
Ye Chong stood up, walked to the mini bar, took a can of beer, opened it and took a sip.

In fact, he doesn't want to drink.

But I can't stop drinking now.

The information on the Internet is too scary, you can’t suppress it without taking a sip.

"What the hell!

Why are there so many people riding horses? !

Is this really a big market? !

3000 people.

The number of applicants for this martial arts conference has reached a full 3000 people? !

Even so, judging from the meaning of the Internet, it is because the registration conditions have been temporarily increased, otherwise, the number of people will be even greater.

The issue is……

What about the old saying of 'come anytime, sign up anytime'? !

It seems that Yangwu Academy is still a little underprepared.

They probably didn't expect the number of applicants to soar, right? !

Ha ha.

A full 3000 people.

Is this number a bit too scary? !

The point is, is my personal charm so great?

Just showing his face on TV, saying a few words, and hooking up so many people? !


These guys are really busy.

But damn it, after such a whole process, why don't they let people live? ! "


Ye Chong took another big gulp of beer, his eyes were a little dazed.

But then he shook his head and smiled wryly, looking down.

It should be said that the campus network of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy is quite good, at least one level higher than the old Yangcheng University campus network, and even the official website of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, one of the three major martial arts academies in China, has no can't be compared with it.

Especially in terms of setting up sections, the campus network of Yangwu College is simple and clear, and it is easy to see what information you want to look up at a glance.

Speaking of which, judging from the relevant press releases and data statistics, this Yangwu Conference has completely caused a sensation, and the repercussions both at home and abroad are extremely strong.

This can be done before the conference, which shows that the promotion effect is very satisfactory. Judging from this single data, the marketing planning of this conference has achieved a complete success.

As for the following official exchanges and competitions, whether there will be a good result, not to mention anything else, just judging from the number of participants, it is very worth looking forward to.

The key is that the number of participants is not only large, but also of high quality.

"Judging from the introduction and evaluation of the participants on the Internet, basically all the martial arts fighter elites from the major martial arts schools have arrived.


It seems that what I said in the challenge promotional animation was too crazy, and it attracted so many experts to come to me to settle accounts.

The key is not what I said, okay? !

It was clearly planned by Zhang Mingyang.

I don't know all the details.

Even if it wasn't for the animation villain who reported his family name, I wouldn't know that the little bastard who owes money is me, okay? !

Zhang Mingyang's attack was really ruthless.

But think about it, if he hadn't done that, he wouldn't be in the current situation.

It's hard to say whether you can become a partner with such a person or not in the end.

But one thing can be confirmed, if the cooperation is happy, it will be of great help to me.

Not to mention anything else, Zhang Mingyang's height, far-sightedness, clear understanding of the status quo, and decisiveness in doing things are all very good.

These are all potentials for success.

At least it is much better than those who only know mother-in-law and mother-in-law all day long.

However, I can't be too stupid, at least, we have to guard against him.

no way.

In Zhang Mingyang's game, if I accidentally become an outcast, it's hard to say whether he recognizes me or not, and maybe he will make me a real cannon fodder in a matter of minutes.


Blacksmithing needs to be hard on its own.

At least I can't be an outcast.

What is an abandoned child?

Abandoning a child is not that someone else has given up on you, but that you have given up on yourself first.

So, I have no choice now but to try to become stronger.


In addition, judging from the information published on the Internet, in addition to martial arts practitioners from the Martial Arts Academy, there seemed to be quite a few casual warriors, wild warriors, and military warriors attending the meeting.

Speaking of which, as warriors who grew up in the army, the number of military warriors is not small, and they can get a lot of resource support, which leads to the strong combat capabilities of military warriors, especially their blood and heart. This is not ordinary Martial arts academy martial arts practitioners can be compared.

However, military warriors are soldiers after all, with strict military discipline.

If they want to come to the Martial Arts Conference, they must have the consent of the military behind them.

and also.

Even if these people attend the meeting, they probably won't mess around without getting approval.

Are you bothering me?

Ma Dan.

Shouldn't it?

As for the scattered warriors...

They are all martial arts people who have not been trained by martial arts sects, martial arts families, martial arts colleges or the military, and generally rely on their own efforts to earn the resources needed for upgrading.

However, easier said than done?

Without the support of society, it is really difficult for a person to succeed on the road of martial arts.

Even among these casual warriors, many of them would not hesitate to become mercenaries of a certain country or a certain force in order to obtain training resources, and many even embarked on the criminal path of swindling, robbery and murder.

no way.

They are all forced.

In order to make further progress on the martial arts road, many people will choose to do whatever it takes.

Therefore, the purpose of participating in this meeting is actually very simple, which is to strive for as many good rankings as possible in order to obtain more resources.

However, due to their different experiences, casual warriors can basically be divided into two categories.

One is a weak and bloody martial artist.

One is a fierce and brutal combat specialist.

In short, I must not underestimate them, it is better to be careful.

Finally, there is the wild warrior.

This group is even more mysterious.

It is said that they are all ascetics from the wilderness and deep mountains, each of them is mysterious and powerful, even the martial arts sects and martial arts families in the martial arts world respect these people at a respectful distance.

Unexpectedly, this martial arts conference actually alarmed these hermits.

However, whether or not there are really wild warriors participating in this martial arts conference, in the final analysis, is just speculation. After all, judging from the information exposed now, no final judgment can be made.

Call ~

In any case, apart from martial arts practitioners from the Martial Arts Academy, casual warriors, military warriors, and wild warriors should not be underestimated.

on horseback.

No matter how you think about it, tomorrow's road will not be easy. "


Ye Chong raised his neck, poured all the remaining beer into his stomach, and then sighed, looking lonely.

In the following time, he has been sitting next to the computer, constantly sliding the mouse, sometimes frowning for a moment, sometimes shaking his head and sighing, sometimes with a smile on his mouth, sometimes with a sneer on his face, time goes by little by little up.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang suddenly, startling Ye Chong.

He quickly came to the phone, and he saw that the number displayed by the other party was Dong 587.

"Dunan? What does this guy want from me?"

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and then he quietly returned to the computer.

It's not that he doesn't want to answer the phone, but that he really can't answer it now. With Dunan's difficulty, it may delay him for a whole night, and what he is anxious to do now is to learn as much information as possible about those monsters attending the meeting .

no way.

Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy is the only rule for defeating the enemy.

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