When Ye Chong heard what Dunan said, his expression changed immediately, and he asked, "You don't think you are human, what is that? Whale? Pig? Elephant? Or something else?"

"Ha, Lao Ye, you're not quite right when you say that." Dunan straightened his body and looked a few centimeters taller, "You think I can become a whale after learning the "Whale Swallowing Technique"?! Hehe, what did I mean about me? My head is full of random thoughts, and I have nowhere to use my energy. Sometimes it is very embarrassing, you know?"

"Well, I see. So, you really have returned to puberty and started to grow again? It's true. Otherwise, you have grown taller and gained weight, and it is indeed a bit hard to explain." Ye Chong He frowned, "It's really weird.

It stands to reason that "Whale Swallowing Technique" has the effect of tempering and improving the body's physique, blood and spirit. This is normal and understandable.

However, this does not mean that the body will become taller and fatter, on the contrary, it should appear more and more lean.

Is this a side effect?

Not right either.

In the process of growing up, you feel that your body has become lighter and your strength has become stronger, but your body, vitality and spirit have not changed like a leap, which means...

Most likely the material and composition of your body has changed.

So, Old Du, I suspect that you may not be a real person. "


For some unknown reason, Dunan shivered suddenly.

At the same time, Ye Chong could not help but take a step back.

The two of them stared at each other, looking a little dazed.

"Lao Ye, don't scare me," Dunan swallowed, "Could it be that everything that happened to me is really just like you...you said, that the body material and organizational structure have changed?

But the question is, what is the body material?

And what is the organizational structure of the body?

I was all harmed by you, and you have to be responsible for me. "

"You don't need to be serious about this issue." Ye Chong continued with a serious face, "You just need to know that in terms of body structure and details, different species are different.

Cold-blooded animals are not the same as mammals.

Insect organisms are also very different from birds.

Even under the same class and order, different races have obvious differences.

In short, Lao Du, I suspect that the you now are really different from the you in the past.

Or, as you said just now, you are probably not human anymore. "

"Damn it! If I wasn't human, how could I be so quick at cursing?!" Dunan opened his eyes wide, then lowered his voice, "Lao Ye, don't tell me, I've been feeling hot lately. Sigh, how the hell can I prove that I am not human?!"

"It's very simple." Ye Chong nodded calmly, "Let me cut open your body and check it."

"What?!" Du Nan was stunned, and then he growled like a tiger roaring, "Lao Ye, this is scary, can you talk well?!"

"I'm just talking nicely," Ye Chong sighed, "If you don't let me stab you, how can you see what kind of changes have taken place in your body?"

At this time, Lin Xiaonuan came over with a smile and said, "You two big men are flirting with each other, what are you talking about?"

"I'm flirting with him?" Dunan raised his head, "How is this possible? I'm a normal man."

"It's inappropriate to use the word man, it's better to say male." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked at Lin Xiaonuan again, "By the way, have I finished my registration?"

"The application is over, the board and lodging have been arranged," Lin Xiaonuan smiled and pointed to a building not far away, "The expert apartment of Yangwu College, board and lodging are all together, and it is the captain's favorite apartment." The lotus lake is near, I wonder if the captain is satisfied?"

"Satisfied, that's great." Ye Chong looked at the building a hundred meters away with a smile, and couldn't help but smile.

The current expert apartment of Yangwu College is actually the former expert building of the old Yangcheng University, which can be regarded as the highest-standard reception institution in the school.

When he was studying here before, he sneaked in. The decoration is exquisite and magnificent. He really hopes to live here once in the future, but he didn't expect it to come true now.

"Let's go, it's time for dinner. I heard that the food in the expert's apartment is the best. How about we accompany the captain to have a meal?" Tao Xiangru came to the side with a smile.

"No problem, let's go together." Ye Chong waved his hand. To be honest, he is really hungry now, and his stomach is growling.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it seems that the pig's knuckle rice made by the expert's apartment was the most delicious in the past, I don't know how it is now?" Dunan looked excited.

"You still don't want to go?" Lin Xiaonuan looked at Du Nan with a smile, "Your accommodation is in the third dormitory building, there should be a meal for you, and the expert apartment is for participants above warriors of."

"Then how are you going?" Dunan blinked, looking a little unconvinced, "Just because it's a woman?"

"Dunan, don't talk nonsense, we are all volunteers of the Martial Arts Conference, of course we are qualified to send the participants to the expert apartment." Tao Xiangru smiled, "Hehe, there is nothing wrong with taking this opportunity to taste the things inside .”

"That's right, Du Nan, you have such a big appetite. If you really went to the expert's apartment, I'm afraid you'd eat up all the food by yourself. That's not good." Lin Xiaonuan smiled, "How about you It's better to save your stomach to eat at night, and don't join in the fun at noon."

"What?" Ye Chong couldn't help being stunned, "The people who came to the Martial Arts Conference are divided into so many places to live?"

"Yes, captain, the organizing committee has clear regulations on what kind of participants will live in what kind of place." Lin Xiaomei lightly brushed her hair, and then said: "The captain is a warrior and has a special status, so I arranged Check in at Expert Apartments."

"Fuck! Lao Ye, Lin Xiaomei didn't say anything, I really forgot about it, you are a warrior now, awesome!" Dunan looked envious, "Haha, I will suffer from it in the future!" The bullying will come to you."

"Dunan, don't leave yet. Let's go to the expert's apartment together. If it's not possible, we can live together." Ye Chong grabbed Du Nan, "I haven't finished talking about the matter just now, and I also Want to see what's going on?"

"But..." Du Nan looked at Lin Xiaomei and the others, hesitating to speak.

"Let's go, let's go." Ye Chong stretched out his hand and dragged Du Nan forward.

Seeing such a situation, Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan of course didn't say much, but followed Ye Chong with a grin and a smile, as if the 00 team from the previous trials in Yingdao had come back before them again. .

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