It was three o'clock in the afternoon when Ye Chong left the arsenal. He hadn't reached the tower yet, and he saw a tuft of old yellow hair fluttering in the wind on the balcony of the 3691 dormitory from a distance.


He immediately dodged to the side, and then left the school without hesitation. Anyway, he had already made preparations, and it would be fine to leave early and late.

The important thing is that you must never bring the old yellow-haired Walter White. This is not because it is useless to bring the other party, but because it is simply irresponsible.

In case something happens to Old Huang Mao outside and he is finished, then don't say anything, Ye Chong is also finished in this life.

After all, the old yellow-haired Walter White is a world-class toxicologist. His existence is of great significance to the entire human race, and there must be no mistakes.

After leaving the school gate, Ye Chong rode an electric shared bicycle and headed straight to the western suburbs of Zhongdu City.

"At first, I wanted to get the protective clothing and protective shoes before leaving, but now I can't, but according to Bao Sihai, I have no problem wearing a military wingsuit to pass through the high-light grid."

After arriving in the western suburbs, Ye Chong found a remote place and changed into a military wingman suit, and then went straight to the suburbs along the route he took to the city in a military armored vehicle.

It should be said that the layout of the high-light grid is still very particular.

When the high-light grid is officially in use, it is difficult for the huge mutant beast to pass through the twists and turns and the intertwined step voltage.

Even according to the old yellow-haired Walter White, some mutant beasts, especially high-level monsters, have improved electrical resistance, but it does not mean that they can escape the monitoring of the central control system.

Speaking of which, the protective effect of the military wing suit is not bad. Ye Chong went all the way out of the city and left the defense area of ​​the high-light grid, and did not encounter any trouble during the period.

When it was dark, Ye Chong arrived at the east side of Longsudi. However, he did not rush into Xizhen, but stopped in another cave more than [-] meters away from the previous cave.

At around 11 o'clock in the night, he quietly appeared on the high place of the small hill, watching Xizhen under the night, silently.

"Of course I have to choose a high spot to camp.

This has at least three advantages.

The first advantage is to stand tall, see far, and be able to have a panoramic view of the surrounding situation, so that you can judge the situation, not panic, and make decisions calmly.

The second advantage is that you can leave at least three escape routes.

For example, when stationed on the roof, the stair passage is one of my entry and exit routes, and the drainage pipeline from the roof is also a way to leave. In addition, it is also a good choice to directly use the military wing suit to fly off the roof.

The third benefit is security issues.

If I use the corpse of the mutant beast as an obstacle in the passageway of the rooftop stairs, it can prevent the mutant beasts below from rushing upwards, and I can also close the rooftop door, and use the enclosed space as my safe zone, which is also an ideal The way.

In addition, there are many other benefits.

For example, practicing exercises and combat skills on the rooftop, or using the rooftop water tank rationally, or lying on the ground in a daze...

Ha ha.

It's quite interesting to think about it. "

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and the bird went straight to Xizhen without a sound.

However, shortly after entering, he stopped.

"There are two high-rise buildings in West Town, which are twin buildings.

If you are stationed on it, the view and other aspects are naturally the best.

However, as the highest point of West Town, the Twin Towers are too ambitious.

Almost every person or mutant beast who enters West Town knows that it is the highest point, so, hehe, it is likely to be the most popular area for coming and going.

and so……

I can't choose there.

Then, there is the small high-level.

The small high-rise closest to the garden in the middle of the street, that is, the small high-rise that I flew away with the help of a military winged man suit, could not be chosen either.

Too conspicuous.

In addition, it is too close to the upper floors of the Twin Towers, so it is easy to become the next target of the search.

After all, not long ago, seven men in gray clothes died near the garden in the middle of the street, so I had to think about it.

As for the middle-aged gray-clothed man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and the small high-level SS1-level mutant bear corpse, they can't choose either.

Otherwise, didn't you just make trouble for yourself?

I wanted to get rid of the relationship at first, but where do I go?


Where should I choose? "


Ye Chong looked around in the dim night, and soon locked on several small high-rises in the northeast corner of West Town.

Although it is a bit far away from the central garden and the main square, the terrain is high and the layout of the small high-rise buildings is reasonable, so if you observe from the small high-rise rooftops there, you should be able to have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

The most important thing is that there are relatively open areas around those small high-rise buildings, and they are far away from the entrance and exit of West Town, which brings a relatively large buffer space.

"There it is.

You can attack when you advance, you can defend when you retreat, and it is relatively quiet. These points are in line with my purpose of leveling out day and night.

Most importantly, there is still an outlet.

If there is a major crisis at that time, I will use the military wing suit to evacuate, and the wind will help me, which is not the same as without the wind.

Then go now. "

There are five small high-rise buildings in the northeast corner of Xizhen. Ye Chong did not choose the middle one, but directly chose the one closest to the northeast corner.

What he didn't expect was that there were quite a few mutant beasts in this small high-rise, most of which were S1 and S2 mutant beasts. To him now, there was basically no threat.

However, Ye Chong was not in a hurry to destroy them, but rushed all the way to the rooftop along the stairway.

The next thing is much easier.

As soon as the roof door was closed, they went straight to the corridor and killed all the S1 and S2 mutant beasts.

Originally, he wanted to attract all the mutant beasts to the rooftop before doing anything, but he was afraid of making too much noise, so of course he didn't do that.

Soon, Ye Chong collected all the eyes and sharp claws of the mutated beast, and put them in the backpack, together with the little villain.

In addition, the bear bile of an S1-level mutant black bear and an S2-level mutant black bear were also collected by him in another membrane bag.

After that, he piled up the corpses of the mutated beasts among the fellows on the next floor, leaving only a space for one person to barely pass through.

In the next moment, Ye Chong went directly to the rooftop, lay down on the ground casually, with his hands behind his pillow, and looked at the night sky, among the twinkling stars, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.


It has stabilized for the time being.

The little rascal already has something to eat.

The blade of the starry sky should also get some nourishment.

After these things are done, I can concentrate on cultivation.


To be exact, I still practice here during the day, and at night, I go out to sharpen in actual combat.

Ha ha.

It's really nice here.

The years are quiet and good, and I have never been so down-to-earth.

I hope that when I go back, I can return with a full load. "

Soon, Ye Chong took out the magic weapon liquid, and then slowly poured it into the scabbard, and then put the Starry Sky Blade back into the scabbard, but it was not locked tightly, and stood upright on the edge wall of the roof side.


Ye Chong let out a long sigh, and slowly closed his eyes. The feeling at this moment is really wonderful.

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