Of course, Ye Chong didn't rush directly into the battle group, but crouched on a big tree in the downwind and observed.

Fortunately, he has good agility, and he arrived here quietly, without attracting the attention of the mutant beast.

However, when he saw the situation in the center of the battle group clearly, he couldn't stay any longer.

There was a guy in big pants panting heavily, looking in a mess.

"It really is him!


The old yellow-haired Walter White is really worrying.

If I hadn't smelled the animal repelling powder and arrived here in time, judging by his current state, he would definitely die today.


More than a dozen S1 mutant mandrills.

Eighty-nine S2-level mutant mandrills.

Five or six S3-level mutant mandrills.

Ha ha.

It is a miracle that this buddy can persist until now.

and also.

Didn't this bastard say that there is only one bottle of second-level animal repelling powder?

Why do I smell the beast-repelling powder he sprinkled, it's the second grade?



Follow me!

Damn liar. "

Ye Chong understood very well.

Without considering the help of beast exorcising fans, relying on the strength shown by the old yellow-haired Walter White, at most it is the middle-level level of junior martial arts fighters. It is not a big problem to fight S1-level mutant beasts, but it is necessary to fight against S2 monsters. It would be tiring to fight with super mutant beasts, let alone S3 mutant beasts.

Looking at the situation in front of him, if he delays for a few more minutes, this guy will undoubtedly die.


Ye Chong stepped on a branch with one foot, and immediately took off, flying straight into the battle group like a night owl.


The old yellow-haired Walter White yelled and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he swung his hand and sprinkled a handful of animal repelling powder on Ye Chong's face.

"Fake oil!" Ye Chong yelled angrily, and then he slashed with the Starry Sky Blade in his hand, knocking an S3-level mutant mandrill to the ground, "Your servant! Don't you only have a bag of second-level animal repelling powder? Then what did you sprinkle just now?!"

"Chong?! Haha! Crush!" The old yellow-haired Walter White screamed in surprise, "It's really Nima, oh my god, my dear Chong?!"

"Nima, you bastard, don't step on the horse and tell me to rush!" Ye Chong flew up and down the star blade in his hand, cha cha cha, and chopped three S2-level mutant mandrills into several sections, "Call me Ye, Big leaf, old leaf, any leaf is fine, just don’t tell me to rush, Ma!”

"Okay, sir, I'll remember." The old yellow-haired Walter White got up, dancing with hands and feet, so excited that his voice changed:

"Master, how do you know I'm here?

God, are you here to save me?


damn it.

I'm running out of my second level animal repelling powder.


My dear master, if you come a little later, I will die.

Lord, I love you! "


Ye Chong didn't tense up all of a sudden, his body shook involuntarily, so that he didn't fall headfirst to the ground.

"Haha, my dear, you are simply amazing." The old yellow-haired Walter White was really excited:

"By the way, lord, I forgot to tell you that my second-level animal repellent powder is refined from the raw materials obtained from the laboratory of mutant biology.

how about it?

The effect is not bad.

These damn mutant beasts dare not approach me at all.

Well, Grandpa, you hide behind me now, let me protect you, dear Grandpa. "


Ye Chong's right hand stared at the blade flying up and down, but his left hand quietly covered his mouth.

no way.

If he didn't do this, he was really afraid that he would not be able to hold back and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Shut up!" After Ye Chong knocked over an S3-level mutant mandrill, he couldn't help but glared at the old yellow-haired Walter White, "If you don't talk, no one will think you are dumb, and, yes What to say, let’s wait until the battle is over.”

"God, I just saw, my dear, what is behind your back?!" The old yellow-haired Walter White seemed to have not heard the other person's voice, and his big eyes were fixed on the SS1 mutant The rhinoceros's unicorn suddenly radiated a greedy and passionate light from its eyes:

"All right.

damn it.

I thought, this must be the horn of an SS1 mutant rhinoceros.

Oh, God.

Oh my goodness.

Oh my God.

all the gods.

Come and bless me.

Shit, I'm going to die.


This is what I dream of.


Dear lord, you are simply too beautiful, I love you, lord.

Haha, you know, I love your hair, it reminds me of Doug. "

"Shut up! It's Ye! Ye! Ye! It's not Master!" Ye Chong didn't stop his hands or mouth, and a look of helplessness appeared on his face, "You'd better speak clearly! Otherwise, I I will throw away the unicorn horn of this SS1 mutant rhino!"

"No! Well, lord, I'll call you lord, isn't that right?" The old yellow-haired Walter White was extremely excited, his eyes were fixed on the SS1-level mutant rhino's horn, and he refused to leave the horn, "Okay Well, lord, I have to admit that you have helped me a lot this time, so I will reward you, dear lord, I will let you have a higher level of animal repellent fans, okay, do you like it? "

"Okay, then it's up to you." Ye Chong agreed casually, and then turned his body around, the blade of the starry sky slashed randomly, and two S3-level mutant mandrills and three S2-level mutant mandrills immediately died on the spot. .


The remaining mutated mandrills scattered like birds and beasts, and fled desperately towards the west.


Ye Chong took out the unicorn of the SS1 mutant rhinoceros, packed it in a military nano bag, and handed it to the old yellow-haired Walter White, saying:


Give you.

In my opinion, you should take this by yourself.

Save it with me, you always miss it. "

"Okay, that's great, my dear." The old yellow-haired Walter White looked happy, and immediately took the horn of the SS1-level mutant rhino with both hands, "Oh my god, it's so beautiful, isn't it? You Just look at the texture of it, it's really beautiful."

Speaking of which, the horn of this SS1-level mutant rhinoceros is not light. It is estimated that it must weigh at least one or two hundred catties. Unexpectedly, the old yellow-haired Walter White held it in his hand like a plastic toy.

Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled secretly, and then asked:

"You came out this time, you probably didn't tell the above?

Ha ha.

If the military and the government find out, it is estimated that the pot will be fried.


If something really happened here, I don't know how many people will be punished.

Can't you consider other people's feelings when you do things in the future?


I think I have to stay away from you in the future, lest I get into trouble when I have nothing to do. "

"No, Ye, I left a note for them." The old yellow-haired Walter White gently stroked the SS1-level mutant rhino's horn, grinning, his voice had already returned to normal, "I wrote very Be clear, if anything happens to me outside, it has nothing to do with others, and I will take full responsibility personally."

"Hehe." Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, then bent down to collect the materials of the mutant beast, and muttered in his mouth: "It's useless, if something happens, it will be bad luck or it will be bad luck, and no one will run away at that time." No."

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