Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 500 In order to survive

8:00 am.

Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

Principal's office.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and soon submerged himself in the light blue smoke.

Ever since the official notice was issued that the Martial Arts Ceremony would be held, he hadn't been back home.

Especially after Ye Chong left this office, Zhang Mingyang never left here.





look forward to.


All kinds of emotions slowly lingered in his heart like the light blue smoke in front of his eyes.

It seemed that as soon as he left the familiar environment here, everything would suddenly become completely out of control.

Now is the critical moment before the start of the Martial Arts Conference, he doesn't want to fall into panic.

So, he chose to stay.

There is a bathroom in the room, a bed in the back room, and a small conference table in the outer room, which can hold small meetings.

It can be said that staying here can be regarded as living and working without delay.

However, the real reason for him to stay here is not these, but something more important to him.


Ever since Ye Chong worked hard to temper his body that day, allowing him to truly embark on the road of martial arts, he has changed.


Not only has his body changed, but his heart has also undergone a complete change.

"I'm in my 40s now, at this age, it's too late for people who practice martial arts.

In the cultivation of martial arts, my comprehension is not as good as that of young people, which will cause my cultivation to grow slowly.

In other words, my core physical data such as physique, qi and blood, and spirit will all increase at a rapid rate.

This situation also brought a bad result.

Because the body evolves slowly and the body data is not ideal, it will inevitably affect my cultivation of combat skills and body skills.

how to say?

Even if I work hard from now on, I'm afraid the speed of cultivation will not be able to compare with those talented young people.

And if I don't redouble my efforts, then I will probably move forward quickly on the martial arts road, and even exhaust my life, and I may not break through to become a martial artist.

Of course, I can take medicine.

I can try my best to get the best Buwu Pill, Qixue Pill, Xueqi Pill, etc., but these can only play a supporting role.

no way.

If you take too much of the same type of elixir, your body will develop drug resistance, and taking it again will not only have no effect, but will hurt your liver and kidneys, and the gain outweighs the gain.

The most important thing is that by swallowing elixir to improve one's realm and cultivation base, hidden dangers are not small.

Although I have self-knowledge, I won't go too far on the martial arts road, but if I haven't tried it, how can I know the result?

Even if I think that all the hard work in my life can only make me the most mediocre blood warrior, but the future has not yet arrived, so how can I easily give up the chance to become a warrior?

But having said that, in any case, there is not much time left for me.

What I have to do now are two things, or two goals.

The first goal, of course, is the martial arts conference.

In the short term, it is necessary to make this martial arts conference a success and cause a sensation.

In the long run, it is necessary for Yangwu Conference to be held as scheduled every year, to generate greater and greater attractiveness, and to have greater and greater gold content, so as to become the starting point or stepping stone for the rapid development of Yangwu Academy and myself.

The second goal is naturally martial arts cultivation.

In the short term, I need to become a quasi-warrior in the shortest possible time.

For others, this matter may be very simple, but for me, it requires hard work.

In the medium term, of course I have to work hard to achieve a breakthrough from quasi-warrior to martial artist. Once I achieve this step, it means that I have become a real martial artist.

At that time, there will not be so many people questioning my identity as the principal of the Martial Arts Academy.

In the long run, I still want to strive to continue to improve the realm of martial artists, hoping to eventually grow from a junior martial arts fighter to a martial arts warrior.

At the same time, I also need to constantly improve my combat skills and body skills, so that I can become a real warrior.

I have lived in vain for more than 40 years, and the years have passed, but my ideals in life have not been realized.

At this age, the meaning of life has become very simple for me.

That is to let the world leave my footprints through my continuous efforts.


I want to change the world.

I want to make this world safer, more stable, warmer, and happier for the human race through my own efforts, just like ancient civilizations, full of harmony and tranquility.

However, if I want to achieve this step, I need to allow myself to have greater power, and to have greater power, I need status, identity, authority and honor, and to obtain these things, I need To survive at all costs.



In order to survive, the first thing I need to do now is to strengthen myself and shut up all those who have been coveting and slandering me. "

Soon, Zhang Mingyang put out the cigarette butt, sat cross-legged on the sofa and began to practice.

As the principal of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, he certainly has no shortage of simplified martial arts exercises, but he still put forward his own ideas when Ye Chong was about to leave the principal's office.

When Ye Chong heard what the other party wanted, he agreed without hesitation, and then spent half an hour analyzing and judging the simplified sets of martial arts exercises in Zhang Mingyang's hands, and expressing his own opinions .

Unexpectedly, Zhang Mingyang nodded frequently.

In fact, Ye Chong was a little funny at the time, but also secretly admired Zhang Mingyang's vision.

As the head of a school, it is a bit absurd for him to ask so many teachers of Yangwu Academy instead of asking him a student of Jiuwu Academy, but there is also a hint of wisdom.

Speaking of which, Zhang Mingyang's current martial arts practice, which was guided by Ye Chong, did bring him a lot of surprises, and it was precisely because of this that he had higher expectations for Ye Chong.


The megaphone sounded.

The voice of Teacher Xiao Wang from the school office soon rang out: "Principal, Deputy Commander Zuo said to invite you to dinner at noon today, do you see?"

"Ah, so, tell the left deputy commander that I'm so busy right now, after a while, I'll treat him to a feast of seafood." Zhang Mingyang paused, then sighed, "Xiao Wang, What Lao Zuo wanted me for, I knew very well.

But this time...

It is indeed a bit inappropriate.

Both the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation will come, so let's wait and see.

In addition, Lao Zuo sometimes has a quick temper, Xiao Wang, stand in my way. "

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