Ye Chong grinned and got up from the ground, his eyes were full of ecstasy and excitement.

That feeling was like when I was at a loss, my head was suddenly hit by something, and when I picked it up, it turned out to be exactly what I had dreamed of.


I'm still in the basement now.

If that shameless beast finds out, it will be like closing the door and beating the dog, and I will be finished.

Well, it's a pity.

It didn't take long to practice the flying skills, and the blood was exhausted.

Now I can choose to allocate combat merit points to restore vitality.

The problem is, if I do, I'll have to wait another hour for the reassignment.

And it won't take long for me to practice flying skills, and it will consume air and blood, and it will inevitably take time to recover by practicing martial arts.

From this point of view, it is obviously a bit uneconomical and not appropriate.

More importantly, if I do this, I will delay the use of combat merit points to increase my cultivation.

After all, no matter whether you use combat merit points to increase your physical limit or use them to restore your body data, the recovery time in the combat merit point column is the same.

The minimum recovery period is 1 hour.

The maximum recovery period is 24 hours.

So, I have to figure out which one is more important, whether to use combat merit points to restore qi and blood, or to increase the upper limit of qi and blood after the body is full. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help pondering for a moment, listening to the stormy scene outside the window, the corners of his mouth curled up, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"All right.

The practice of flying skills should not be rushed for a while.

I'd better meditate honestly and practice martial arts.

This will not only quickly restore qi and blood, prepare for the next practice of flying skills, but also slowly improve the cultivation level, so that the body, qi and blood and spirit can grow.

Moreover, in the process of practicing martial arts, my body will fall into a state of immortality, like a dead tree, which can effectively prevent prying eyes from the outside.

There is one more key point.

By doing this, I can use all the distribution of combat merit points to increase the limit of vitality and carry out fragmented cultivation.

In this way, I am equivalent to doing three exercises while avoiding the risk of prying eyes from the outside.

The first is the cultivation of martial arts skills in the secret book of "Destroy the Heaven and the Earth".

The second is to use the distribution of combat merit points to realize the fragmented practice of improving cultivation.

The third is the practice of flying skills.

The most important thing is that these three exercises are all linked together and carried out successively without affecting each other at all. "

Ye Chong smiled slightly, then quietly closed his eyes, and soon entered the cultivation state like a piece of dead wood.

Time passed without knowing it.

After half a day, Ye Chong opened his eyes, his eyes were brilliant and his face was full of energy and blood.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the net of consciousness sank quietly, landed in the combat merit point column and lightly scooped it up, captured a combat merit point, and then fell down in the vitality and blood column.


Amidst the flickering light, the upper limit of the column of qi and blood was raised a little, while the column of military exploits turned into a cold gray.

Immediately after the next moment, the corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and the red glow shot up all over his body, and his whole body wobbled upwards.

Afterwards, he slapped his hands lightly, and his body suddenly picked up speed, rising more than a foot.




Ye Chong kept flapping his hands, and his body kept rising up with the flapping. By this time, he was already one meter above the ground.

Fortunately, the height from the ground to the top of the basement is five meters away, so there is no need to worry about your head touching the ceiling.

"The lift I get from the air is very important, but it's not the only force.

Undoubtedly, the qi and blood extending from my body have a very important lifting force for me, and when I fan my hands downward, this lifting force has obviously increased a lot.

The faster the rhythm and the greater the amplitude of my fanning, the more powerful the lifting force will be, and the more it will contribute to my flying skills.

and so……

Maybe it would work better if I did it with my whole arms instead of my hands. "

Ye Chong suddenly straightened his arms, and gently slapped them downwards, and his whole body suddenly rose nearly two feet away.

He couldn't help grinning, and then, as if he was swimming in the water, he changed the angle of his arms and hands, his left arm connected with his hand to the lower left, and his right arm connected with his hand to the upper right. Suddenly, the whole person changed direction. Turn left and go away lightly.

At the same time, an indescribable ecstasy filled his eyes.

Soon, he stretched his legs and turned into a face-down posture in the air, followed by his feet continuously swinging down and back, and he was really swimming in the air like a mermaid. moved.

It's just that this situation didn't last long, and he fell to the ground with a bang, and a dog gnawed shit.

no way.

The blood was exhausted.

Without the help of Qi and blood, even if the frequency of flapping with arms and hands is high, it will be of no use, only to fall to the ground.

That said, it's not bad.

After all, it is very close to the ground.

If it is at a high altitude, if you come here, it will be strange if you don't fall into meat sauce.


Ye Chong couldn't help covering his mouth, and let out a suppressed laugh.

"That's pretty good.

After having the flying skills, although I can't really fly freely in the air due to the limitation of my blood, it really helps my body skills a lot.

At least if I fall from a high altitude, if I have good timing and skills, I can fully buffer the force and avoid injury.

Even if it is used in combination with the military wing suit, it will definitely bring me unexpected surprises.


Even if he said a thousand words and ten thousand words, he still had too little energy and blood.

If the qi and blood are strong enough, then maybe I can really sleep in the air, haha.

Speaking of which, the speed at which this flying skill consumes qi and blood is really too fast, and it will inevitably give people a somewhat tasteless feeling.


Judging from this speed of energy and blood consumption, if I want to truly fly in the air at will without worrying about energy and blood issues, I guess I have to surpass the warrior level.


Warrior level.

What is this concept? !

For me, just think about it, it should be after the year of the monkey. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help sighing secretly, with a look of loneliness on his face.

But at the next moment, he frowned slightly, got up quietly, and then turned his hands behind his back, circling in the basement.


Why can't I change my mind, or even do the opposite? !

Hey, if I can't open source, can't I save money? ! "

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