Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 505 I Didn't Dare to Take the Right Path

Ye Chong stood still, quietly perceiving the surrounding environment.

After a while, he finally smiled secretly and shook his head.

"It seems that I am still too nervous.

There are no things much ado about.

So far, the SS1 pink-winged bird has not appeared, which means that guy is really not in the forest.

In addition, there were obviously sounds of some low-level mutant beasts moving in this forest, but they didn't notice my existence.

This shows that my ability to restrain breath and the effect of flying skills are still very good, at least I haven't attracted the attention of any mutant beasts.

That being the case, it is pointless for me to continue to waste time here, and it is time for me to return to Yangwu Academy.


What is the most appropriate sentence now?


Although tens of thousands of people are coming.

In any case, since I have issued a challenge in front of the people of the world, of course I must follow through with the beginning and end, and face the result directly.

However, although I have self-knowledge and am prepared to fail, it does not mean that I will easily admit defeat.


If you want to defeat me, how can it be possible without paying a price? !

Although I, Ye Chong, don't want to die, I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid of death, and I won't die in vain.

Anyone who dares to kick in front of me, my only answer is my fist.

Come on, youngsters.

I am coming. "

All the way without incident.

When Ye Chong returned to Yangwu Academy, he didn't dare to go the right way, but floated in from the school's fence.

In fact, these are nothing.

For the students of the Martial Arts Academy, such things as walls are basically meaningless, but they are just a higher step.

After entering the campus, he still didn't dare to take the right path.

no way.

Although it is already midnight, from time to time, there will still be people walking around the campus, especially some young couples who are in love, they even put their arms around their shoulders and scurry around.

But fortunately, the vegetation in Yangwu Academy is also considered to be rich, and the forest coverage can basically reach about 50%, so it is very convenient to hide, avoid and detour.

What's more, it's still in the middle of the night. Except for the street lights on the road and the buildings with lights, the rest of the place is basically dark. Even if you meet from the opposite side, you can't see the face clearly.

After Ye Chong came to the lotus lake, he originally wanted to sit on the bench, but he didn't expect that there was a person lying on the bench he used to go to, talking in his sleep, grinding his teeth, and spanking from time to time. outgoing.

He didn't dare to get too close, and gave up the plan to sit on the nearby bench, and was soon attracted by the movement at the door of the expert's apartment.

There were hundreds of people staying there, in groups of three and in groups of five, all of whom seemed to be looking forward to it.

"I go!

The Martial Arts Conference will be held tomorrow, but this group of people is blocking the door of the expert's apartment. Are they all sleepy or sleepy?


What are you waiting for?

Ma Dan.

I don't need to guess, I know which uncle you guys must be waiting for! ?

Ha ha.

The key point is, is Lao Tzu really so charming?

As for not eating, drinking or sleeping, you have to wait to cut me? ! "

Ye Chong dismissed those people blocking the door of the expert's apartment, but he didn't dare to approach there rashly.

no way.

In case these people really came after him, it would be strange if they didn't scold him, trample him, or tear him apart when he appeared.

However, Ye Chong actually thought too much.

Among the hundreds of people blocking the door, there are indeed some who hope to block him here, so as to vent their anger, but the vast majority of them are participants of the Yangwu Conference who have just arrived. Anxiously waiting for registration procedures, otherwise, there is not even a place to eat and live.

Ye Chong didn't know what was going on.

Once bitten, twice shy.

When he went to Biyuan Community to carry out a mission, when he left the expert's apartment, the group of people blocking the door clearly wanted to trouble him.

Now that he came back again, the number of people at the door had not decreased, but had increased several times. This made him think, he must be thinking about the bad.

"If I throw myself into the trap, if I don't talk about anything else, I'm afraid that I will spend the whole night in arguing.

The key is to get a good night's sleep, which is very important for my tomorrow.

So, I must never meet these crazy guys.

Ma Dan.

Since I can't provoke it, can I still hide it?

big deal...

Can I just find a corner and make do with it for the night? "

Although Ye Chong complained secretly, he was actually looking forward to returning to the spacious and comfortable presidential suite soon, eating and drinking, and then having a good night's sleep.

The main entrance is impossible to enter.

Unwilling to give up, Ye Chong walked around to the back of the expert's apartment to see if there was a back door.

Don't tell me, it's true.

It's just that the back door is closed tightly, and General Tie guards the door.

He circled the expert's apartment again from a distance.

It should be said that the floor area of ​​the expert apartment is very large.

The whole building is divided into East Building, West Building, South Building and North Building. The floors are not high, and all of them have five floors. These four buildings are connected together to form a quadrilateral. The middle area is a garden and an open-air swimming pool. .

Ye Chong's presidential suite is on the fifth floor of the East Building, and the room number is East 588.

In fact, the so-called back door is the main entrance of the east building, but for some unknown reason, it has been closed, including the main entrances of the north building and the south building.

Therefore, the only way to get in and out of the expert's apartment is through the west gate.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth suddenly turned up, and he looked at the sliding window in his bedroom.

Speaking of which, this is his habit.

After entering the room, in order to maintain the circulation of air inside and outside, he always leaves a gap in the window.

Seeing that there was no one around, he quickly jumped up quietly, and then his body lay on the outer wall more than five meters high like a gecko, and then crawled up the wall.

It is said to be crawling, but Ye Chong has already used the flying skill secretly, and the reason why he did not use this skill directly is because he is afraid of being discovered.

Instead of causing more trouble, it is better to pretend to crawl using a gecko-like movement method, even if it is seen by others, it will not cause too much sensation.

Soon, after a short time, Ye Chong opened the window and got into the bedroom.

At this moment, he couldn't help but grinned and laughed silently.

In fact, he wanted to laugh out loud, but he didn't dare, it would be bad if someone overheard him.

After entering the room, he didn't dare to call the front desk to order a meal, but took out the food in the mini bar to make up for the meal.

Then he turned on the computer and began to browse the news.

no way.

The mobile phone signal in Yangcheng is not good enough, you can’t make calls, and you can’t surf the Internet. To get information, you can only watch TV or browse related websites through the wired network of PC terminals.

But what's interesting is that Ye Chong's face obviously became a little ugly after he hadn't watched it for a long time.

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