Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 499 Unknown Event

On the roof of the boys' dormitory building, seven or eight boys couldn't help being amazed when they saw what happened above the No. [-] girls' dormitory.

"so beautiful."

"In the girls' dormitory building, there must be a bride waiting for me."

"Hehe, I see, with such a big red cloth, it is clear that a group of brides are waiting for us."

"Brothers, your thoughts are not healthy?! Don't mess around."

"Haha, what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of chaos, and I'm not afraid of chaos."

"Damn, you're not in a mess? I think you're in a mess, talking nonsense, running around, jumping around, messing around, and giving up all the time, right?!"

"Wow, my biggest dream in this life is to be a person with an unhealthy mind who can do whatever he wants.


Brothers, who can tell me, what should I do now, my mind is messed up, my mind is messed up! "

"Dude, you're thinking too much.

It doesn't matter whether the mind is healthy or not.

It doesn't matter if it's chaotic or not.

The key is whether people can come?

This horse riding is the most important thing. "


Amidst the laughter and laughter of the crowd, they didn't even look at the meteor shower, but they all looked at the sky above the No. [-] girls' dormitory, their eyes sparkling and their imaginations flashing.

"Huh? Look, then...that's...what's wrong?"

I saw that the red cloud that had originally enveloped the upper floor of the No. [-] girls' dormitory suddenly swirled around faster and faster.


A sound of Fengming came out.

The red cloud made a sudden turn, like a disc, and then turned into a red line and went straight into the sky, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


The eight boys on the top of the boys' dormitory were all dumbfounded watching what happened before them, each and every one of them was as silent as a wooden man, and their eyes were filled with deep shock and disbelief.

"I'm going, am I dreaming?"

"My God, what did I see?"

"Is that a flying saucer? The red mist is the light mist emitted by the flying saucer?"

"What kind of flying saucer is not a flying saucer? It's obviously some natural phenomenon?"

"Natural phenomenon, impossible? I think it's a military project."

"A military project, a military project in the girls' dormitory building?"

"Haha, what's impossible? Monitoring, where can't it be?"

"Yeah, testing the monitoring project in the girls' dormitory building will kill two birds with one stone."

"By the way, brothers, I heard that the military has made a lot of research and development recently?"

"Well, there is an article on the Internet saying that the military may be about to launch a counterattack."

"No more fighting back.

Now the mutated beasts are rampant, compressing the human race's activity area smaller and smaller.

Judging from this posture, it won't be long before the human race will be trapped in big cities one by one.

Once the time comes, if the city cannot be defended, the people inside will surely suffer catastrophe when the city is destroyed.

Therefore, the military has invested heavily in drone detection and drone strikes.

If there is no mistake in judgment, the red mist we saw just now should be a drone.

As for why it appeared in the sky above the dormitory building in the dead of night, the reason is actually very simple.

In the No. [-] female dormitory building of Yangwu Academy, all the students lived in martial arts.

Compared with ordinary people, they are much stronger in terms of perception, reaction, and vigilance, and they can even compete with mutant beasts of the corresponding level.

Therefore, using them for experiments without prior notice is the best test of the military's new surveillance equipment.

Ha ha.

This is a good thing. "

"Makes sense.

Doing this is at least better than putting them directly into the concentrated area of ​​mutant beasts for experimentation.

At least not exposed in advance.

In case of failure, it is easy to startle the snake and arouse vigilance.

Moreover, it is easy to control the distance when experimenting in the human race area.

Hey, you said, drones can now fly, does that mean that air transportation will resume? ! "

"It's not the same thing.

Drones fly all the time.

Today's drones are all electric powered devices, which are not affected much by air changes.

Moreover, the fuel problem in the new world environment seems to have been solved.

However, this does not mean that air transport will resume.

I read from the news that the beasts among the mutant beasts have become stronger and stronger, whether it is speed, agility, or attack power, they are all very powerful.

In other words, the current air supremacy belongs to beasts.

If the Terran plane wants to fly into the sky, there is no problem.

However, you have to be as sneaky and stealthy as a drone.

In addition, try to avoid dense areas where animals are active.

Otherwise, it is easy to fly the plane into the sky, but it is difficult to say whether it can come down normally.

Ha ha.

So, if you really want to let passenger planes and transport planes fly slowly in the sky like in the old world, it is purely courting death.

It is clear that it is giving life to the beasts. "

"If you want to put it this way, then the red mist above the girls' dormitory just now is not a flying saucer, but really a military drone?


I thought it was a strange phenomenon from the sky, auspicious clouds covering the top, and the girls in the No. [-] girls' dormitory in my family were about to make a fortune? "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

The first girls' dormitory.

The second floor.

Yang Ying sat cross-legged on the yoga mat quietly, her body filled with energy and blood, a faint red mist curled up from the top of her head, and soon disappeared into the void.


After practicing for a while, my body will be able to reach a perfect state.

It also means that my realm after breaking through as a warrior has been completely stabilized.

Ha ha.

From now on, I will be a real junior martial arts fighter.

What I need to do is to practice formal martial arts skills as soon as possible, and also to learn real combat skills, body skills and so on.

However, there is one more urgent matter.

Now that I have reached the realm of a martial artist, as a student of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, I am automatically qualified to participate in the Martial Arts Conference.

So, at dawn, I have to sign up first, and I can't miss this great opportunity.


I heard that the rewards are very generous.

Of course, my focus is on participation, not money.

cluck cluck. "

Yang Ying couldn't help laughing, but she immediately covered her little mouth, and after looking around, she giggled again.

The first girls' dormitory.

The second floor.

Yang Ying's next door.

Zuo Xiaoqian was sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat, practicing motionless.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which was bright and moving.

It was as if she had encountered the most exciting thing for her, so much so that she couldn't help secretly having fun while she was practicing.

The first girls' dormitory.

third floor.

Li Aifang and Liu Pingping were staying in their own dormitories, and they were also practicing with their eyes closed.

Judging from their constantly trembling eyelashes, both of them were in the midst of self-endurable excitement and excitement.

That feeling, as if they couldn't wait to jump up, open their arms, and hug everyone.

The first girls' dormitory.

Fourth floor.

Tao Xiangru sat cross-legged on the yoga mat, but her eyes were open, and there was a provocative smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she hadn't practiced at all.

"I'm also a warrior now, so...does it mean that I've already caught up with you and won't hold you back anymore?"

The first girls' dormitory.

Fifth floor.

In Lin Xiaomei's dormitory, Lin Xiaonuan came here at some point, and the two sisters sat cross-legged on the ground facing each other, practicing together.

Both had faint smiles on the corners of their mouths, as if they were trying to witness each other's success.

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