Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 266 Who Will Kill It

after an hour.

The ship has left the central metropolitan area and entered the barren area.

The surface of the river here has obviously become wider, the vegetation on both sides is rich, and the wind blows continuously, making a rattling sound.


Bao Sihai opened his eyes, glanced at the crowd, and said calmly: "This mission is urgent and dangerous, and there are many novices in the team, so everyone must stay together and take care of each other, and try not to act alone.

In addition, although there are fewer mutated orcs in the Wujiang River, they are less threatening, but we should not take it lightly. After all, many orcs in the mountains and forests are very good at water. If they find us, they may attack from the water.

So, I hope you'd better stay away from the ship's side.

Maybe something in the water is watching us.

and also.

We will disembark in an hour, and it will be difficult to find a chance to sleep, so it is best for everyone to take a nap now, in case something happens and you can't even keep your eyes open. "

After finishing speaking, Bao Sihai closed his eyes again and stopped talking.

Ye Chong frowned, looked at the muddy water surface of the Wujiang River, and instinctively moved his body towards the center.

Wujiang is not a big river, but at this location, the width of the river has already exceeded 40 meters. According to the data, the depth of the water nearby can reach about [-] meters. If there are a few high-level mutant beasts hidden underwater, it should be It's not too difficult.

The key point is that the water in the Wujiang River flows very fast and is extremely turbid. Even if you know that there is nothing underwater, you will feel an inexplicable sense of fear involuntarily.

Although Ye Chong wasn't afraid, he really didn't like to float around on the water, which gave him a sense of powerlessness that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground.

At around 11 o'clock, the Wujiang River began to twist and turn, and the ship also docked at the south bank at the request of Bao Sihai.

Soon, all the members of the Four Seas team disembarked and took a rest on the shore. After seeing the ship go down the current for hundreds of meters, Bao Sihai waved his hand, and they disappeared into the vegetation on the south bank.

At around 12:[-] noon, Bao Sihai raised one arm and stopped moving forward. The members of the Sihai team formed a circle and kept silent.

"There is an S1-level mutant mandrill a hundred meters ahead," Bao Sihai's voice came softly, "We are now downwind, and it hasn't found us yet, but this is the valley of chaotic winds, and the wind direction is changeable, so let's wait a little longer. It will find us, well, this is a rare opportunity, who will kill it?"


The scene suddenly became quiet.

After more than ten seconds, no one made a sound, as if everyone hadn't heard Bao Sihai's words.


Bao Sihai turned his head and saw that everyone was maintaining a good formation, but no one made eye contact with him.

His expression immediately became a little uneasy.

"Made! Are you all pretending to be deaf? You don't even dare to kill S1 level monsters, so why are you still learning martial arts?"

Zhang Dong looked a little ready to move, but he finally gritted his teeth and didn't dare to say anything.

That's right.

S1-level monsters are not something that any quasi-warrior would dare to hunt and kill.

After all, monsters of this level are already equivalent to the level of junior martial arts fighters among human warriors. Regardless of strength, speed, and IQ, they are much stronger than ordinary mutant beasts.

"That's all right, all you gentlemen and aunts, rest here," Bao Sihai said with contempt and disappointment on his face, "I'll go!"

"Wait," Ye Chong took a step closer, "Captain, I want to see if anyone else is going? If no one is going, then I will go up?"

"Don't go up yet!" Bao Sihai waved his hand, "This is a lone S1-level monster. It's a good opportunity for prospective warriors to practice their skills. It's pointless for you to go up! Zhou Fa, you go!"

"" The tall and handsome Zhou Fa pointed at the tip of his nose with an expression of disbelief, "I...I'm just a three-star quasi-warrior, I...can I go up there? "

"If you think it's okay, then it's okay! If you don't think it's okay, then it's definitely not!" Bao Sihai said softly:

"On the battlefield, the word fear has two meanings.

The first meaning is, don’t be afraid of yourself, it’s easy to scare yourself to death.

The second meaning is that you must maintain awe in the face of any opponent.

Zhou Fa, as far as I know, Ye Chong was able to kill S1-level monsters independently before he became a one-star quasi-warrior.

Your foundation is better than him, stronger than him, and you have higher IQ and EQ, there is no reason why you can't compare to him.

Go on!

Fuck it! "


A look of bravery appeared on Zhou Fa's face, his eyes shone brightly, and he seemed extremely excited, and he quickly approached him quietly.

At this time, Ye Chong had a dazed expression on his face, and he muttered in his heart for a while.

"Is the captain praising me, or hitting me?

Do you take me as a positive model, or a negative model?

Why does it sound so awkward and uncomfortable?

In the eyes of the captain, EQ and IQ are not on the top? "

While Ye Chong was thinking wildly, Zhou Fa had already quietly approached the S1 mutant mandrill from the side, and he was about to strike.

"Ye Chong, go up and stare at him." Bao Sihai looked at Ye Chong with piercing eyes, "This idiot's IQ is not good, and his EQ is also eaten by dogs."


Ye Chong stared blankly, and immediately covered his mouth, so as not to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Yes, Captain."

After Ye Chong agreed, he immediately swayed and disappeared into the vegetation on the other side.

At this time, I heard Bao Sihai say to the people behind him:

"Everyone, pay attention to the enemy situation around you.

Enjoy the fight too.

Now is Zhou Fa, the next one is you!

If Zhou Fa died, the two of them dragged the body back and threw it into the river. I can't see the mutated beast eating the living.

and also.

Don't tremble!

keep quiet! "

Zhou Fa's agility is actually very good, and his combat experience is also considered rich, until he was less than 1 meters away from the S20 mutant mandrill, and he hadn't been discovered yet.

He was like a tiger hunting in the forest, moving forward quietly, waiting for an opportunity. As for the S1 mutant mandrill, he continued to squat on the ground, not sure if he was thinking about something, going to the toilet, or... ...Who are you quietly waiting for?

Seeing that Zhou Fa was less than 10 meters away from the target, the S1-level mutated mandrill rose up from the ground with a whoosh, spun around in the air, and then flew towards the bewildered Zhou Fa, its eyes were red. Flashing, full of intriguing sarcasm.


A strange voice sounded, not loud, but very penetrating.

"Not good! It's calling its companions!" Bao Sihai's face was shocked, and then he ordered in a low voice: "Everyone get down, keep silent, and don't let the monster find out."

At the next moment, Zhou Fa fought with the S1 mutant mandrill.

Zhou Fa used a spear, the marksmanship was flexible and changeable, and the lightning was like flying, but obviously the S1-level mutant mandrill was faster, and within a short time, Zhou Fa's body was already covered with scars.

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