Bao Sihai's call lasted more than half an hour.

From what the other party said, Ye Chong not only heard the concern, requirements and expectations, but also learned a lot of other information.

It turned out that he thought that with today's battle in the Yanwu Field, he would definitely become the most influential figure in Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

However, now he suddenly discovered that there should be a "plus one" behind the "most influential person".

That is to say, although his current reputation is great and his strength is strong, he is not unique among the students of Jiuwu Academy, but one of the most influential figures.

According to Bao Sihai, after Hu Ke's death in the entire Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, there are at least five people who are worthy of the title of most influential person.

The first one, called Li Rou, is a girl from the Martial Arts Department. She has a high attainment in martial arts skills, and she can practice very quickly. She is considered a genius in cultivation. She is now an intermediate martial arts fighter.

The second one, called Cui Zhenshan, is a boy from the Martial Arts Command Department. He is very capable in actual combat. It is said that he is on par with Hu Ke of the same department. He is currently an intermediate martial arts fighter.

The third one, named Wang Jin, is a boy from the actual combat department of martial arts. Similarly, he has a very strong cultivation talent, and he has cultivated from a four-star quasi-martial artist to an intermediate-level martial arts fighter in a short period of time.

The fourth one, named Jin Qing, is a boy from the martial arts refining department. He has a proud talent in refining weapons, and he is also making great progress in cultivation. He is now an intermediate martial arts fighter.

The fifth one, named Tian Runye, is a girl from the Martial Arts Refining Department. She has a proud talent in refining elixirs. It is said that her body and formation skills are very powerful, and her cultivation is the beginning of an intermediate martial arts fighter.

It doesn't stop there.

From Bao Sihai's speech, it can be heard that many good seedlings have emerged in the secondary departments, and they are making rapid progress. Given time, these people must soon grow into the pillar talents of Jiuwu Academy.

At the same time, the various martial arts academies under the jurisdiction of the Xuanwu Empire, as well as other countries in the Nine Martial Continent, also experienced a blowout during this period, and many influential figures emerged.

Speaking of which, when Ye Chong was compared with these equally dazzling elites, he became obviously less prominent.

However, according to Bao Sihai, although the development of the human race in the entire Nine Martial Continent has accelerated a lot, compared with the mutation and evolution speed of mutant beasts, there is still a lot of gap, and this is also the reason why the leadership and leadership of each martial arts academy The management, at all costs in personnel training, is an important reason for continuing to intensify efforts.


Ye Chong sighed, then shook his head with a wry smile.

He knew very well in his heart that the way of martial arts is like this, it is like a hundred boats fighting against the current, and it is like sailing against the current. He is afraid that if he relaxes a little, he will be left far behind, and there will be no chance to stand up again.

In the following time, Ye Chong logged on to the campus network of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, and browsed the forum casually. Among them, there were many posts about him, Wang Jin, Li Rou, Cui Zhenshan, Jin Qing and Tian Runye. There is also a post dedicated to ranking in it, called "Nine Martial Arts Academy's Top Ten Most Influential Figures Ranking", there are a total of ten people in it, and the popularity of browsing is relatively high.

The first place is Li Rou, the second is Hu Ke, the third is Wang Jin, the fourth is Cui Zhenshan, the fifth is Jin Qing, the sixth is Ye Chong, and the seventh is Tian Runye...

"This post was made a day ago, before Hook died.

It is estimated that after today, the ranking of this post will be revised again.

At that time, my ranking should be able to improve a little bit. As for how much, it's hard to say.

Judging from the calculation formula published in the post, it is quite complicated, with a lot of messy weights. It is a bit troublesome to calculate the number of conversion points, and I am too lazy to calculate.

However, from the content of this post, it can be seen that what the captain said is right, there are indeed quite a few of the most influential figures in the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

Moreover, compared with these people, especially from the point of view of scoring in this post, my score is higher because I have fought more times, performed more tasks, and have no defeats.

However, judging from some basic items such as realm cultivation, I don't actually have any advantages.

However, they each have their own strengths.

Li Rou, as an elite of the Martial Arts Department, has profound attainments in martial arts skills, and even many teachers of the Martial Arts Department feel ashamed of themselves in front of her.

Jin Qing, as an elite of the martial arts refining department, has a proud talent in martial arts refining, and even has a tendency to forge the weapons of warriors in his hand into weapons of middle-level and top-grade warriors in a short period of time.

If he could really achieve that step, not to mention anything else, he would be able to increase his combat power by a large margin just by relying on the mid-level top-rank warrior weapon, so there would be no problem with his comprehensive strength.

Wang Jin, like me, is also a student of the Martial Arts Department. Although I have never met him, I have heard of him a long time ago.

This person's actual combat ability is very strong, and he usually keeps a low profile, but when he went out to perform a mission not long ago, he suddenly shined brilliantly, and his cultivation speed has also increased by leaps and bounds, which is staggering.

Cui Zhenshan, as a student of the martial arts command department, has a very balanced ability in all aspects, and he can hardly find any obvious shortcomings and shortcomings in him. There is no doubt that this is a terrible thing.

Tian Runye, a beauty-level beauty in the Department of Martial Arts and Alchemy, not to mention her impressive talent in refining elixir, she also has outstanding abilities in movement and formation, and is one of the elite talents cultivated by the Nine Martial Arts Academy .


Objectively speaking, there is still a clear gap between me and them, at least in terms of basic data, and here, the most obvious and biggest gap is my cultivation base.

Judging from the ranking post, out of ten people, eight are intermediate martial arts fighters, and only two are junior martial arts fighters. Among these two junior martial arts fighters, I am a junior martial arts fighter, and the other One is the junior martial arts fighter high-level.

The difference is obvious.

Therefore, no matter from which angle I look at it, improving my cultivation level has become my top priority.

No way, I really need to plan well. "

Soon, Ye Chong entered the website of the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation website from the entrance of the campus network, and browsed them respectively.

Judging from the information obtained above, similar phenomena are happening in the major martial arts academies of the Xuanwu Empire, and even in the martial arts academies of the entire Nine Martial Continent.

Looking at the whole world, compared with those truly outstanding talents, Ye Chong suddenly found that he was simply insignificant, like a drop in the ocean, inconspicuous.

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