I don't know when, the sky suddenly became cloudy, thunder and lightning, and the downpour suddenly fell.

Suddenly, the entire Yangcheng area, including Yangwu College and Biyuan Community, was caught in a violent storm.

After a short while, the field of vision has long been turned into a vast ocean, and countless flowers, plants and trees are broken and fallen down in an instant.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the road have not had time to escape, but they are stumbling around in the raging storm and disappearing in a blink of an eye.

The hundreds of people who had gathered at the door of the expert's apartment suddenly dispersed and fled in all directions, looking in a panic.

At this moment, in the whole world, except for the violent storm, there seemed to be no other movement, and no other living things.

At this time, a tall, big, fat and strange guy jumped out of the grove by the lotus lake, wandered around for a while, and ran straight to the expert's apartment.

When I got close, I realized that this guy still had a multi-functional backpack commonly used by students of the Martial Arts Academy on his head, and there was still some blood dripping down inside. .

The fat, tall, eccentric guy was fast, aggressive, bang bang bang, he was obviously taken aback as soon as he rushed into the lobby of the expert's apartment.

Don't be stunned.

There are many people inside.

It's full.

Swish swish!

Suddenly such a monster broke in, and everyone in the room looked over.

Ka Ka Ka!

The fat, tall and eccentric guy shook his whole body, splashing water in all directions, and the people around him couldn't help but backed away, with angry expressions on their faces.

咣 咣 咣!

The guy immediately strode forward, and everyone gave way.


There was a sudden silence in the lobby.

Except for the footsteps of the fat, tall and eccentric guy, everything became eerily quiet.

But at the next moment, the voice of the assistant manager in the lobby sounded: "I'm sorry, sir, you can take shelter in the lobby from the rain, but you can't go up."

While speaking, the assistant manager of the lobby had already blocked the path of the fat, tall and weird guy, but before he could continue speaking, the latter said in a low voice, "I live here, get out of the way!"

"You live here?" The assistant manager in the lobby looked puzzled, then looked him up and down, and then smiled casually in his eyes, "Please show your room card, sir. Without a room card, you can't get on the elevator or enter Room."


The fat, tall, eccentric guy took out a room card, waved at him and said, "Can I go up now?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't see it clearly." The assistant manager in the lobby grinned, "Please show it again, sir."


The fat, tall, eccentric guy suddenly stretched out his left hand, grabbed the neck of the assistant manager in the lobby, and pulled him in front of him like he was catching a chicken.

"Didn't see it clearly?" The weird guy grinned, "Then take a closer look!"


There was a sound of exclamation and screams at the scene.

"First... sir... let go... let go..." Although the assistant manager in the lobby seemed to be in good health, he had no power to resist in front of the fat, tall and weird guy, "You...you... ... If you don't stop, the school security office ... and ... and the Public Security Bureau ... will all ... "

"It's your mother's fart!" The fat, tall, eccentric guy cursed in a low voice, then raised his left hand up, and then fell down.



The sound of bones breaking was accompanied by screams.


In the huge expert apartment lobby, a burst of noise suddenly broke out.


so fierce?

Aren't you afraid of being arrested by the school security office? !

Don't think that the Martial Arts Academy advocates making friends through martial arts, so it doesn't follow the rules.

Even if the School Security Office of the Martial Arts Academy turned a blind eye, the Public Security Bureau would definitely not allow it. "


This guy is great!

Get started without saying a word.

It's still the style of our martial arts people.

Don't talk about it like a bitch. "

"Honestly, I like the way this guy does things.


It's very similar to Lao Tzu.


In this world, no matter if it is a human race or a mutant beast, no matter it is a country or an individual, in the final analysis, it's all about the hard fist! "


There was a phone call from the front desk in the distance, and a woman said, "Excuse me, is this the security department? Yes, yes, I am the expert apartment. There are people here who are picking quarrels and causing trouble, and some people are injured. Please send them quickly." People."

咣 咣 咣!

The fat, tall and eccentric guy walked straight to the elevator with his arms swaying. Everyone dodged along the way, fearing that if they were not careful, they would be knocked to the ground by the other party.

However, at the moment when the elevator door closed, someone in the lobby suddenly said:

"Fat head and big ears.

Don't dare to show your face.



Why do I... feel that... this person seems to be..."

"The tall guy with the big fat head? He should be Ye Chong's follower, right?!"

"Yes, my God, it must be him, that's him, don't let this guy get away."


Immediately, the entire lobby of the expert apartment was completely messed up.


at the same time.

Biyuan District.

in the basement.

Ye Chong sat quietly like a dead tree.

Of course he didn't know what happened in the expert apartment of Yangwu Academy, and he didn't even notice the violent storm, lightning and thunder outside at this moment.

In fact, he has been completely immersed in the perception of the flying skills of the SS1 white-winged bird.

Before he knew it, his body, which was sitting cross-legged on the ground, was about a centimeter off the ground without a sound, and for some reason, his body was convulsing non-stop.

At the next moment, Ye Chong's eyes trembled wildly, and then they opened quietly.

At the same time, his body fell back to the ground with a snap.

Call ~

Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, but he couldn't hide the strange look in his eyes.




After Dunan jumped out of the elevator, he rushed into his room and closed the door in three steps at a time. Then he leaned his back against the door and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the multifunctional backpack in his hand to the ground, making a sound like a pig whining.



Bang bang bang!

Violent knocks on the door came one after another, with some majestic voices mixed in: "Open the door! We are from the Security Department of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, and we need your assistance in investigating some things."

Du Nan's face turned green all of a sudden. He heard the knock on the door just now, and thought it was someone who wanted to trouble Ye Chong, but who knew it was someone from the school security department.

"This reaction is too fast, isn't it?!

Don't you have any reaction time at all? !

What should we do now?

I just beat up the assistant manager in the lobby. I saw a lot of people, and there are probably surveillance cameras.

Once caught, I'm done.


It's also my fault that I didn't hold back just now, I was a little bit ruthless, maybe I was disabled?

If you lose some money, you will lose some money. Anyway, I just sold those mutant beast materials, and I have plenty of money.

But the problem is...

Will the people from the frank security department detain me, or even cooperate with the Public Security Bureau to detain me? !


Absolutely not!

How can this be done?

That's too late! "

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