Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 491 Breakthrough

The wind continued.

The rain continued.

It's getting worse.

However, what was more ferocious than the storm between heaven and earth was the turmoil and panic in Dunan's heart.

He has lived such a big life, and he has always been in a state of poverty and suffering. If he can eat a good meal, he will be overjoyed.

Not long ago, I managed to earn so much money and became a multi-millionaire, but before I had time to enjoy it, I was about to be thrown into prison.

How unlucky is this?

How painful is this?

The point is that the family members are not yet proud of him, and have not enjoyed the comfort and happiness of life because of his wealth. If he is imprisoned like this, the family members will not collapse.

and also.

There is a little red in his heart that he is thinking about.

He was devoted to him, endured hardships and hardships together, and only wanted to build a happy home with him through hard work.

In the end, before he could surprise her, he gave her a serious shock. This kind of bitterness in the world is sad enough if you think about it, right?

How could this be a human thing? !

"I drop that little red.

This time, I am not for my family, not for myself, but only for you, and I must not be locked up.


You said that if I missed my family, I would cry a few times at worst, and I would probably feel better.

If I had pity on myself and smoked my own two big-eared melon seeds, I guess there would be nothing wrong with it.

But if I stay in prison and miss my little red, what can I do?

Howling twice?

Slap yourself?

None of these can solve the fundamental problem, and maybe it will drive myself crazy.

and so!

For my little red!

I must not be caught! "

Dunan was thinking wildly, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth, weeping bitterly, his eyes spewing fire, scratching his ears and cheeks, anyway, he was emotionally unstable and extremely complicated.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The violent knock on the door was still ringing, and it was obviously louder than before.


We know your name is Dunant.

You are a quasi-martial artist who came here to participate in the Martial Arts Conference.

You are here to attend the meeting, and we, Yangwu College, welcome you.

But if you pick a quarrel and beat our school staff, you are violating our school rules and regulations.

You open the door now, we can control the matter within the scope of the school security office according to the situation.

If you are stubborn and confront the school, the security department will hand you over to the Yangcheng Public Security Bureau.

Dunant, you are already an adult, you should know what it means to be in the Public Security Bureau?

At that time, there will be all the witnesses and material evidence, at least you will be detained for a few days, and you may be put in prison.

By the way, don't think that we can't do anything if you hide in the house and don't come out, you are too naive.

If you don't come out, we'll break into the house and you'll have nowhere to go.

Moreover, you will be responsible for all the losses caused to the expert apartment due to the demolition.

Well, Dunant, I have one last word and I'll give you half a minute to come out right away.

Otherwise, we will carry out compulsory arrest of you, and your family will feel shame because of you. "

"If I don't go out, the school security office has no right to restrict my personal freedom!" Dunan growled in a low voice, "We are a society ruled by law, and you don't represent..."

"Dunan, have you watched too many movies, or have you not woken up?" The school security officer who spoke just now chuckled, "We are not an ancient civilized society, but a world of martial arts.

Do you think the country will protect you like a baby? !

Stop dreaming!

How much time do you think the raging mutant beasts will give us to be weak? !



I tell you, impossible!

They are thinking about eating life all the time!

How stupid!


Timing begins!

30 seconds!

29 seconds!

28 seconds!


Dunan's head was full of black lines, his complexion changed drastically, and then his body trembled slightly, slid down, and sat cross-legged on the ground without speaking.

"25 seconds!"

"24 seconds!"

"23 seconds!"

"22 seconds!"

"21 seconds!"


"3 seconds!"

"2 seconds!"

"1 seconds!"

"Get ready to move...well, that's not right!" The voice of the team leader of the school security department suddenly changed, "It's so powerful! Everyone retreat immediately! Hurry up!"

Swish swish!

Outside the door, seven or eight people all backed away, and the face of the 40-year-old man in the front was full of shock.

"Director, that guy is bursting with anger and blood at this time, and he is obviously fighting in the corner." A young man in his 20s approached a middle-aged man in his 40s. Our school staff will do it, and our school security department will never let him go lightly."

"He's bursting with anger," the 40-year-old leader of the school security department smiled wryly and shook his head. "However, he didn't intend to attack us, but...exceeded our scope of authority."


Everyone outside the room was stunned, their eyes filled with strange and puzzled looks.

"Director, you... you are..." The young man in his 20s who spoke just now looked confused, "What... what do you mean? Job... Scope of power... Scope?"


The door of the room suddenly slammed softly, and then everything fell silent again.

The 40-year-old man in the school security office blinked, then took a step forward, knocked lightly on the door and said, "Mr. Du?"

No sound came out.

"Mr. Du?" The 40-year-old man from the school security office yelled like a kitten again.

For a while, there was no movement inside the door, but everyone outside the door was stunned.

Just now the leader was aggressive and wanted to break in, but now he suddenly became cautious, like a mouse seeing a cat.

Such a huge contrast, how could it not be surprising?

Others don't know, but the officers of the school's security department all know that their director is usually a person who is afraid of walking sideways. Today's sudden change of image and temperament, of course, makes people a little uncomfortable.


The door was gently pushed open by a man in his 40s, revealing the scene inside the house.

I saw Dunan leaning leisurely on one leg next to the mini bar, stuffing ham sausage into his mouth with his right hand, and holding a can of beer in his left hand. He looked at the big eyes of the school security staff, full of jokes and disdain.

"Have you made a breakthrough?" The man in his 40s had a look of surprise on his face.

"Ah, that's right." Dunan stuffed another mouthful of ham sausage, "Why?"

"So fast?" The man in his 40s obviously couldn't believe it.

"What's wrong?" Dunan took a sip of beer, "I do everything very quickly."


There was a strange sound that was deliberately suppressed, and two people even covered their grinning mouths.

"'s nothing, Mr. Du, are you... are you healthy... are you okay?" The man in his 40s looked him up and down, "Mr. Du is very powerful, stronger than ordinary junior martial arts fighters when they explode Quite a few."

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