay attention.

If you are unlucky, a few strong people will be divided into a group. At that time, it will not be a matter of being injured or not, and several of them may die.

Therefore, those who successfully advance from the first round group stage are very likely to be injured. Since everyone is injured, it is still a balanced situation to be assigned to the second round group.

Besides, the current new environment is much stronger than before the recovery. As long as the physical injury is not a broken arm or leg, or a fatal injury, under the premise of the elixir guarantee, the recovery will be faster.

As long as it is handled properly and there is enough time, although it will not be completely recovered, it should not be a big problem if it is closed and the next game continues. "

"That's true, it makes sense," Dunan patted his stomach lightly, "It's no wonder that so many people came to take the test, and they all think so, but the problem is... If you wait any longer, time seems to be too late gone."

"Yes, the time is indeed a bit late, but it's a good thing," Ye Chong raised his lips, "That will make everyone anxious.

At that time, our opportunity will come.

Another point.

Since they are all going to participate in the afternoon game like us, it is very likely that our group opponents are also in it.

Ha ha.

They don't have time to step on the field and prepare for the game. For us, of course it is a good thing.

So Dunant, if you're being smart, take a nap now and get ready for the afternoon.

Let our group opponents stand there and wait anxiously. Maybe in the end, we can only end up in a hurry. "

"Lao Ye, you are very cunning." Dunan moved to the side, "I have to pay attention to you in the future."

"Get out!" Ye Chong laughed and cursed, then shook his head, "It can be seen from all aspects that it is not me who is really cunning, but the organizer of the Yangwu Conference.


They pay great attention to detail.

The design of each link has been carefully considered, laid out and deduced.


It has to be admitted that those warriors who really want to succeed in the martial arts conference must learn to play this big game well. "

"What about you, Lao Ye?" Dunan grinned and lowered his voice, "Since you can understand the chess game, of course you can also play this big game well?"

"Being outside the game, it is not a skill to understand the chess game. The key is that people are in the game. If you want to see the situation clearly, it is not easy to do." Ye Chong frowned slightly, "Then It is related to vision, field of vision and height, and it is inseparable from one's own strength, so let's take it step by step."


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The fist strength testing machine made an earth-shattering roar.

At the same time, the audience was completely insane.

"Fuck! What a lot of strength, 6128 kg, which is high among advanced martial arts fighters, right?!"

"He is a high-level martial arts fighter, right?

I really don't know what's so strange?

The speed is 67.4 meters per second, the agility is 2.8, and the strength is 6128 kilograms, which is considered to be a little above average among senior martial arts fighters. "

"However, I think this guy didn't use his full strength. When he came out of the agility testing machine, he looked like a normal person. He must have kept his hand."

"I'll go. I know this guy is from the Imperial Martial Arts Academy. He should not be a high-level martial arts fighter, but a peak intermediate martial arts fighter. Damn, this is amazing."


Intermediate martial arts fighter? !

The test data is so high? !

how can that be? ! "


Amidst the din of the audience, the ordinary-looking man who had just finished the test quietly left the test site and headed straight for the exit, as if everything that happened just now had nothing to do with him.

"This guy looks awesome." Dunan looked at the direction the man was leaving, and curled his lips, "But the strength is indeed great, forget it, I won't flatter him."

"If you meet this guy in the group stage, you'd better be careful." Ye Chong frowned, "He has such a high special score, and it's easy, but he is an intermediate martial arts fighter, and his strength is terrifying."

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