Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 525 Special Test

indoor Stadium.

There are almost a thousand participants waiting for the special test, and they lined up in a long queue.

Soon, under the guidance of the on-site staff, the tall man at the front of the line stood on the first machine.

Immediately, the cold machine sound sounded.

"Face scan complete!"

"Begin the test after the first three beeps!"

"The test ends after the second three beeps!"




The tall man suddenly ran forward.

At the same time, the conveyor belt under his feet also began to reverse rapidly.

At the same time, the numbers on the small screen above the machine kept changing.

10.2 msec.

19.6 msec.

24.3 msec.

38.9 msec.

52.1 msec.


10 seconds later.




The speed test is over.

The number on the small screen finally fixed at 53.2 m/s.

There is no doubt that the top speed of the testers is always displayed on the small screen, and 53.2 ms is the fastest speed that a tall man can run within 10 seconds.

This data and the tester's number and other information after face recognition were all automatically entered into the background of the system at the first time, waiting to be called and used.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"This person is quite fast, he should be an intermediate martial arts fighter."

"It's not uncommon to be fast.

Nowadays, many people who are not warriors can reach a speed of more than 30 meters per second.

The key is how agility is, and that is the core element that reflects the strength of agility. "

"That's right.

The strength of a warrior, in the final analysis, mainly depends on the three elements of internal and external.

Physique, vitality and spirit are the three internal elements that reflect the strength of a warrior.

Speed, agility and strength are the three external elements that reflect the strength of a warrior.

The external three elements are actually the external reflection of the warrior's internal three elements. "

"Ha ha.

Speed, agility, and strength are not only related to physique, blood, and spirit, but also related to the physical skills, combat skills, etc. that one has cultivated.

Just like strength.

For ordinary people, what is released is the basic force of musculoskeletal burst.

For warriors, it is the power of qi and blood that far exceeds the basic strength of the body.

Therefore, strength is not only related to physical condition, but also closely related to acquired practice.

After the end of the first round of the group competition, it is no longer based on realm cultivation and past results as the only criteria for classifying the participants, but in combination with the results of special tests. Of course, it will be more accurate.

There is no doubt that this is a wise approach. "


Just when the audience in the stands were discussing, the tall man had already arrived beside the second machine. Not long after entering the sphere like a space capsule, the cold machine sound sounded again.

"Face scan complete."

"Begin the test after the first three beeps."

"The test ends after the second three beeps."




The gray-black sphere suddenly turned with a humming sound, and the speed became faster and faster.

At the same time, on the screen above the sphere, numbers are constantly beating.







10 seconds later.




The gray-black sphere soon stopped spinning, and the number above the screen was frozen at 2.3.

Soon, a tall man emerged from the gray-black sphere, looking wobbly, as if drunk.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"I heard that the environment settings for agile testing are very complicated. Weightlessness, weight gain, acceleration, rotation, void, liquid... and other environments will appear alternately. Most people can't stand firmly when they enter the test, let alone a test."

"No wonder, a majestic mid-level martial arts fighter went in and came out like this. I guess if I went in, I would be knocked out in an instant?"

"probably not.

Like the Speed ​​Tester, the Agility Tester has an adaptive system.

The faster and more agile the tester is, the harsher its environment becomes.

If ordinary people go in, its internal environment is probably similar to the real environment, and nothing will happen.

Maybe ordinary people will be in better condition than this intermediate martial arts fighter after they come out. "

"Hehe, I really want to go in and try it if I have a chance. Maybe I'm a genius in body skills."

"Don't dream, you'd better compare with your kitty who is more flexible."


At the same time, the No.2 tester also started testing on the first machine.

The tall man came crookedly in front of the third machine. After stabilizing his emotions, he finally stood up straight.

"Face scan complete."

"Begin the test after the first three beeps."

"The test ends after the second three beeps."





The tall man uttered a cry, raised his fist and slammed hard at the standing rectangular board.


Amidst the loud noise, the small screen above displayed the data of 1938 kilograms.

Then came the next moment.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

1981 kg.

2023 kg.

2079 kg.

2146 kg.

2201 kg.


ten seconds later.




The number on the small screen was finally fixed at 2335 kilograms.

"This person's strength is average, even a little weak. For intermediate martial arts fighters, it's normal to have a strength of more than 2500 kilograms, but he only has 2335 kilograms, which is a lot worse."

"Actually, his agility is not bad, 2.3, which is equivalent to reaching the realm of the second level of actual combat skills. It is estimated that this buddy should have very rich actual combat experience. When meeting those rookies of the same level who lack actual combat, he will definitely be able to easily tyrannize. crush the opponent."

"Overall, this first person's speed is not bad, his agility is good, and his strength is not satisfactory, but he should have a lot of actual combat experience, and he is still an intermediate martial arts fighter. It is estimated that there will be no problem in qualifying for the first round group."


Special tests are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The audience watched with gusto.

Ye Chong and Dunan are no exception.

Especially Dunan, when he saw the fun, he would pat his stomach every now and then, and the sound was louder than that from the punch strength testing machine, which attracted many viewers to look sideways.

Ye Chong reminded him a few words, but it didn't take long for Dunan to repeat the crime again. Afterwards, Ye Chong didn't bother to bother, but quietly moved to the side.

Fortunately, the speed of the test was not too slow. The interval between two adjacent testers was basically kept at about 15 seconds.

But even so, it would be impossible for a team of thousands of people to finish the test without spending half a day.

Ye Chong couldn't help frowning.

If this is the case, the game in the afternoon will be delayed.

"Lao Ye, I don't think this is right," Dunan turned his head and looked over, "There are less than two hours left before the afternoon game.

It will take at least four or five hours for these people who are queuing up to finish the test.

The key is that the two of us didn't line up, and people kept coming to join us outside.

I think, no, let's withdraw early and wait until the game is over. "

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