Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 357 Demonstration

12: 10.

school cafeteria.

Ye Chong sat alone at the dining table in the corner and ate heartily.

That eating gesture was graceful at first, at least the movements were not big.

But it wasn't long before he became wild and wild.

no way.

I can't suppress it.

I couldn't be happier.

Today's points harvest is a bit unexpected.

Even if he has always been stable, it is difficult to restrain the excitement.

Teacher Liu Yun called to buy 3 million points for S100 powder-winged birds.

The mission hall sells 1 million points including SS1-level mutant wildebeest, SS2-level mutant moose, SS1095-level nuclear mutant rhinoceros and other animals.

1700 million points earned by the Mutant Creatures Research Office from selling the claw powder.

The 1 million credits obtained by the Mutant Creature Research Office from selling the complete animal eyes and complete claws of the SS920 mutant rhinoceros.

The Mutant Biology Research Office earned 1 million points from selling the complete animal eyes, complete wolf teeth and complete claws of the SS1318-level Big Big Wolf.

A total of 5133 million points.

You must know that these are the points of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, not money. For martial arts practitioners, the amount of points often means how far the martial arts road can go in the future, and it also shows the strength of strength from another level.

Every student who enters Jiuwu Academy gets 100 million initial points. If planned properly, these 100 million points are enough for a person to break through from a quasi-warrior to a martial artist. From this perspective, it can also be seen that 100 million points represent what.

And Ye Chong got as many as 5133 million points today, which is equivalent to a little more than the initial points of 51 people.

What this number means is self-evident, how can it not make people crazy and happy?


Ye Chong drank a big mouthful of red wine, then grabbed a roasted goose leg and took a hard bite, the juice was dripping and the aroma was tangy, the feeling was incomparably comfortable and indescribable.

At this moment, there were many students around who were quietly looking at Ye Chong, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it. He just ate with relish, as if he was the only one left in the world.

"The materials for the mutant beast have been processed.

Overall, much better than I expected.

Especially those horn powders of S3 mutant rhinoceros, SS1 mutant wildebeest, SS1 mutant moose, and SS2 nuclear mutant rhinos, not only did not reduce the value, but made the old yellow hair feel like a treasure.


This... is really a good thing that is somewhat surprising.

In other words, after the little villain has absorbed the essence of animal horns, the remaining powdered animal horns are not garbage, but expensive junk with doubled value.

There is also the claw powder, which is also the same, which brought me an unexpected surprise.


The rest of the time, apart from going to the library to look up information, is to prepare for the next day's martial arts competition with peace of mind.

Don't be careless at that time, and let that arrogant guy take advantage of the loopholes. "


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of steady footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion all around.

"Look, Hook is here, oh my god, his aura is too strong, has he broken through again?"

"Tomorrow is the honeycomb appointment between Ye Chong and Hook. At that time, the two of them will have a showdown in the martial arts arena. It seems that whoever loses will give the other 500 million points. Wow, 500 million, I'll fuck it. It's so exciting."

"Huh? Ye Chong's combat power is very strong, but Hu Ke's martial arts cultivation is higher, and he has made continuous breakthroughs recently. Now... my God, has he reached the peak of an intermediate martial arts fighter? Such a strong sense of oppression .”

"Damn it, how come Hook's blood exploded, everyone back up quickly, and be careful not to get hurt."

"You can't use weapons in the Martial Arts Field. You can only fight with your own strength. Hu Ke is so powerful, I think Ye Chong will be finished. After all, one is a peak intermediate martial arts fighter, and the other is an elementary martial arts fighter. There is a big difference in realm cultivation. .”

"Hehe, you said... they won't fight today, right?"

"Probably not. After all, 500 million points. If Hu Ke disabled Ye Chong today, and the other party can't participate tomorrow, wouldn't that be against a lot of points?"

"Hey, it's hard to say. Did you see that Hu Ke went straight to Ye Chong."


Amidst the noise around, Ye Chong continued to eat and drink as if he didn't know it, while Hu Ke stood quietly three meters away in front of him, his face was glowing red, and he looked like he was bursting with energy and blood.

However, when Hu Ke saw that Ye Chong was still eating and drinking unaffected, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and a faint red mist flashed above his head.


The glass of red wine on the dining table burst silently and suddenly, and the remaining wine dripped quietly, dripping to the ground, as if blood was dripping.


Ye Chong still seemed to be ignorant, eating the white rice poured with gravy unhurriedly, making a rattling sound from time to time, looking intoxicated.

"Kid, remember, don't be late tomorrow." Hook snorted, with a ferocious smile on his face, "By the way, don't forget to put on your diapers, I don't want to smell your shit and urine It stinks."


There was a burst of laughter and noise at the scene.


dong dong!

Boom boom boom!

Hook paused every step, full of momentum, and went away with a bang, as if a chariot was driving into the distance.

Ye Chong didn't look up from the beginning to the end, and was still eating at his own pace.

However, if someone observes closely, he will notice that his two forearms are swollen and swaying, as if endless power is rushing around inside, waiting for the crazy catharsis, and inadvertently, a drop Sweat slipped quietly across his left temple, and then disappeared without a trace.

"did not expect.

In such a short period of time, this guy has soared from the beginning of the intermediate martial arts fighter to the peak of the intermediate martial arts fighter, and he is only one step away from the advanced martial arts fighter.

Undoubtedly, the improvement of the cultivation base will allow the overall growth of physical data such as physique, blood and spirit.

That guy's outburst of energy and blood just now brought me a lot of pressure.

and also.

Of course, his agility and combat skills will also improve and become stronger than before.

It seems that tomorrow's battle will not be easy, and I really have to prepare seriously. "

While Ye Chong was thinking about it secretly, Hu Ke, who had already left the restaurant, also frowned, his heart was churning.


This kid Ye Chong is quite capable.

I had already erupted with [-]% of my energy and blood just now, but he seemed to be fine.

It's a bit strange.

It seems that I still can't be careless. After all, this guy is a master in actual combat. If he is not careful, he will gain the upper hand.


In order to ensure the victory of tomorrow's battle, I also need to prepare some auxiliary means.


Ye Chong, since you are so awesome and arrogant, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

When thinking of this, Hook couldn't help but smile sinisterly, his right hand was in his arms instantly, as if he was groping for something, and an indescribable evil light shone in his eyes.

It felt like an experienced hunter looking at a hare that had already been trapped in the net with a sarcasm, looking extremely cruel.

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