Ka Ka Ka!

The golden cuboid moved like a Transformer, and it took less than 10 seconds before and after. A ring with a length and width of about six or seven meters and a height of about three meters suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and it looked very solid. , and it looks very weighty.

"Is this the ring?" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head, "I hope you won't be smashed to pieces by a strong man, right?"

After the teams were assigned, the construction of the detachable arena began in full swing.

In fact, it is said to be a detachable arena, but it is actually more appropriate to call it a one-button fully automatic arena.

Just press it lightly, and the arena will be built automatically, and press it again, and it will be put away automatically.

Even if a little kid with a fart is allowed to do it, it can be done easily.

All of a sudden, the construction of the arena in the stadium proceeded in an orderly and fast manner.

At the same time, the participants who were originally in the center of the stadium also began to slowly evacuate.

Because there was a game in the morning, the audience naturally stayed where they were and did not leave.

People from the school security office, the public security bureau, and the garrison also went their separate ways. Ye Chong got into the crowd and headed straight for the south gate.

Interestingly, some people around him obviously noticed him, but they didn't show very hostile attitudes and behaviors. Presumably the pressure of the competition and Wang Shina's preaching of "Warrior Law" played a role.

However, Ye Chong quietly shuttled through the crowd at a very fast speed.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, leave early to save trouble.

The moment he passed the south gate, he quietly put the big black umbrella beside the umbrella stand. Anyway, there were so many people that no one noticed.

The big black umbrella was originally an ordinary umbrella of Yangwu Academy. Now that the purpose of deceiving people has been achieved, it is useless to keep it.

Ye rushed out of the south gate and was about to turn left to stay away from the crowd, but he didn't want to touch something with his left elbow, which made him turn sideways instinctively, and when he was about to say "I'm sorry", he saw a The little face leaned over with a smile.

"team leader."

"Tao Xiangru? Why are you here?"

"I also broke through and became a martial artist, have you signed up for the meeting?"

"Hehe, congratulations, I saw that you are all in the Yangwu Academy's team," Ye Chong smiled, "What I want to ask is, why are you walking so fast?"

"Of course I'm looking for you, captain," Tao Xiangru smiled, "How fast am I going? I almost lost you."

"I owe you money?" Ye Chong frowned.

"No, hehe." Tao Xiangru chuckled and covered her mouth.

"I owe you love?" Ye Chonghu raised his face.

"Then how do people know?" Tao Xiangru laughed a little like crazy.

"Since I don't owe you money or love, why are you following me so quickly? Don't you know that I'm the target of public criticism now?" Ye Chong took a step back and kept his distance.

To be honest, in the current situation, he really doesn't want himself to affect the members of the old 00 team, so it's better to keep the relationship clear.

Otherwise, what if someone troubles them?

What if you even vent your anger on them during the competition?

"Hee hee, the captain doesn't owe us any money, nor does we owe us any favors, but we do owe the captain both money and affection." Tao Xiangru narrowed her eyes with a smile, "If It’s not because of the captain, how could we break through and become warriors so quickly? The key point is that we haven’t taken any pills, and we haven’t found a guardian, so we’ve saved a lot of money, and we owe the captain a debt of gratitude.”

"Oh, that's right." Ye Chong turned expressionless, turned and left, "However, human feelings are like water and tasteless, I don't care. Let's go."

"Captain, you..." Tao Xiangru's face was gloomy, and she stomped her foot lightly, "Why are you like this?"

"I've always been like this." Ye Chong scratched his head, "Where are Lin Xiaomei and the others?"

"I'm looking for you too." Tao Xiangru took half a step forward, "We are all looking for you separately, hee hee, I was the first to find you, and I chased after you."

"You were the first to find me?" Ye Chong was about to walk, but he couldn't help turning around again, "How did you find me?"

"Body odor," Tao Xiangru reached out and slapped her nose lightly, "It's such a strong and familiar smell."

"..." Ye Chong took a step back immediately, his hair was full of black lines. After he came back from Biyuan Community, he had taken a shower and washed his clothes. Besides, when did he smell body odor? do not know.

"Hee hee," Tao Xiangru pointed to Ye Chong's chest, "I didn't expect the captain to make things by himself, it's awesome."

"..." Ye Chong was confused, touched his bosom, and suddenly realized that it turned out that the gloves were made from the fur of the mutated ice fox earlier, to cover the red glow when the blood energy was released.

"Captain, do you want me to help you sew it better?" Tao Xiangru covered her mouth and chuckled, "It looks weird."

"It's right to be weird, the weirder the better." Ye Chong stuffed the simple ice fox gloves into his arms angrily, "Don't follow me, go find them."

"Captain, I still have something to say..." Tao Xiangru opened her mouth, looking a little anxious.

"The competition is a life-and-death struggle. If you can't beat it, don't fight hard. Be careful." Ye Chong glanced at the crowd around him, then turned and left, "Remember, don't bother me."

"..." Tao Xiangru blushed and stomped her feet, looking hesitant.

After Ye Chong broke away from the crowd, he quickened his pace, and after three turns and two turns, he couldn't help turning around and said: "Don't follow, can't you hear me?!"

"Lao Ye, look... what kind of attitude is this?" Du Nan walked forward patting his stomach, "I walk so lightly, you can hear me? I hate it."


Ye Chong didn't hold back for a moment, and immediately covered his mouth with his hands, so as not to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Hey, hey, Lao Ye, don't you think I don't have to do this?" Dunan grinned, "There is no one here, if you want to tell me anything, just say it loudly, it's okay."

"Get out!" Ye Chong was furious, and then he clenched his right fist, "Is your body itchy again?"

"Stop!" Du Nan patted his stomach, "The most annoying man is you, who moves his hands and feet at every turn. It's annoying to death."


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong's throat was sore, tears were about to flow out, he thought to himself, what the hell is this?

"Lao Ye, you really don't understand Tao Xiangru's gentle tenderness, there is no human touch at all." Du Nan's big eyes kept rolling, "It depends on your attitude towards me, and I know you He is a heartless man who only knows how to have fun but is irresponsible."

"You're on a horse! Dunan, are you looking for a beating on purpose?" Ye Chong was obviously a little unhappy, "When did I have fun?

When did I become irresponsible again?

and also.

How did I become a heartbreaker again?

Ma Dan.

Who am I to blame? "

When he said this, Ye Chong's face suddenly froze, his eyes darkened, and he sighed softly:

"I haven't contacted you for such a long time. Is it true that I have betrayed you?"

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