Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 313 The Golden Tadpole


A roar suddenly came from near the garden in the middle of the street, which made people's eardrums buzz.

Ye Chong frowned slightly, opened his eyes quietly, and then his body flashed against the ground, and he came to the edge of the rooftop.

The bright moon is hazy, and the night is lingering.

In the shadows, one can see that on the west side of the garden in the middle of the street, there is a huge mutant beast standing proudly, roaring in the northwest direction continuously.

At the same time, behind the huge monster, an unknown number of mutant beasts had already gathered, all roaring in low voices, roaring continuously, as if they were about to rush out at any time.


It was too far away.

After Ye Chong became a martial artist, his eyesight had improved significantly, but he couldn't see clearly what was going on several miles away under the cover of night.

"Judging from its size, roar, and aura, that guy is most likely an SS1 monster.

However, it is hard to say what kind it is.

It looks like a mutated elephant, or a mutated bison, or maybe a mutated...rhinoceros?

It's so far away that I can't really see it.

Judging from the approximate ratio of it to the mutant beast behind it, this high-level mutant beast with four legs on the ground is very tall. It is estimated that the shoulder height should be about seven or eight meters. It roars like thunder and is full of momentum. It is likely to be an SS1-level mutant beast. True.

The issue is……

what is it doing?

Who is it yelling at?

Not toward me, but west...northwest?

what's there?

Is it a mutant beast?

Or something else?

The key is to hear anger, irritability and warning from the roar of this giant mutant beast, but why didn't there be a fight?

If it is really an SS1 mutant beast, then what else is there to be afraid of?

What's more, isn't there a huge number of mutant beasts behind it?

What exactly is going on?

It seems...

I really have to go see it. "

When thinking of this, Ye Chong quietly grabbed the blade of the starry sky, but at the next moment, his body froze, and he put the blade of the starry sky back to its original place.

no way.

The blade of the starry sky was shaking, and it kept shaking, as if a person was shaking when he had a fever.

At this time, Ye Chong didn't have the heart to pay attention to the things in the garden in the middle of the street, but devoted all his energy to observing the blade of the starry sky.

It is indeed trembling.

The blade was trembling.

The scabbard was shaking too.

What's interesting is that there is no sound at all, as if a person with a fever is clenching his teeth and desperately enduring all the pain, and it seems that it is moaning silently because of happiness.

Soon, Ye Chong quietly sat down cross-legged, quietly looked at the blade of the starry sky, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and gently closed his eyes.

"It must be the magic weapon liquid that has played a role.

Under its nourishment, the blade of the starry sky is undergoing wonderful changes.

What changed, I don't know.

However, I can feel that Starry Sky Blade has a depressing sense of satisfaction at this time, very much like a person who has been hungry for three days and three nights, suddenly eats the delicious food of the supreme under heaven, that feeling of happiness is simply overwhelming. indescribable.

and so……

I shouldn't disturb it now, let alone take it out, but should silently guard it, accompany it, and wait for it to wake up slowly.


Blade of the Starry Sky, my partner, don't worry, with me here, you can enjoy life unrestrainedly and enjoy the joy of growing up. "


An inaudible voice came out, as if it appeared in reality, but also seemed to come from the depths of the soul.

The corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up involuntarily, but his eyes finally remained closed, and he soon began to practice "Jingyuan Thorn".

Practicing spiritual exercises in an open place is of course better than practicing in a closed space. After all, it is necessary to absorb and absorb the most elusive pure energy in the universe. Naturally, the less barriers between each other, the better.

The night passed quietly, and when it was almost dawn, Ye Chong slowly grabbed the blade of the starry sky, entered the corridor, and closed the roof door.


The blade of the starry sky was slowly unsheathed, and a gleam of cold light flashed across the dark blade quietly. He raised the blade and slashed down, frowning involuntarily.

"The efficiency and strength of Qi and Blood Surge should not have changed.

The cold light was shining just now, and it seems that it is not much different from before.


its weight?

Is this heavy?

Still lighter?

What a strange feeling.

I clearly know that some impurities have been separated from the blade of the Starry Sky Blade by gasification, but it gives me a heavier feeling.

It's like holding a basin of water, and some water has been poured out, but it makes people feel that the weight has increased.

Is it my illusion?


Is my strength getting weaker?

Ha ha.


The problem doesn't stop there.

Ever since the blade of the starry sky recognized its master with blood, it seems to have become a part of my body.

Whenever I grab the handle of the knife, I can faintly feel the change from the blade.

Just like now.


Are those...

Is it the pattern of law engraved in the blade? "

At this moment, Ye Chong frowned slightly, closed his eyes and looked inside.

In the blade of Starry Sky Blade, there are three golden tadpoles swimming around, looking naughty and cute, and two golden tadpoles are obviously much thinner, trembling slightly, Dying, people can't help but feel compassion when they see it.

What's interesting is that when the three naughty little golden tadpoles were swimming, there was always a cold ripple across the blade, emitting a dense cold air.

"That's right.

The little golden tadpole is the pattern of law.

Every little golden tadpole carried an inexplicable murderous aura, even... even the two dying golden tadpoles were murderous, very impressive.

When I purchased the Blade of the Starry Sky, I said in the introduction that according to the plan, the Blade of the Starry Sky was to be refined into a weapon for intermediate warriors, but I did not expect that something unexpected happened during the refining process, which caused the pattern of the law There is a flaw in the inscription, so it can only be used as a weapon for elementary and high-rank warriors.


If so, the two dying golden tadpoles should be the pattern of unsound laws engraved when the accident happened, right?

I remember that after I recognized the owner with a drop of blood, I also observed the blade, but felt that there were a few small dots lying still in the blade, and I knew it was the pattern of law at the time, but I didn't have any more thoughts.

Looking at it now, the pattern of the law is really full of spirituality, and it can also swim freely in the space of the blade body.


Looking at it this way, I spent 100 million points to buy the magic liquid, which is really worth it. At least the first time I use it, it makes the pattern of law in the blade of the starry sky come alive.

If I can continue to use it, the effect will be even more unexpected, right?

However, don't worry now, there are other things that need to be done. "


With a happy expression on Ye Chong's face, he slowly inserted the Starry Sky Blade into the scabbard.

But before that, he first gently turned the scabbard upside down and knocked it down, but there was still no trace of liquid flowing out.

He knew in his heart that the magic liquid had already been completely absorbed by the blade of the starry sky.

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