Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 4 was frightened


Yan Dong opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of old blood, staring at Ye Chong and Niu Yuanyuan viciously, his eyes full of resentment:

"Ye Chong, you bastard, don't think you're awesome, I won't let you go! I'll kill you sooner or later!"


Ye Chong turned his head slightly, and glanced at the other party coldly, murderous intent appeared in his eyes.


Yan Dong trembled with fright, his eyes were confused, he avoided the other party's gaze, his throat moved, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and there was a strange sound between his legs.


There was a burst of roaring laughter at the scene.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, he didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and pulled Niu Yuanyuan forward.

He understood the priorities of the matter very well.

For him, the most urgent and important thing on this critical day of turning point in fate is to accompany Niu Yuanyuan to change the destiny of life, instead of wasting time on some insignificant things.

Besides, although Yangcheng University advocates force and has established the rules of challenging at any time, this does not mean that people can kill people casually, especially those who have lost the ability to resist will be severely punished.

Under normal circumstances, of course, Ye Chong would not do this kind of irrational behavior.

However, if it is in a duel field where life and death are not important, everything is another matter.

As one of the universities that advocates martial arts, Yangcheng University has a duel field on campus.

It can also be seen from this point that Yangcheng University has a unique position in the world of martial arts. After all, not every university can have a fighting place where life and death are not considered.

It is precisely because of this that many people outside the school, including ordinary people, martial arts practitioners, and especially masters of martial arts, will solve some seemingly troublesome problems in the duel arena when they meet the qualification requirements and get approval. The problem.

Of course, he didn't know much about these before, but as he grows older, has rich experience, and has a deeper understanding of the world, he gradually understands that the real world is not as simple as it seems on the surface .

"Hee hee, you big villain, you are really good and bad, you lied to me so badly." Niu Yuanyuan pouted and looked at Ye Chong, "Now I know why you didn't rehearse with me, hee hee, you are secretly Went to practice martial arts, right?"

Martial arts?

Ye Chong smiled wryly to himself.

At that time, I almost spent all my time outside of studying looking for my family, so where did I find the time to practice martial arts?

To be honest, I was really weak 100 years ago. Even if I use the description of "hands have no strength to restrain a chicken", there is nothing wrong with it.

However, now I am different.

I will use 100 years of rich experience to turn it into monstrous strength to protect the one I love.

"You think too much, Yuanyuan," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I don't accompany you to the rehearsal, not because I'm practicing martial arts, but because I'm afraid of being scared by you."

"Hmph, bastard, you're saying that I dance ugly, right?" Niu Yuanyuan stomped her feet lightly, pouted and looked at the other party, "I'm ignoring you!"

"Let's go, Yuanyuan, be obedient." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, and while gently pulling her forward, he said with a smile:

"Do you know? Your current appearance is the most beautiful. It is like a hibiscus coming out of clear water. It is very natural and pure. It is irresponsible for you to use any kind of makeup on you. Therefore, I I just said I was afraid of being scared by you."

"Hey," Niu Yuanyuan murmured shyly, and pressed her small face on the other's arm, "Ye Chong, I really like being with you."

While talking and laughing, the two had already walked tens of meters away.

"Both of you, wait a minute! Do you want to slap your ass and leave after beating people like this without paying for medical expenses?" A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from behind Ye Chong and Niu Yuanyuan.


Shouts erupted from the surrounding crowd.

"This guy is a samurai from the Hammer Martial Arts Association. He is very powerful. It is said that he has defeated three other samurai by himself. He can fight more than ten like Yan Dong! This time Ye Chong is really finished. He doesn't know that Yan Dong Don't you have a strong relationship with the Hammer Martial Arts Association?"

"If you don't know, don't talk nonsense! How do you know that Yue Feng can beat ten Yan Dongs?! Have you seen it with your own eyes?! Cut! The two of them are in love with each other, whoever beats who can't tell? Haha, but Well, Ye Chong dares to provoke Yue Feng's friends, I can't see him dying, but he will have to peel off his skin!"

"Skin peeling? No way! Yue Feng is not only friends with Yan Dong, but also a child. The most important thing is, Yan Dong got hurt like that under the eyes of everyone. It's so simple to peel off the skin? I see, Maybe today is Ye Chong's last day in this world, well, let's start to mourn in silence!"


A burst of roaring laughter suddenly came out.

Da da da!

A girl rushed out of the crowd, ran to Niu Yuanyuan's side, and hurriedly shouted: "Yuanyuan, don't stand here stupidly? Be careful that they will hurt you when they fight, hurry up, let's stay away .”

Liu Xiaolei, who is enchanting and beautiful, is Niu Yuanyuan's best friend. The two grew up together and have a very good relationship. When they are free, they often stay together and whisper.

This time, she saw that something happened here from a long distance away, and when she found out that Niu Yuanyuan was involved, she was naturally anxious to pull her away so as not to get hurt.

"Xiao Lei, I won't leave. Ye Chong beat someone because of me. I won't leave. I want to stand by his side and be his strong backing!" Niu Yuanyuan slowly shook her head, "Xiao Lei, don't Get out of here, get out of here."


Liu Xiaolei grabbed Niu Yuanyuan's arm, speechless.

However, she couldn't help it.

Niu Yuanyuan usually doesn't turn back easily when she decides on something, so Liu Xiaolei can only shrug her shoulders and stand by her side.


From Niu Yuanyuan's pale face, it could be seen that she was very nervous.

Seeing this situation, Liu Xiaolei could only smile wryly and shook her head.

She understood that the silly girl in front of her should have fallen in love.

Ye Chong looked at Yue Feng quietly, without speaking.

However, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

There is no doubt that the two-meter-high muscular giant in front of him has indeed brought him a lot of pressure.

In particular, the black hammer logo on this guy's neck gave people a vicious and mighty feeling.

"Baby, why did you go?! Why did you come here?! Hurry up and kill this bastard for me!" Yan Dong, who was lying on the ground, saw Yue Feng coming, a look of ecstasy appeared in his eyes, almost as if Howling like a dying wolf.


Yan Dong called Yue Feng baby?


There was bursts of bursts of laughter at the scene.

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