Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 379 Who Wants to Come in and Try

"Okay, dear Mr. White, I'm an idiot and I've almost figured it out, hehe, it's a miracle that you can develop such a good thing in such a short period of time." Ye Chong nodded vigorously, then stretched out his hand , "Bring it."

"What are you bringing?" The old yellow-haired Walter White was taken aback for a moment, then he took out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and threw it to the other party, "Here, Ye, isn't it just a pack of cigarettes, what a stingy guy , well, I can get a lot of these things just by saying hello."

"Hehe," Ye Chong smiled, put the pack of cigarettes into his pocket casually, and then continued to stretch out his hand, "What I want is not cigarettes, Mr. White, please bring the third-level animal repelling powder."

"No, it's impossible!" The old yellow-haired Walter White immediately took a big step back when he heard this, with a nervous expression on his face, "Ye, you're doing it wrong, SS2 nuclear mutant rhinoceros horn powder refining The third-level animal repelling powder is very small, I need to keep it for analysis and demonstration, and it is impossible to give it to you."

"Old Huang Mao, you are wrong. It was agreed before that I will provide you with the materials of mutant beasts, and you, the things developed by you will be given priority to me," Ye Chong said with his hands behind his back. , moving forward slowly, "What? You grand Mr. White, are you planning to violate the spirit of the contract?"

"No, Ye, this is not the same thing." The old yellow-haired Walter White waved his hand angrily, "You are changing the concept secretly."

"Haha, has this become a sneaky change of concept?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, and approached the other party unhurriedly, his eyes kept looking up and down. Judging from his experience, good things will be taken away by the old man. The yellow hair is always on your body, "Since you don't take the initiative to hand it over, you have to let me do it myself?"

"Ye, wait a minute, don't force me." The old yellow-haired Walter White kept stepping back, "I need to keep these third-level animal repellent powder for further research and analysis, so... so that I can Lay the foundation for a large number of developments in the future, Ye, wait, what you do is simply anti-human."

"Hey, old Huangmao, give me a high hat every now and then, right?" Ye Chong continued to be reluctant, and kept approaching the other party, his outstretched right hand kept shaking back and forth, obviously impatient "Are you getting it or not?! Huh?!"

"No! I don't! Impossible! I refuse!" The old yellow-haired Walter White waved his hands angrily, even his hair was standing on end in a hurry.

Seeing that the opponent was still approaching, the old yellow-haired Walter White immediately yelled, and then rushed to the door and rushed out.

At this moment, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, turned his hands behind his back, and said in his heart: Do you want to ask me for the horn powder of the SS2 nuclear mutant rhinoceros?Hey, are you dreaming? !silly hat!


The door was open when the old yellow-haired Walter White rushed out, and there was a sudden uproar among the men and women on the terrace.

Ye Chong leaned against the door with the corner of his mouth curled up, glanced at everyone with a smile and said, "I'm having a good time today, who of you still wants to come in?"


Everyone looked at Ye Chong in surprise, and there was an indescribable complex color in everyone's eyes.

Undoubtedly, they have vaguely guessed something - Mr. Walter White, a world-renowned toxicologist, rushed out of dormitory 3691 in a panic regardless of his image, and he must have been frightened and injured.

As for what kind of fright and injury it was, judging from the scene just now, couldn't you guess it?

How could there be any other reason besides that? !

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all raised their vigilance.

"Hehe, you're still embarrassed, aren't you?" Ye Chong smiled, and casually swept everyone's faces, "Okay, I'll just choose a few, everyone, don't run away, let's communicate together."


On the huge terrace, the originally elated men and women dispersed in a rush, yelling and yelling while running, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

no way.

It turned out that they wanted to pay a visit to the most influential figures of the Nine Martial Arts Academy, and maybe they could help themselves grow and improve through discussions and exchanges, but they didn't expect to see the old yellow-haired Walter White fleeing from the dormitory in a hurry, and now the suspect He took the initiative to send out a hint again, how scary is this?


Ye Chong looked at the instantly empty terrace, and couldn't help but chuckled: No matter what, I finally got rid of the entanglement, that's good.

However, the moment he turned back to the room, he couldn't help but pause, and subconsciously glanced into the distance.

I saw a girl wearing tulle, standing there quietly, but before he could take a closer look, she turned around quietly and drifted away.

Ye Chong sighed softly, looked around again, and muttered involuntarily:

"It's understandable for Xin Xiaomeng to appear here.

However, it was a bit strange that Zhang Dong and the others didn't come here.

Is it...

Was it because she wanted to come here, so she avoided it on purpose?


Time is precious and nobody bothers me, exactly what I expected. "


After closing the door, Ye Chong breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the contract with Hu Ke in the Martial Arts Field did not turn the opponent into a honeycomb, there is no doubt that he has achieved very unexpected results.

Hook's 1500 million points.

2000 million points for the warrior in black.

The income of these two items alone is 3500 million points.

Undoubtedly, with so many points, he can reserve a lot of high-level magic weapon liquid, so he won't have to worry about that stuff for a while.

But soon, Ye Chong frowned and sat on the chair, staring at the scene outside the window in a daze.

The last time the dragon sucked the ground, what shocked him the most was not the appearance of more and more mutant beasts above SS1, but the insect beasts that came out of nowhere.

This mysterious branch of the mutated orcs shocked him a lot. At least he hasn't thought of a good way to contend with these guys yet.

In addition to this matter, there was another matter that gave him a headache.

The mutant bear of the Lu beast tribe is not only amazing in strength, but also has a high IQ, and has listed him as the target of hunting down. If he goes to Longsudi again, he has to be more careful.

In addition, after entering the Dragon Sucking Land twice in a row, they were besieged by men in gray clothes from the Mou family. The next time they go, they will probably encounter the same crisis again. If this problem cannot be fundamentally resolved, then there is no doubt that It is bound to bury hidden dangers for his future martial arts path.

The key is more than that.

A wave of waves has risen again.

In today's battle in the Martial Arts Arena, students from the subcontinent of the Nine Martial Arts Academy suffered heavy casualties. Although the incident happened for a reason and it was a fair competition under the watchful eyes of everyone, but with the subcontinent's character of vengeance, he will definitely face many in the future. dark danger.

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