Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 383 Skull Head

Seeing that it was noon, Ye Chong couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, then heaved a long sigh and went straight to the restaurant.

People are iron, food is steel, no matter how hard it is, you have to eat, right?

While walking on the road, the phone started to vibrate.

It was obviously the sound of a text message, but one after another, one after another, it kept ringing, as if going crazy.

Pick it up and take a look, well, it’s really all text messages, a total of 11.

Ye Chong frowned and opened the first one. His eyebrows were stretched out, and the corner of his mouth was smiling. If he was not walking on the main road of the campus, he would really roar a few times.

no way.

After reading the text messages one by one, the more you read, the happier you will be.

All are points to the account.

A total of 3500 million points!

Although it was a number, it filled his heart with a heavy feeling.

Ye Chong held back his excitement, and quickly checked the points account on the campus card. Yes, it used to be more than 5000 million points, but now it is almost 9000 million points.

"This is really efficient. Didn't you say that the account will arrive in the afternoon at the earliest? Why did it arrive so quickly?"

The sudden surge in wealth made Ye Chong feel happy and happy, and all his troubles and worries disappeared.

With so many points, it's really hard not to feel happy.

However, when Ye Chong's face was filled with happiness and joy, in a large office of the Martial Arts Command Department, Zhu Gefu was typing on the keyboard with a dark face.

In the eyes he looked at the screen, there was an indescribable fear, caution and coldness.

Zhugov: "Sir, Hu Ke's death should be regarded as an accident, as you can see from the video, he was indeed too ostentatious."

A skull avatar on the left side of the screen replied: "?"

Zhu Gefu couldn't help shivering: "No, sir, I may have made a mistake in my statement just now. It should be said that Hu Ke, as a man of the Nine Martial Arts Academy, usually has a high profile, but Ye Chong is very cunning and obviously took advantage of this."

Skull: "Background."


"Sir, are you asking about Ye Chong's background?

Okay, sir, I have sent his basic information to him, but there are still some deep backgrounds left unsaid.

As one of the top ten most potential students of Jiuwu Academy, Ye Chong has received the attention of the Martial Arts Department and its school level.

In particular, Principal Yan Jinglei spoke highly of him.

In the dispute between Ye Chong and the Mou family, a local martial arts family, Yan Jinglei clearly stated his attitude and position, and stood by his side.

It should be said that this situation is very rare.

In addition, in the battle at the Yanwu Field, Hu Ke and the others were killed or injured. According to regulations, the relevant video materials have been reported to the National Martial Arts Department of the Xuanwu Empire and the Global Martial Arts Federation.

However, there is no feedback on the attitude of the above, but one thing is certain, Ye Chong will obviously receive the attention and follow-up of the above in the near future.

and also……

and also……

Sir, the remaining ones are basically not considered backgrounds, and have no necessary connection with the martial arts world, for example, he is closer to Walter White and so on.

I think……"

Skull: "Old Poison?"

Zhu Gefu: "Yes, it is the toxicologist who acts alone and behaves weirdly. Also, sir, he lives in the skyscraper now, and he is the neighbor of Ye Chong."

Skull: "He helped him? VX?"

Zhugov: "Sir, you are asking about Hook's use of the VX nerve gas. Did Walter White help Ye Chong?"

Skull: "Yes."


"Yes, sir, I suspected it too, but Walter White was not there when it happened.

It should be said that Hu Ke's speed is very fast, and Ye Chong has no reason to avoid it completely. The reason why that guy was not poisoned still needs to be investigated. "

Skull: "Qi and blood."

Zhu Gefu: "Sir, you mean...Ye Chong stopped the VX's invasion by relying on the sudden burst of Qi and blood?

Yes, it is possible, I doubt it too.

How he did it, however, is still unclear. "

Skull: "I mean recovery of qi and blood."


"Blood recovery?

Understood, sir.

It is indeed strange that Ye Chong suddenly recovers at the moment when his Qi and blood are exhausted.

I suspect there are three possibilities.

The first possibility is that this guy is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but he is actually very powerful.

However, this possibility was quickly ruled out, because the school has his physical data, and he is indeed a junior martial arts fighter who has just been promoted, so it is impossible for him to be more powerful than Hu Ke.

The second possibility is that this guy has cast a secret technique, which can suddenly stimulate the potential of Qi and blood, which is equivalent to going mad.

Speaking of which, there is a certain possibility.

After the battle between Ye Chong and Hu Ke was over, he immediately took the initiative to challenge the other ten people. With the cultivation base of junior martial arts fighters, it was obviously abnormal for him to do so.

But he did, and soon won.

But after the victory, he left the martial arts arena very quickly, looking very afraid of being watched.

This is also very consistent with the fact that there is a time limit for a person's esoteric madness, and after the madness, the body will be extremely weak.

There are various indications that Ye Chong's performance is consistent with the crazy phenomenon that stimulates the potential of qi and blood, and the possibility of a high degree of correlation cannot be ruled out.

However, this needs to be verified.

If Ye Chong closed the door to thank guests recently, or retreated by himself, it is very likely that he has indeed gone mad.

Sir, if that's the case, this guy kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred. If he dares to do this at the initial level of a junior martial arts fighter, his foundation must have been damaged, and his future martial arts path will be considered broken.

Of course, sir, there is another possibility that cannot be ruled out.

Ye Chong, a cunning guy, probably calculated the time and swallowed the elixir that quickly restores qi and blood in advance, or put it under his tongue, and used it at the right time.

Regarding this point, one can see a clue from the fact that this guy ran away desperately from the very beginning, clearly to consume Hook's vitality and at the same time buy time for the pill he swallowed to take effect. "

Skull: "No."

Zhugov: "Sir, what's wrong?"

Skull head: "It's not crazy, his eyes haven't changed color. It's not like swallowing a pill, his blood is suddenly restored."

Zhugoff: "Neither? Right, right, that, that..."

Skull: "It may also be related to the old poison. What he researched is like his character, which makes people confused."

Zhugoff: "Walter White?"

Skull: "Pay close attention to the old poison, but don't provoke him, find a chance for the target to be alone, and kill him."

Zhugov: "Sir, you mean, let me do it?"

Skull: "No, you are only responsible for providing information, and someone more suitable will appear."

Zhugov: "Yes, sir. If I encounter an emergency in the future, can I send a code message directly through my mobile phone?"

Skull: "No. Despotic computers must be used. There are no secrets on mobile phones."

Zhugov: "Yes, sir."

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