Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 380 The only way

Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head.

He knew very well in his heart that these were major headaches.

If one is not handled well, it will be hindered everywhere and it will be difficult to move an inch.

Even... If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

It's easy to talk about the mutant bear, but the big deal is that he won't go to Longsudi from now on. No matter how powerful those mutant bears are, they won't be able to break into Zhongdu and Jiuwu Academy to trouble him.

Of course, the matter of the insects and beasts is easy to handle, just be a turtle with a shrinking head from now on.

If you don't go out to perform missions, you basically eliminate the chance of contacting them. Since you can't meet them, there is naturally no danger.

However, there are problems with the gray-clothed men of the Mou family and the martial arts world in the subcontinent.

Whether it is going out to perform tasks, or hiding in the crowd like a turtle, these are not acceptable, especially if you stay in a crowded place, the danger may be even greater.

no way.

The game and hunting between humans is far more cruel and dangerous than that between humans and beasts. People are finished before they even know who the enemy is.

Therefore, hiding is impossible.

Because there is nowhere to hide.

Hiding in the domain of the orcs, you will face threats from increasingly powerful mutant beasts.

Hiding in the domain of the human race, you will be hunted down by the all-pervasive hostile forces of the human race.

The point is that even if you can hide and hide, you can't hide for long at all.

As a martial artist, in order to continue to grow and progress, he must consume various resources.

Where do these things come from?

Do you have to make it yourself?

Easier said than done, simply impossible.

Obtained externally?

That would leave a trail.

It probably means that you can't hide.

Furthermore, as a martial artist, if you want to truly grow and improve, you need to sharpen and understand in battle.

So who to fight?

Fighting mutant beasts?

Or fight with people?

There is no doubt that no matter who you fight, it will mean that your whereabouts will be exposed.

Therefore, in the face of many crises, it is basically impossible to resolve the danger by avoiding and giving in, and it will even make the danger more and more dangerous.

Instead of this, it's better to hold your head high, face everything calmly, let yourself stand on guard, inspire your potential in a desperate situation, and become stronger and stronger, so as to step on all dangers under your feet and completely crush them into nothingness. This is the only one. way.

"When I was a child, my father once said that the more you shrink your hands and feet in the severe cold, the colder you will feel, but if you really stand up, you will let the cold recede and you will be full of vitality.

The dangers I encounter now are like the severe cold that I experienced when I was a child. The more I try to avoid them, the more they will become more pressing. Only by strengthening my mind first and despising them can I truly overcome them.


In addition to making me stronger mentally, I also want to make myself stronger physically.

My agility skills have made significant progress after being sharpened by the dragon suction ground and the martial arts field. As long as I persist, I believe it will not take long for my actual combat agility to enter a new realm.

My sword skills are still mainly focused on the cultivation and comprehension of the method of surging energy and blood. This is the foundation, so don’t be in a hurry. Only when I learn how to walk can I run in the future, and I can run well and fast .

As for my spiritual skills, I have only mastered the Jingyuan thorn, and it is still in the entry stage, but the surprises it brings to me are self-evident.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the Jingyuan thorn, my trip to the dragon sucking the earth this time would not have gained so much.

If it wasn't for the Jingyuan thorn, of course I wouldn't be able to easily get out of this fight in the Martial Arts Field.

Therefore, I must strengthen, increase and aggravate the cultivation of the spiritual skill of Jingyuan thorn. It has a great effect on improving my actual combat ability.

There is also the defensive skill of Armor Skin Art, which is of great help to me. It is equivalent to wearing a body armor on my body, so that I have a lot less constraints and worries in terms of offense.

I believe that if I practice this skill to the extreme, it will definitely bring me unexpected surprises.

In addition to these, the pattern of law in the blade of the starry sky has an extraordinary effect on improving my combat power.

After the high-level magical liquid I ordered in the arsenal is in place, the transformation of the three healthy golden tadpoles and the recovery of the other two dying golden tadpoles will definitely greatly increase the power of the Starry Sky Blade.


In addition to the Starry Sky Blade, which is a primary high-grade weapon for warriors, I also have a lot of weapons and equipment including combat boots, daggers, black and red crossbows, etc.

Of course, these things can also bring me great help at critical times, but they are used as spoils of war, and I dare not use them publicly.

By the way, there are also the second-level animal repelling powder, and the third-level animal repelling powder that I will definitely get from Lao Huangmao in the future. Of course, these things will also be of great help to me, and they are also part of my overall strength.


Although these skills, weapons, and auxiliary supplies are of great significance to my strength improvement, it is not them that can really make me achieve a big leap, but the improvement of my realm.

Because only when the state of cultivation is improved, can my body, mind, energy and blood grow and reach a new level.

With the support of new physical data, my various skills will naturally increase, and I will achieve greater progress along the way.

As for the method of improving the realm of cultivation?

Normally there are two paths.

The first way, of course, is to achieve growth through practicing martial arts, and finally break through the bottleneck and enter a new realm.

The second way is to quickly improve one's own cultivation level by swallowing pills.

However, this approach has a disadvantage, that is, it is easy to make the foundation weak, the realm unstable, and hidden dangers to be planted.

In fact, in a short period of time, Hu Ke has been promoted from the beginning of the middle-level martial arts fighter to the peak of the middle-level martial arts fighter, thanks to the help of the pill.

If it's just normal practice, if you want to achieve this step, I'm afraid it won't take a year or a half to reach it.

However, it is precisely because of Hu Ke's reckless swallowing of the pills that he has rapidly improved his realm, while also making his body's physical frame, spirit, and blood appear a little vain, not as concentrated as in normal cultivation conditions. Refining and prudence can be regarded as allowing me to take advantage of a big loophole.

Ha ha.

Under normal circumstances, for ordinary people, if they want to improve their realm, there are only two paths above.

But for me, there is a third way.

And whether I walk this road successfully and smoothly determines whether I can have extraordinary advantages in the process of future development. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but stand by the window with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the blue sky, motionless as if petrified for a while.

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