Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 493 Major Breakthrough

Experts Apartment.

in the lobby.

The person in charge of the school security office was whispering to the person holding the blood meter.

Both of them were frowning, scanning their surroundings from time to time, with expressions of shock on their faces.

"Director, how could nearly 200 qi and blood happen to a fighter who just broke through? This... this... should be approaching the limit of an intermediate martial arts fighter, it's unbelievable."

"Can't say that either.

In the process of breaking through to become a martial artist, if the quasi-martial artist breaks through too quickly, it will cause a sudden burst of qi and blood, and it is possible to reach nearly 200 at one time.

The issue is……

People who have just broken through to become warriors, although their physical limits have been improved, they have not been strengthened, so their bodies are still relatively fragile.

In this case, if the qi and blood in the body were too violent, it would easily cause the body to burst, just like a sudden flood that broke the dam in an instant.


This Mr. Du has just broken through to become a martial artist, and his energy and blood are extremely violent, but he looks like a normal person, which is really strange.

At that time, I deliberately dawdled for a while, trying to see his changes and reactions, but found nothing.

Well, why the more I look at this guy... the more I feel that he is a bit inhuman. "


Biyuan District.

Inside the basement.

Ye Chong, who was like a dead tree, suddenly had a flash of red light all over his body, and then his body trembled, followed by him swaying away from the ground by two or three centimeters.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong slowly stretched out his arms, each with a red glow around it, and then disappeared.

Then, he quietly patted down with both hands, and his body wobbled upwards by about five or six centimeters.

That feeling, as if the diver is floating from the bottom up.

Ye Chong wobbled and persisted for less than two seconds before he began to fall. He was so frightened that he hastily increased the frequency of clapping his hands, and his body finally stabilized after shaking.

It's just that this situation didn't last long, and he became staggering again, swaying left and right, like a drunk drunk, and he was about to completely lose control and fall back to the ground.

At this time, Ye Chong suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body glowed red, and his energy and blood suddenly surged, and his body sitting cross-legged in the air instantly rose more than a foot.

Lean forward and back together.


Ye Chong is now like a little chick struggling in the water.

But at the next moment, he slapped his hands down, and his body suddenly rose about three centimeters.

Ye Chong looked happy, and couldn't help speeding up the rhythm of flapping his wings downward.




As a result, a surprising scene appeared.

I saw Ye Chong sitting cross-legged more than a foot above the ground, with a red glow looming all over his body, his hands were constantly flapping downwards, and his whole body was spinning and flying erratically. From a distance, he looked like a baby bird practicing flying , and like a neurotic having fun.

But as time went by little by little, his posture of flying in the air became more natural, but the more he went, the more he felt that he was not flying in the air, but swimming in the water.

In particular, the dense red glow around his body is like a magical life jacket, protecting him from sinking into the water.

"This is really in line with what the ancients said.

Intentionally planting flowers but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows and willows make a shade.

It turned out that I just wanted to learn something useful to me through the flying skills displayed by the SS1 white-winged bird, so as to help my agility.

But what I didn't expect was that I unintentionally caused the qi and blood to surge, and stretched out of the body, so that the body was lifted off the ground by the power of qi and blood.

This feeling is really a bit like swimming in water.

At the beginning, I was nervous and scared, and I was in a hurry, as if I hadn't learned how to swim. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn't stop sinking.

When I finally got the hang of it and knew how to use my hands to help, the situation gradually improved a lot.

Later, I increased the strength of Qi and blood delivery, but I didn't expect the effect to be good.

Undoubtedly, the greater the concentration of Qi and blood wrapped around my body, the greater the lifting force my body can obtain relatively speaking, the lighter my body feels, and the easier it is to float in the air.

However, there is also a big problem in doing so.

That is, the energy and blood consumption is too fast.

In just a short period of time, my energy and blood have been consumed by less than half, which is really a bit unbearable.

It seems that for nothing else, even if it is just to allow me to float in the air in the future and bring a powerful boost to my body skills, I must continue to strengthen the cultivation of qi and blood.

In the final analysis, there is only one way to make one's qi and blood stronger and stronger.

That is to improve one's own realm, that is, the practice of martial arts or taking medicine.

However, for me, in order to improve my realm, besides martial arts training and taking medicine, there is another fragmented way - the distribution of combat merit points.

In time, as long as I combine multiple methods, my energy and blood will become more abundant and stronger.

At that time, even if I float in the air for a long time, fly in the air, or even lie in the sky and sleep, it doesn't mean that it is impossible.


Floating in the air?

Fly in the air?

Isn't this... the martial arts and agility skills in the cheat book of "Destruction of Heaven and Earth"?

Flying skills.

That's right.

What I am trying now is the first level of martial arts skills recorded in the secret book of "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" - flying skills.

It is specifically mentioned in the essentials above that releasing Qi and blood is the most important thing in mastering flying skills.

In addition, you also need to make your speed, reaction, agility, etc. reach a high enough level.

and I?

The first level of actual combat agility has been mastered - the shortest time, the smallest space, the fastest reaction.

The second level of actual combat agility has also been mastered - ears and eyes are clear, mind and eyes are connected, thoughts are born from the heart, the body follows the thoughts, and the enemy is ahead of the game.

The third level of actual combat skills was taught by the portrait of the villain of the homeless old man at the Zhongdu Railway Station. I also understood it and integrated it.

With the foundation of these three levels of actual combat body skills, and the epiphany of the skills of releasing energy and blood, it is natural and natural for me to learn the martial arts skills in the cheat book "Destruction of Heaven and Earth".


The first level of martial arts skills in the cheat book "Destruction of Heaven and Earth" is equivalent to the fourth level of skills for me, and from the fourth level of skills, I have really embarked on the pursuit of The road of martial arts skills. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help grinning happily, but he didn't want his body to sway for a while, the red light disappeared, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

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