Zhang Mingyang slammed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, looking like he had already made up his mind: "One hundred secrets and one sparse.

There are still loopholes.

However, these problems can only be controlled in specific game sessions.


Among the visiting personnel, some of them can also be coordinated as game supervisors, which is not a big problem.

However, the most important thing is to leave the game video.

If there is a problem that cannot be solved, then the relevant personnel of the competition committee and the referee committee will be called overnight to watch the video and make a joint judgment.

In addition, the time should be limited.

As for the argument of negative competition, get rid of it! "


When Ye Chong signed up, it was relatively early, and the number was 0111.

However, now it's the 95th group, but he still hasn't found his number.

This made him feel a little itchy and anxious.

On the contrary, the discussion in the center of the stadium became more and more lively. It was chaotic, and it smelled like a vegetable market.

However, more people are nervously watching the big screen above, for fear that they will miss the group they are in by accident.

"My realm is only at the elementary level of a junior martial arts fighter, which should be considered as the middle and lower among all the participants.

If it is only allocated according to this cultivation level, I will almost be classified as the fifth gear.

However, I have achieved good results in the Martial Arts Field of Nine Martial Arts Academy, and I have done many missions with a high success rate.

By the way, I am still a celebrity who openly challenged martial arts fighters from all over the world.

From a practical point of view, I have a high chance of being counted as the first gear.

Even if it takes a step back, I must at least be in second gear.

Therefore, it is unlikely that I will encounter a real threat in the group stage.

But it's also hard to say.

If you run into someone who is capable but low-key, it will be troublesome.

But in any case, I have to be tough in the game.

The saying of "Three Immortals" must be strictly enforced.

Only with a fierce reputation and strength, the next road will be easy.

Moreover, this is not only for myself, but also for Zhang Mingyang.

If I, as a martial artist who openly provokes martial arts fighters all over the world on the national media, fails to show enough prestige and strength, and behaves like a softie, then Yangwu Academy will definitely be to blame.

Finding such a worthless psychopath to mess around on the national channel is purely to tarnish martial arts, shame the national martial arts department, and even shame the global martial arts federation.

Yangwu Academy had a problem and was punished, so of course the instigator of this incident——Zhang Mingyang was also involved.

So, I want to fight, and I have to fight hard, at least I have to punch out the undersampling of the villain's animation thousands of times without getting tired of it.


0111? "

Ye Chong suddenly heard the voice broadcasting the number 0111, and immediately took a closer look, only to see the display on the big screen——

Group 235: 0039, 0111, 1598, 1633, 2242, 2971 (Ring 176 of the Third Stadium, the first game at 13:00)

Ye Chong couldn't help frowning.

Judging from the numbers of the team members, except for him and 0039, the numbers are relatively large.

This illustrates a problem.

The four people in 1598, 1633, 2242 and 2971 were all later applicants.

In other words, their relevant requirements and conditions are higher than those who signed up earlier. It is estimated that the minimum is a junior martial arts fighter, and it is basically impossible for non-martial arts fighters.

Even if the number 0039 is relatively high, it doesn't mean that he is definitely not a warrior.

"It seems that there may be no non-warrior in this 235 group, and it may even be a death group with a lot of masters.

This is troublesome.

Bad luck.

Once the opponents in the group are really strong, then even if I finally win and get the top two in the group, the price I will pay will not be small.

Leaving aside anything else, blood consumption is a big problem.

Every time the blood is exhausted, the body will fall into extreme weakness. At this time, if you want to restore the blood to a full state, there are generally three ways.

The first way is to meditate and practice martial arts, slowly recovering energy and blood.

The second way is to take pills that replenish qi and blood.

The third way is to use the distribution of combat merit points.

Of course I will use the first way, and most people will definitely use it, but it takes too much time.

Although the group stage is not strictly a round-the-wheel battle, participating in five matches within two days, with a special test in between, is indeed a huge challenge for vitality, and the stronger the opponent, the more energy it consumes to defeat him. Qi and blood will be bigger.

Therefore, simply relying on the first method to restore Qi and blood is too difficult, and it is simply too late.

The second way, relatively speaking, is faster than the first way.

However, this method has potential safety hazards, because it is squeezing the most original qi and blood of the body. At that time, it improved a lot of qi and blood, but it will inevitably take time and effort to restore the original source afterwards.

Moreover, this method is not good for the liver and kidneys.

The key is to eat too much, and drug resistance will develop.

The second way is unacceptable to me.

The third way, of course, is my strongest background, this is a way to restore qi and blood that others do not have.

However, I cannot abuse this method casually.

Once the merit points are allocated ten times, the column of combat merit points will enter the recovery period, that is, they cannot be used within 24 hours.

This is something I cannot accept anyway.

The competition time is five days in total, and the later, the more important.

If there is a 24-hour gap in which combat merit points cannot be allocated, then for me, I will lose the strongest background.

There is no doubt that this will seriously dent my self-confidence.

Therefore, my choice is to focus on the first method, supplement the third method, and discard the second method.

Moreover, if you can use the third method, you don’t need the third method, and if you can use less, you use less, and good steel can only be used on the blade.

and also.

To avoid excessive consumption.

It's time to kill him.

The "Warrior Law" stipulates that above the ring, the fist has the final say.

If you refuse to admit defeat, you will be killed.

If you want to admit defeat, it's very simple, just jump off the ring.


The 176 ring in the third stadium is not far from here. I used to go to that stadium to play football.

Anyway, 13:00 is the official game time for this group, and it is not yet 10:00, so why not go to the indoor gymnasium early, if you can do a special test, then do it by the way, and it will save you from worrying. "

While Ye Chong was thinking wildly, in the passages in the four directions of east, west, north and south, someone pushed out a golden cuboid, which seemed to be about two meters long and wide, and half a meter taller.

After one of the golden cuboids came to a certain plastic runway in the northeast, the staff pressed the mechanism casually.

Suddenly, an interesting scene appeared.

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