Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 447 Expert Apartment

After entering the expert apartment, Lin Xiaomei quickly went to the front desk to complete the check-in procedures.

Unexpectedly, a group of people were about to go upstairs, and the assistant manager of the lobby suddenly stopped Dunan and said:

"I'm sorry, sir. According to the regulations of the expert apartment of Yangwu College, visitors need to register at the front desk before they can enter. Please cooperate with me, sir, thank you."


The scene became a little awkward.

There were seven or eight people in the group, and only one person was stopped for registration. Of course, the atmosphere was a bit weird.

But no way.

Ye Chong is a guest staying here, so there is nothing wrong with entering the expert's apartment.

Lin Xiaomei and the others are all volunteers or service personnel of the organizer of the Yangwu Conference. They all have signs on their chests, and entering and leaving the expert's apartment is also a matter of work.

But Dunan can't do it anymore, not to mention the tall and burly ones, and his big eyes are always looking at the beautiful ladies at the front desk. .

"Oh, it's okay, I'm Lao Ye's friend, just sit and go." Dunan laughed, waved his hands, and then took a step to go inside.

"I'm sorry, sir, this is the regulation of the expert apartment, please cooperate." The assistant manager in the lobby refused to budge, his face was cold, "Thank you!"

"Hehe, blame me." Ye Chong smiled slightly, walked over, looked at the assistant manager in the lobby with a smile, and said, "You can contact Teacher Wang from the school office, and tell her that I have something to ask her, and call her back."

"Teacher Wang?" The assistant manager in the lobby looked puzzled, and took a step back involuntarily, "Sir, which Teacher Wang is it?"

"Oh, hehe, it's Secretary Wang of the school office serving Principal Zhang," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Go and make a call and tell her that I have something to do with her."

"What's the matter?" The assistant manager in the lobby looked vigilant, "Secretary Wang of the school office is a busy person, and he doesn't have time to answer calls from outsiders."

"Well, hehe, I know she's busy," Ye Chong kept smiling, "Principal Zhang is a busy person after all, and the people around him are naturally busy too. However, if you're busy now, you'd better call and ask."

"What's the matter?" The assistant manager in the lobby glanced at the waiters at the front desk who had come over, and couldn't help puffing out his chest, his voice raised three minutes.

"What do you think?!" Ye Chong's smile faded away, his voice was icy cold, as if heavy snow had fallen and a cold sword had been unsheathed.

The assistant manager in the lobby shuddered involuntarily, then quickly walked to the front desk and picked up the phone.

The construction of the new base station has not been completed, and the mobile phone cannot be used normally, but the wired phone is not affected.

"Hello, is this Teacher Wang from the school office?" The soft voice of the assistant manager in the lobby sounded like a different person, as if a kitten meowed tenderly to its owner, "Ah , Hehe, you are Teacher Wang?

Oh, I'm the assistant lobby manager of Expert Apartment.

There is a Mr. Ye here who wants to find you...

It's Ye...Mr. Ye Chong, do you think...

Okay, okay, ask him to answer the phone right away. "

When it came to the end, the assistant manager in the lobby couldn't help but his face changed, and then he straightened his body, looking at Ye Chong with a deep respectful look: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Wang is talking to you."


Everyone, including the waiters at the front desk, had weird expressions on their faces, and there was a hint of shock and surprise in their eyes when they looked at Ye Chong.

Judging from the registration information, Ye Chong is only a junior martial artist with an initial level of cultivation.

This realm is considered to be the lowest among the group of warriors.

Unexpectedly, the principal's secretary knew him, and he looked very familiar.

Ye Chong looked calm, took a step forward, and answered the phone:

"Teacher Wang, I'm Ye Chong.






That's it.

Yes, leadership is not easy, day and night, all night long, you will definitely be tired, and you have to take care of your body.


Oh, no, no, that's too polite.

Golden Elvis?

not bad.

not bad.

I love the smell, hahaha.

Oh, it's really not a big deal.

Teacher Wang, I have a good brother who is also a student of our old Yangcheng University. This time he came here from Shanghai specifically to support the martial arts conference hosted by the school.

As for him, maybe he didn't pay attention when he signed up, and he was arranged to live in a dormitory building.

Ha ha.

As for the two of us, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and we want to live together and chat more, so that we can think about the Yangwu Conference.

Look, Mr. Wang, he is not a warrior yet, so it may be difficult to move to the expert apartment, otherwise, you can help me and arrange me to live in the dormitory where he lives?



Oh, oh, looking for the assistant manager of the lobby?

OK, OK, I'll give him the phone right away. "

During the speech, Ye Chong smiled slightly and looked at the pale-faced assistant manager in the lobby, then gently shook the phone receiver in his hand.

Soon, the assistant manager in the lobby answered the phone with an extremely respectful expression: "Mr. Wang, I am...

Okay, yes, Mr. Wang, I'll report to the manager right away, okay, okay, I'll make arrangements and then report. "

In fact, the weather was not hot, and it was still a bit cool, but the assistant manager's forehead and face were covered with sweat, as if he had just been washed with water.

no way.

Wang Mi of the school office represents the principal.

Every word she said would not be casual.

And the assistant manager of the lobby of the expert apartment, to put it bluntly, is a concierge who welcomes and sends people off.

For him, the words that come out of Wang Mi's mouth are tantamount to an imperial decree. If one fails to do well, the job will be lost as soon as he loses it.

"Mr. Ye, wait a moment," the assistant manager in the lobby smiled at Ye Chong, then looked at Du Nan again, "I'll give this right away..."

"Dunan," Du Nan patted his stomach and looked around, "However, I don't seem to be very interested in living in this crappy place. I'd better go back to my dormitory building later."

"No, please don't," the assistant manager in the lobby was about to cry, "Mr. Du, we live well here, eat well, and have complete supporting facilities. It is built according to the super five-star standard, which is better than that in the dormitory building. The food and accommodation conditions are much better, you..."

"Oh, food and lodging?" Dunan patted his stomach and nodded, "It doesn't matter if you live outside, but what about the food? Hehe, can you control your fullness?"

"Full, you can eat as much as you want, and it tastes good." The assistant manager in the lobby wiped his sweat and grinned, "Well, Mr. Du, I will check you in now."


Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, and Tao Xiangru all gathered around at once, their faces full of joy, chattering non-stop.

The assistant manager in the lobby was discussing something with the waiters at the front desk, and then he turned back quickly, bowed and smiled:

"Gentlemen, according to the school's instructions, Mr. Ye Chong's room has been upgraded from a luxury suite to a presidential suite, and Mr. Dunan has lived in a luxury suite on the same floor as the president. I wonder if this is okay?"


There was a sound of exclamation at the scene, and everyone's eyes were full of surprise and joy.

Especially Dunan, his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide enough to fit a fist into it.

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