Ye Chong quickly packed up the materials for the mutated mandrill, and tidied up the military nanobag that he was carrying.

Seeing the old yellow-haired Walter White holding the horn of the SS1-level mutant rhino, still looking like he couldn't put it down, he couldn't help coughing, and said with a smile:

"The mutated mandrill is a social animal, small-minded and very vengeful.

This time they suffered a lot of losses, and they knew we were here.

So it is very likely that the high-level monsters in the family will be entangled to chase us down.

In addition, as you know, it is very close to the area of ​​Dragon Suction Land.

There are a large number of land animals, insects and birds around, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, we better get out of here quickly before we get surrounded by monsters.

At that time, it's hard to say whether I can run away, let alone you.

So, you'd better not look at that stuff, go back and have plenty of time, just look at it as you like.

By the way, Mr. Walter, I forgot to ask you, how did you get here? "

"Haha, isn't that easy?" The old yellow-haired Walter White laughed triumphantly, and then carried the nano bag containing the SS1 mutant rhino horn, "Ye, let me tell you, I am a A very smart person, I know that if I want to leave the school gate, I will definitely be discovered by the military, the government or people from the school, so..."

When he was talking about this, the old yellow-haired Walter White took out the cigarette and the lighter, lit it with a snap, and then exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "So, of course I came along the Jiuwu River .”

"Huh? You came here by boat?" Ye Chong raised his eyebrows, then frowned, slapped his nose, then glanced towards the west side of the woodland, then waved his hand and walked eastward and said, "Okay, you You still dare to smoke, because you are afraid that the mutant beasts will not find us, right?"

"Chong, no, Ye, don't be afraid, with you here, we have nothing to fear." The old yellow-haired Walter White grinned, "Also, Ye, I found that you are a very simple Dude, haha, if I leave by boat from the pier, people from the school will find me immediately, and there is no way to give me a chance to take a boat."

"Yo, you know that too?" Ye Chong smiled, "Then how did you get here? Swimming over?"

"Yes, Ye, you are so right." The old yellow-haired Walter White took a deep breath of the cigarette, then slowly let it out, and said with a smile: "Of course I came by swimming, otherwise, I would How did you go down this damn route?"

"What?!" Ye Chong was a little confused, "How is this possible?"

He understood very well.

The surface of the Jiuwu River is calm, but the bottom is constantly swirling and the undercurrent is surging. In addition, there are many tributaries along the road, and the flow direction is complicated, which is very dangerous. A chance to get out of the water.

Also, if you want to swim from Jiuwu Academy, you have to travel tens of kilometers. Even if there is no undercurrent in Jiuwu River, such a long distance is definitely not something that ordinary people can do casually.

"Why is it impossible?" The old yellow-haired Walter White patted his backpack, "Ye, don't forget, we humans are not beasts, we are equipped, as long as we want to do one thing, then Anything is possible."

"Huh?" Ye Chong looked puzzled, and then the corner of his mouth turned up, "You mean self-inflating equipment? Is it a self-inflating hovercraft?"

"Of course not, that thing is too troublesome, and the target is really too big." The old yellow-haired Walter White shook his head with a smile, then took out something from his backpack, shook the water on it and said:

"Dear Ye, this thing is called a military wing suit, and it is a multifunctional piece of equipment, as long as you put it on, you can float in the water.



I want to wear it myself, it is the simplest kayak, and I don’t have to worry about capsizing or sinking, it is very practical.

Well, Ye, this is a good thing for you, I think maybe you should really try it. "

"Oh, hehe, so that's how it is." Ye Chong couldn't help but suddenly realized, and suddenly remembered the instruction manual of the military wing suit, "Yes, it can indeed be used as a kayak, well, with the help of this kind of thing, Then it will be much easier for us to return to Zhongdu.”

In the following time, Ye Chong and the old yellow-haired Walter White quickly moved eastward.

When there was a burst of animal roars from behind, the two of them had already rushed into the water wearing military wing suits, and then quickly went away along the current.

5 minute later.

There were hundreds of mutated mandrills standing on the bank where Ye Chong and the old yellow-haired Walter White left, roaring endlessly.

Among the more than a hundred mutated mandrills, five of them are particularly tall. If you can see their eyes, you will find that four of them are SS1-level mutated mandrills, and the other one is SS2. Level mutant mandrill.

At this moment, the tallest and mightiest SS2-level mutant mandrill was looking at the Jiuwu River rolling eastward, with a ferocious expression and a low growl.

But soon at the next moment, it turned around suddenly, then raised its head and roared violently to the sky, then walked towards the west side of the woodland.

At the same time, the remaining four SS1-level mutant mandrills and the rest of the mutant mandrills stopped roaring and roaring immediately, rumbled away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, on a river more than a thousand meters away, Ye Chong and the old yellow-haired Walter White lay close together on the water, with one head facing west and the other facing east. Chatting with a smile.

"Mr. White, don't just chat and watch the way. If you rush to the river bank, it will be troublesome." Ye Chong looked westward to observe the situation upstream. Seeing that there were no mutant beasts chasing him, he was finally I felt relieved, "There are many river forks here, I don't want to get lost."

"Don't worry, Ye, I am a person with very rich experience in field work." The old yellow-haired Walter White is obviously in a good mood, "Especially in rafting, I have decades of practical experience, so you Don’t worry about anything, well, tell me now, how did you kill this SS1 mutant rhino?”

"Oh, it's simple." Ye Chong shrugged, "Maybe it's luck, I ran into it when I went to the toilet."

"What?! Ye, you are dishonest." The old yellow-haired Walter White immediately cast a look of disbelief, "Well, Ye, I am not a child, I hope you will not lie to me, haha, I am Saw something else in your military nanobag."

"Huh?" Ye Chong couldn't help but smiled, of course he knew what the other party was referring to, "Hehe, I really have to admit that nothing can be hidden from the eyes of an experienced old fritter—Mr. Walter."

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