at the same time.

Variant Biology Lab.

The older female teacher was lying in front of the computer, constantly moving the mouse, her eyes were fixed on the screen, widened for a while, narrowed for a while, and she was still chanting.

"From the information found on the website of the National Martial Arts Federation, there are no more than 1 teams in the major martial arts academies across the country that can hunt and kill mutant beasts above SS200 level.

As for the students who can independently hunt and kill monsters of this level...

There is no detailed data yet.

However, one post speculated that as of the end of last month, the number would not exceed 100.

Moreover, such elites are mainly concentrated in the Imperial Martial Arts Academy and Huaxia Martial Arts Academy, and there should be less than 5 people in Kyushu Martial Arts Academy who can do this.

Apart from the three major martial arts schools, there will be no more than 1 students in other martial arts schools who can independently kill mutant beasts above level SS10.

Well, this guy named Ye Chong is one of the five people in Jiuwu Academy who can do this, and he can be called an elite talent.

Not even that.

The SS1-level and above mutant beast materials he brought back this time were not one set, but five sets.

And, don't forget, there is also a powerful SS2-level nuclear mutant rhino.

A nuclear mutant monster of this level is not easy to deal with even if it is encountered by a junior martial artist of the human race.

However, judging from Ye Chong's latest information, he is only a student of elementary martial arts fighters, and the automatic blood tester just now proved this point.

With his current cultivation base, it is unbelievable that he wants to hunt such a high-level monster.

So, what's going on here?

Is it...

Is it really like what he said, these things were picked up after the thunderstorm?

Ha ha.

How can there be such good luck?

If there is a large-scale thunder disaster nearby, it is impossible for us not to feel it, at least the meteorological department will broadcast it.

So, where is the problem?

It's just a pity that according to the relevant regulations of the Global Martial Arts Federation, the National Martial Arts Department and the Nine Martial Arts Academy, in order to protect the privacy and strength of the fighters, we can't ask the parties about the specific process of hunting mutant beasts at will, and we can only temporarily believe in the so-called thunder disaster statement.

However, since Ye Chong is the focus of the school committee's attention, of course I have to form a report on everything about him and send it to the principal's office.

Ha ha.

Then let the school committee decide everything. "

The female teacher stretched her waist, and then buried her head in typing.

Interestingly, almost the same scene also happened in the mission hall.


Xiong Biao, who was sitting on the computer chair, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, then put his feet on the computer desk amidst the smoke, and then heaved a long sigh.

"I didn't expect Brother Ye to be really powerful.

Ha ha.

Fortunately, I restrained my temper at that time, otherwise, I really offended this rising martial arts star, and I, Xiong Biao, might not be able to get along in the future.




is happiness.

If we really maintain this relationship well, I'm afraid that I, Xiong Biao, may have a chance to succeed in the future.

Well, in the animal eye bags brought by brother Ye this time, there are the animal eye bags of an SS1-level mutant wildebeest, and the animal eye bags of an SS1-level mutant moose, and the other one is the animal eye bag of an SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros. Animal eye skin sac.

Each of these high-level monsters is more powerful than the other.

If Brother Ye killed all these mutated beasts himself, then there is no doubt that it shows one thing——

Not only is he outstanding in the Nine Martial Arts Academy, even if he looks at all the martial arts academies in the whole country, he is also an absolute elite enough to be ranked in the top ten.


Did he really kill these high-level mutant beasts independently?

Or as he himself said, they were picked up by accident?

Ha ha.

Don't forget, last time he also handed in the animal eye bag of a SS1-level mutant beast. After later inspection, it was found that it was the animal eye bag of an extremely rare SS1-level mutant beast.

SS1 level mutant bear!

This is no ordinary SS1 monster.

Even if it is a junior martial arts fighter of the human race, it will take a lot of effort to hunt and kill, not to mention that Brother Ye is only a junior martial arts fighter.

What the hell is going on here?

It's really confusing.

However, judging from the information released by the National Martial Arts United Network, the other two of the three major martial arts colleges in China—Imperial Martial Arts College and Huaxia Martial Arts College, both emerged during this period of several leapfrog hunting SS1-level mutant beasts the Wizards.

If so, it is not surprising that Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, as one of the three major martial arts academies in China, has a martial arts genius like Brother Ye.

However, what he turned in this time were three high-level monsters, especially the SS2-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros, which was even more powerful and terrifying. As a junior martial arts fighter, how did Brother Ye kill it? ?

Ha ha.

It seems that we can only believe that it was picked up.

However, I need to think carefully about the wording of this report, so as not to cause trouble to Brother Ye. "

While smoking a cigarette, Xiong Biao closed his eyes, apparently meditating on words.

school cafeteria.

After Ye Chong ate and drank, he couldn't help frowning when he saw the dripping wine liquid on the table.

However, he quickly packed up the cutlery, wrapped the broken glass with a napkin, threw it into a special trash can, and then took the cutlery to the cutlery recycling table.


The phone text message rang.

Ye Chong opened it and saw that it was a colorful electronic invitation letter. It basically meant that he was invited to participate in a competition called "Martial Academy Discussing Dao". International Martial Arts Exchange Conference Balabala, the sender of the information is the National Martial Arts United Network.

He couldn't help but twitched his mouth, shook his head with a smile, and deleted the text message casually.

"I didn't expect that in this era, there is still such advertising garbage.


It should be a scam text message.

It is estimated that as soon as you sign up or something, you will start with the registration fee and collect money one after another.

But the problem is...

Does anyone really dare to lay hands on warriors these days?

Ma Dan.

Are you not afraid of being wiped out by a violent warrior?

To take a step back, even if the martial artist doesn't do it himself, the relevant organizations can't let it harm the martial artist, right?



Anyway, I'm fine if I don't fall for it. "

After Ye Chong returned to the 3691 dormitory, he first added the magic liquid to the blade of the starry sky, then threw all the coats and backpacks that needed to be cleaned into the washing machine, and then tidied them up briefly, and lay down on the bed.

no way.

I haven't been idle all night, and I have been busy all morning. Now I am really tired and tired, and I can hardly open my eyes.

Take a break for a while, there are important things to do in the afternoon.

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