Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 5 I'm responsible for hurting you!You are in charge of healing!

Liu Xiaolei was quite anxious at first, but when she heard this, she immediately burst into laughter, and began to tremble on Niu Yuanyuan's shoulder, giving people a feeling of rolling waves.

Niu Yuanyuan could not help but smile, but she looked at Yue Feng and Yan Dong with strong disgust.

Ye Chong simply covered his face with his hands, for fear that he couldn't help but laugh out loud and ruin the serious atmosphere that should exist during the fight.

"You bitch! Didn't I buy you cigarettes?!" Yue Feng yelled at Yan Dong, "Are you in a hurry?"

Whoa whoa whoa!

Immediately there was an uncontrollable burst of laughter from the crowd.

"Ye Chong, you bastard, how dare you sneak up on me, now that my brother-in-law is here, you want to run away?! Hey, Ci'ao, it's impossible! Wait for death! You dirty, lowly bastard! Aren't you very arrogant just now? ?!" Yan Dong yelled at Ye Chong viciously, looking at him like that, he wished he could pounce on him and bite him twice.

"Yue Feng?" Ye Chong looked at the other party quietly, "Are you sure you want me to pay for his medical expenses?"

"Nonsense! You have to pay for his medical expenses today!" Yue Feng grinned coldly, "Also, kneel down in front of me immediately and beg for my forgiveness! Otherwise, you will find that your little feet will fall on you Walk in your mouth!"

"Well, your suggestion is very good! But what I meant just now is, are you sure you only want me to pay his medical expenses?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up with a meaningful arc, " And don't worry about yours?"

A dazed look appeared on Yue Feng's face, obviously he didn't understand the situation for a while.

"Okay! Then do as you want!" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I am responsible for hurting you! You are responsible for healing!"


Ye Chong flickered and rushed forward.

The speed is as fast as a ghost, and even he himself can't believe that he has such an amazing ability.

Before Yue Feng could react, Ye Chong had already flashed in front of the opponent, grinning at him.

Yue Feng was worthy of being a warrior of the Iron Hammer Society, he was not flustered in the event of a big change, he raised his right leg and kicked fiercely.


Ye Chong clasped his hands around the opponent's ankles like hooks, and then turned his hands counterclockwise.

An astonishing scene appeared.

Yue Feng's body flew straight up, and the familiar scene suddenly appeared again.


All of a sudden, it was as if a pot had exploded, and various voices spread around.

And among these voices, the most common one is frantic screaming or exclamation.

"My God, what the hell happened?! This is Yue Feng, a warrior from the Iron Hammer Society. How could he fly like Yan Dong with just one move? This... is impossible! Could it be that I was Dreaming?!"

"That's not right! Ye Chong should be a good-for-nothing. He doesn't have any strength in his hands. He can't beat the warriors of the Hammer Society. But! Now! How could this happen?! How did he do it? Arrived?!"


Yan Dong looked at what happened in front of him with a dazed expression, his mouth was wide open, and his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he was watching his own body flying messily in the air.

Liu Xiaolei was stunned!

Miracles happen right before your eyes!

A man of average height was holding a two-meter-tall giant with one hand, swinging it around in the air, as if he was dancing a scarecrow.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the body colliding with the concrete floor was scary and piercing.

Niu Yuanyuan gently covered her red lips, and looked at Ye Chong with an indescribably complex expression, like a girl looking at a male god.


This is not over yet!

Ye Chong quickly changed the way he swung.

To be precise, it turns the swing into a twitch.



Bang bang bang!

Yue Feng's body was like a long whip in the shape of a human being, constantly whipping on the concrete floor.





The crisp sound was accompanied by the screaming sound, as well as the exclamation sound from the surrounding crowd, all intertwined together, moaning messily between the heaven and the earth, as if a dying beast was howling miserably.


As soon as Ye Chong let go, Yue Feng flew to the side and landed on Yan Dong's body. The two immediately rolled into a ball, looking at each other with indescribable complex colors.



The two of them spurted out a mouthful of old blood, their heads and faces were covered with blood, filthy and unspeakably miserable.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Yan Dong collapsed directly, buried his head on the ground, and howled.

Yue Feng looked at Ye Chong with terrified eyes, like a little milk dog looking at a lion that is not angry but mighty.

This is not right!

As a samurai of the Iron Hammer Martial Arts Club, I know the personnel of the various martial arts clubs in Yangcheng University very well. I have never heard that Ye Chong, a big waste, has joined any martial arts clubs, let alone seen him practice martial arts, but he...

Why is it so powerful? !

Is it...

Is he a descendant of the martial arts family? !


The descendants of the Wu Dao family, that is the second generation of Wu Dao, they are all masters who are absolutely awesome, how could they be called big trash and big trash? !

No reason!


Yue Feng thought about it and wanted to be confused.

"In the future, I don't want to see you!" Ye Chong sneered, "Otherwise, I will hit you once when I see you, until you can understand people's words, get out!"


There was a commotion around, not loud, but a sense of shock could be heard from inside.

"Ci'ao! Ye Chong is very domineering! It's rare to dare to say such things to people in the martial arts club!"

"Everyone has been beaten to death, are you afraid of saying harsh words?! However, I heard that this martial arts club loves face. No matter what the reason is, if people in the club are bullied, the whole club will come forward to take revenge Hammer Martial Arts Club! It’s not easy!”

"Although Ye Chong is powerful enough, he can only fight fiercely with ordinary warriors. If he is really compared with the martial arts masters in the Iron Hammer Club, he is more than one level behind. What's more, he only has one person, and Iron Hammer There are quite a few people in the martial arts club! He is going to die!"


Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Yan Dong's eyes shone with excitement, as if he had seen Ye Chong being trampled on the ground and screaming.

There was a sneer on the corner of Yue Feng's mouth, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

You bloody bastard!

Don't think you have won!

This is just the beginning!

The masters of our Iron Hammer Martial Arts Club are not something you, a piece of trash, can compete with. It won't take long for you to regret coming to this world!


Yue Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and blood, his eyes were blood red, full of eagerness.

Niu Yuanyuan raised her head and watched Ye Chong quietly, her heart was already surging like the waves of the sea.

Is this the Ye Chong I know?

I thought he was kind, brave, and full of tolerance and love for me, so he made me feel safe.


I never thought that his fighting power would be so powerful.

I still remember the day we met, he fought with three little hooligans, and he had almost no strength to fight back.

Unexpectedly, not long after this time, his force has become so powerful.


is this real? !

I felt with him, as if there was nothing to be afraid of anymore.

Is it...

Is this the real sense of security? !


Niu Yuanyuan's face turned red, and her eyes were filled with happiness.

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